I should be past this stage. You know, the stage where the butterflies hit the stomach and have a little party. The tentative release date for Surrendered Victory is June 8, 2008. Do you believe in signs? Sometimes, I do. June 8th would have been my parent's wedding anniversary. My mother and I still always mention it. It's hard to believe my father has been gone for twenty-five years.
Working with Amber Allure has been a breeze. Their process is seamless and painless. The accolades they get from their authors are well-deserved. I sincerely hope I have a home there for the majority of my m/m stories. It's too bad they can't bottle their process or sprinkle it around like fairy dust to benefit all.
…His hand rested on the table, palm down, relaxed. The pale band around his wrist where he normally wore a watch showed off his suntan. Slowly, he rolled his hand over. Anyone watching wouldn’t think a thing about the small gesture, so easy and natural as he did it. But I knew it for what it really was.
Invitation. Promise. Please.
My own personal Rubicon lay before me. The line that once crossed changed worlds. What was would cease and what was to be would come to life with the touch of that hand, and I trembled in the face of it.
Always before I’d shied away from this moment, running from the commitment the acceptance of truth would bring to my door. There would be no more denials, no more flight. If I crossed my Rubicon, I would be forever changed.The freedom that beckoned took my breath away in much the same orgasmic way Dalton did…
Surrendered Victory by KC Kendricks
more info at www.kckendricks.com/SurrenderedVictory.html
KC Kendricks