Friday, February 28, 2025

Surrendered Victory & Passion's Victory headed to KU

February 28, 2025

I'm pleased to now offer Surrendered Victory and Passion's Victory through Kindle Unlimited! They will still be available for purchase for those who want to add them to their permanent library. 

At this time, the plan is for this to be a limited run through about May 31, 2025. 

So go read for free!  


 KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Is it worth a republish?

February 26, 2025

"What should I do next?" is a frequent question. We all ask ourselves this, probably daily. Should I run the vacuum cleaner or maybe brush the dog first? Should I do a load of laundry or wait until tomorrow? Should I republish that story that was part of The Escort series I did with Christiane France, and I wrote by myself since she was so sick? 

Yep. That's the one for today.

The Escort series was written quite a while back. Chris and I started book four, but she fell seriously ill. It ended up that I wrote the book and gave her fifty-percent writing credit. The other books in the series she was a contributor. 

Chris passed away June 19, 2019, and I still miss her. Our writing styles were very similar and we worked well together. I've hesitated to republish the entire Escort series because it was a joint collaboration, except for the one story. 

I think I will call up the file and give it a read-through. I remember I had a lot of ideas for the story that wouldn't fit in the word count limit we set. We wanted to eventually have the entire series published in a paperback, so each story needed to be on the short side. I can look at my notes and expand the story to at least double its current size. That be a good project to work on when I need a break from newer works. 

That's my thought of the day, anyway. 


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:

Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, m/m romance, LGBT gay romance, series romance, Kindle romance, First of February, Hard Habit to Break, Amethyst Cove, Kentucky 98 Proof, romance writer, 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Now available! The First of February by KC Kendricks

February 19, 2025


Jamison Long wasn’t looking for a hook up, much less the man of his dreams. He was looking for a new ride, nothing more. Then Harper Vance walked up and shook his hand, and Jamison was smitten. When Harper’s place of employment shuttered its doors and the owner skipped town without providing severance pay, Jamison seized the opportunity and offered Harper a place to live.

The move is not without consequences. Jamison has an ex determined to undermine his fledging relationship with Harper. The seeds of doubt are planted, leaving Harper unsure if being with Jamison is a good idea. It seems Jamison’s job is the most important thing in his life, just like the ex-boyfriend said.

Jamison fights to prove he’s the man for Harper, but issues arise that Harper can’t overlook. It will take patience and love to prove that their meeting on the first of February was the best thing to happen to both of them. 


Purchase links are below, after the excerpt. 



My line of investigative work made it preferable to drive something two, maybe three, years old. And to my sorrow, it couldn’t be something that stood out from the herd, either. I was looking for a mid-size SUV, white, or silver, which looked like a thousand others zipping around Point Pleasant.

My boss had set me up with a rental and I was making the rounds of the used car lots with an eye on the sky. It looked like it was about to start to snow, and I didn’t like to drive in the white stuff. I eased the car along the line of used SUVs and spotted a pewter-colored Chevy with four-wheel drive. I parked and climbed out to look at the sticker.

“I can make you a good deal on that one.”

I turned to see who’d spoken and looked straight into the most gorgeous brown eyes I’d ever seen. He held his right hand out to me. “I’m Harper Vance, and I’m serious about making you a great deal on this one.”

I shook his hand. “Jamison Long. What’s wrong with it?” There were good deals, and there was my deal. I’d play the game and see which one he’d do.

“Nothing, really. It’s four years old and should have a set of new tires put on it. The mileage is spot on to where it should be for the age of the vehicle. The interior is very clean.”


“I’m pretty sure that’s a yes. I drove it home last night and didn’t detect a whiff of stale smoke.” He flashed me a smile that showed off his even white teeth and brought two laugh lines to the corners of his eyes. He held up a key fob and unlocked the vehicles. “Take a look.”

I’d already seen what I wanted, and I needed more than a key to unlock it. I asked to drive it knowing full well he’d ride along.

The vehicle met my needs, but I didn’t want to tell him that. I drove a leisurely loop of several blocks while he outlined the features. I wasn’t paying attention to the details. I detected a hint of southern drawl in his voice, and his clear tenor drew me in and held me captive. The first few snowflakes fell, and I decided to head back.

He patted the dash. “This should go well in the snow with new tires. Do you like it?”

I did but I also didn’t want to overpay for it. I didn’t care how sexy he was. I steered the SUV into its slot and switched off the ignition. “Why don’t you buy me a coffee and we can talk about it?”

Harper’s smile was genuine. His interested gaze held no hint of a man looking to make only a financial deal. “I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee. I hope you don’t mind if we take it in my office.”

I didn’t care where we went if it kept him talking longer. I handed the keys back to him. “I don’t mind at all.”

His office was little more than a partitioned cubby and I was acutely aware of how our voices would carry to his co-workers. He had a carafe of coffee, plus creamer and sugar in his office.

