The clock is ticking relentlessly on to March 31, 2016, and Amber Quill's final day. I'm not so much dismayed any longer. The seemingly overwhelming task of creating book covers to get my stories back out hasn't been as difficult as anticipated. I feel pretty good about what I'm going to be able to accomplish on April 1.

There will be some work to do here at Between the Keys. After April 1, I'll need to backtrack and update covers and links. I did this once before, when Amber Quill moved to a new website. (I think that was an expense they didn't need to incur, but it wasn't my company.)
One growing dilemma is whether to take the Monday after Easter off or switch my day to the following Friday, which is April 1. That's probably the way to go given what there is to accomplish. I'll eventually get it all finished, but the sooner it's done and off my mind the better.
The 2016 A to Z Blogging Challenge begins April 1. I'm as organized as I can be until the first blog loads.
And of course there is Deuce. What a joy he is! You can check out his blog, Deuce's Day, here. I think every dog should have a blog, don't you?
Until then, here are a couple of the new covers.
The new covers are really nice. I like them a lot.
Thanks! I need to work Deuce onto a book cover :)
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