This has certainly been a stellar week. First, WHAT YOU DON'T CONFESS was nominated as one of the best GLBTQ books of 2010 at Love Romances Cafe - and then the week got better!
The lovely and talented Melissa Bradley, author of Maxie Briscoe, Werewolf (also nominated for best erotic book at LRC), has tapped Between the Keys for the Stylish Blog Award. I'm totally flattered, especially as I'm a fan of Melissa's blog, Melissa's Imaginarium.
For those who have been nominated, there are few criteria to meet:
1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you, only do not re-nominate them.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass along this nomination to 10 recently discovered stylish and cool bloggers
4. Contact them and tell them about their nomination.
Okay, I can do all that. Really! I have fresh coffee, so anything is possible. Here are my Stylish Blogger nominees, in no particular order:
Welcome to Lizzie's World - Lizzie T. Leaf
Passionately Sweet Ecstasies by Carolina Valdez
The Multiverse's Archival Chambers by D. Renee Bagby
My Reviews and Ramblings by Elisa Rolle
Donuts and Desires by Giselle Renarde
Other Worlds of Romance by Linda Mooney
Brenda Williamson by Brenda Williamson
Writes Romance by Shawn Lane
Sweet as honey..Hotter than hell by Sloane Taylor
Romance That Thrives in the Dark by Diana Castilleja
So there's ten. That was too easy. I have about twenty more. Now I'm to the hard part - seven things you might not know about me. Prepare for boredom to set in, because I'm just not that super-interesting. I'll give it the old college try...
7. I think mowing grass is fun.
6. The most beautiful thing I've seen is the woods when the trees are covered with ice and the sunlight hits the branches and turns them to crystal.
5. I'm skilled with a chainsaw.
4. My first crush was on Little Joe.
3. It took me forty years to discover I'm a writer.
2. My grandfather was the single, biggest influence on my life.
1. Several times a year I set aside a Friday night to stay awake and meditate.
There they are. Seven things you never wanted to know about me, but I had to share. Now I have to go email my ten nominees and hope they'll still talk to me in the morning.
KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:
Social media links:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor: hollytreemanor.blogspot.com
Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce: deucesday.blogspot.com
I love these seven things, KC. I crushed on Adam Cartwright and even though that hair was fake, it gave me a love for black hair that has never faded.
Congrats on your nominations. Good luck, my friend! :)
You mean Parnell Roberts was bald even back in the day?????
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