“I like to make a pot and bring it in with me. That way it doesn’t get cooked to tar.” His explanation made perfect sense to me, and I accepted a cup with thanks.

“I drink it black.” I set the cup on the corner of his desk to allow it to cool a bit. He fixed his mug with creamer and sugar.

Harper sat and reached for a pen. “Is the car you drove in the car you’re trading?”

I shook my head and told him what had happened. He listened without asking questions until I finished the tale.

“So, what I have is a check from the insurance company.” I didn’t tell him how much it was.

“We can work with that.” He did some quick figuring, wrote a price on a slip of paper, and handed it to me.

It looked surprisingly good to me, but if I said that, we’d do the paperwork, and I’d never see him again.

“Can I think about it and get back to you tomorrow?”

He looked out the window. I followed his gaze to observe the snow getting heavier. “Sure, but I wouldn’t wait too long. The dealership is liquidating, and time is short. Everything is being hauled off the lot at the beginning of next week.”

It was none of my business, but I was nosey. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m trying to get a photography business off the ground. It’s slow going, but my client list is growing. I take good pet pictures.” He laughed and I joined in.

“I’ll tell my sister. She’s bonkers over her mutt. Got a card I can give her?”

He handed me one as an older man stuck his head around the corner. “Hey, Harper. They just announced the buses are canceled due to the snow. You’d better hurry if you don’t want to walk.”

Harper nodded and thanked him for the weather update.

I knew an opening when one was handed to me, and I jumped on it. “If you need a ride home, I can take you. In fact, I’d like to take you to dinner tonight.”

He cleared his throat. “Thank you for the lift home, but going out might not be a good idea. How about I cook for you instead?”

I batted my eyelashes at him. “You just want to sell me a car.”

He met my gaze with a ruttish stare and slowly shook his head. “I want to get to know you better.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me. When can you leave?”

Harper motioned at the showroom. “It looks like everyone is clearing out. With us closing, and the weather, there’s not a lot of incentive to hang out for another half hour.”

We stood and I held his coat for him. He shoved his gloves in his pocket, picked up his carafe, and we walked out together like we did it every day. It felt that right. He didn’t say a word when I opened the car door for him.

I was a bit shocked at how fast and heavy the snow was coming down. It looked like there was about an inch on the ground. I slid behind the wheel and started the engine.

“Was this in the forecast, Harper? I don’t remember.”

“The weather guessers said it was a sixty percent chance of snow, but it is the first of February. It’s our snowy time.”

“True. Do you need to stop for anything?”

“No, but thanks for asking. I live at Bayfront Commons.”

He didn’t need to tell me where that was. Anyone who’d lived in Point Pleasant any length of time knew. It was a mid-century apartment complex that was in its day very upscale but was now developing a reputation as a drug hub. Once we got there, I parked but left the engine running.

“Harper, I’m sorry, but I think I’d better get home. There’s already two inches of snow on the ground and it looks like there is a lot more to come.”

He sighed and nodded. “I think you’re right. I’m sorry, too, because I would have enjoyed cooking for you. Another time?”

I grinned and held my hand out to him. “Absolutely. I’ll hold you to it. How would you feel about giving me your private phone number?”

He squeezed my hand and then let go to get his phone out of his pocket. We exchanged our private numbers, and he shifted in his seat.

“You’d better get going, Jamison. The streets are going to be icy.”

I held my hand out again, and when he wrapped his fingers around mine, I lifted our joined hands and kissed his knuckles under his amused gaze.

“I’ll see you tomorrow about the SUV, okay?”

Harper nodded and made a fast exit from the rental. I watched him hustle down the walkway and disappear inside. Feeling like a schoolboy, I sat in the car and watched for a light to suddenly shine through a window, but it didn’t happen. Driving carefully, I made my way home and settled on a potluck for dinner. It wasn’t a home-cooked meal, but it was frugal. I finished the Kung Po Chicken, the slice of pizza, and the last slice of ham lunchmeat wrapped around a slice of cheese.

Well, hell. I was getting slow. I grabbed my phone and called Harper. He answered immediately.

“I hoped you’d call me, Jamison.”

“I’m happy you answered. Hey, man. How are you getting to work tomorrow? Should I come by and give you a lift?”

I swear I heard him smile.

“I would like that. They’ll have the buses running, but who knows if they’ll be on time.”

“I know. What time should I be there?” I hoped it wasn’t some ungodly hour like six o’clock but if it was, I’d man up and be there on time. He’d offered me dinner. Would he ask me to breakfast instead?

“I don’t have to be there until nine, but if you need to make it earlier, that’s fine. I have the code to get into the building. I’ll be warm and dry.”

I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. “I have a staff meeting at nine, so I’ll get you at eight-thirty. How’s that sound?”

“You know, Jamison. You could stop for donuts and come a little earlier. You know I fix a mean cup of coffee.”


“Good idea! I love donuts. Be there at eight?”

“I like the ones with chocolate icing. Don’t disappoint me.”

I laughed. “I never disappoint, Harper. I can bring you references. I’ll try to surprise you, but there will be chocolate iced.”

"Okay, then. Sleep well. Bye.”

“Good night, Harper.”

The connection broke. I clutched the phone to my chest like a teenager, grinning like a fool. Harper liked to flirt. I could work with that, I really could.

The First of February is available at: 

Amazon US

Amazon CA

Amazon UK

Amazon AU

Barnes & Noble



Universal link to additional vendors

Monday, February 17, 2025

Now we begin again

February 17, 2025

Having put the finishing touches on The First of February and uploaded the manuscript to the various online vendors, being Amazon and beyond, I now wait for the book to "populate" or publish on those sites. It truly is a waiting game everywhere except Amazon. I will admit Big A gets a book up in a hurry. 

Today is a Monday, and I'm faced with beginning more than a new week. I've finished a story, now what? What's next? Am I ready to tackle the next project? 

In past years I'd have the answers, but having had one of those Life Changing Events, I'm even more introspective than before. Being on my own means looking at choices differently without the support of my late husband. He was a good sounding board. 

As I was writing The First of February, I decided I'd follow through on a semi-frivolous notion of writing a collection of books with a month in the title. I've got six months covered, so today my question is do I make the next book one of that collection? I also have a few completed manuscripts that need some work. Do I work on those to bring the up to snuff? Why can't I do everything at once? Oh, yeah - only twenty-four hours in a day and I have a "manor" to manage. 

I'm going to spend my day looking at those options and seeing what can be completed in the least amount of time. (Time being relative to all things.) It feels like an author-ish thing to do in the middle of February when this author won't work outside in the cold and wind. This current wind event is doing a prune job on small twigs and limbs and there is an abundance of them to pick up out in the yard.  

It's time to fix a cup of tea and get to it. Wherever I end up will be where I'm supposed to be, and I'm fine with that. 


 KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, The First of February, By the Month, m/m romance, LGBTQ gay romance, Kindle romances, a writer's life, contemporary gay romance, gay fiction, male on male romance

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

That did not go as planned!

 February 12, 2025

As stated on Monday, I'm in the homestretch for completing The First of February. I still need to write the cover paragraphs and set up the book page, tasks I'd hoped to have done yesterday. 

Yesterday did not go as planned. <deep sigh>

The forecast was for snow to begin early afternoon, which it did. I decided to make a dash down the mountain and support a few local businesses in the nearest small town. It was going well until I tried to start the Charger to drive home. I pushed the Start button. Nothing. Nada.

My handy dandy code reader said P2122. Google said that code was a sensor misalignment. What. The. Fuck??????

Bottom line - the car wouldn't even crank. I called my cousin and he was Dave-on-the-spot in ten minutes with a portable power pack. He hooked it up and BAM! The car started immediately. He followed me to the automotive shop I deal with and they installed a new battery. 

And here's the real kicker - the old battery was original equipment. The mechanic was impressed. He told me the old battery still had a Chrysler product sticker on it. Now, I knew the battery was old because I'd never put one in the car, but I didn't think it was original. Wow. 

He also said the onboard computer probably kicked out that code to prevent damage to all the electronic gizmos on the car, but he admitted that was just his theory. Bottom line is the car is fine and thanks to my cousin, so am I. 

So to summarize, the day did not go as planned. I got the front and end material added to The First of February and that was it. I must write the cover paragraphs and get the book page set up. I'll need to go back through recent blogs and add the link, too. 

I can't go play in the snow until I get those two things accomplished. 


 KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, The First of February, LGBT gay romance, m/m romance, Kindle gay romance, contemporary gay romance, rural living, 2011 Dodge Charger

Monday, February 10, 2025

In the homestretch on The First of February

February 10, 2025

The absolute worst part of being forced to go indie is not writing the story. It's editing. I'm thankful every time I edit a story that I have years and years of experience working with good editors. I learned a lot from them and I apply that knowledge as thoroughly as possible. 

I also use the tried and proven tools a good word processing program offers. I'm not a fan of AI that creates characters, plots, and then writes a story for you, but I will use good old-fashioned spellcheck. I'll also run a grammar check because, you know, commas. Have I ever mentioned I don't really get the comma? Here a comma, there a comma, everywhere a comma comma! But I digress...

I've learned to break down the chore of finishing The First of February manuscript for uploading into several segments to be done over a couple of days. This keeps my brain from getting tired and keeps me focused. If I tried to do it all in one day, my attention span would snap and I'd turn into a squirrel. 

It's going well, I'm happy to report. The plan for tomorrow is to add the front and end material to the manuscript and, keeping my fingers crossed, get the cover paragraphs written. If I accomplish that, I may even get a book page created. If I do, I can upload the completed work by Friday. 

That's the plan. I hope it works out.


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:

Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, The First of February, contemporary gay romance, LGBT gay novels, series romance, m/m romance, gay novels for Kindle, a writer's life, writing tips