Sunday, November 11, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: What You Don't Confess

November 11, 2012

Today is Veteran's Day, and I recognize the debt I owe to each and every person who served to protect my freedom and rights. Thank you.


By the time I wrote What You Don't Confess, I realized just how much potential I had in the Men of Marionville series. (You know, the series I never set out to write which hijacked me when I wasn't paying attention.)

Dylan is the anchor that ties the stories together. He's mentioned in all six books, and it's very fitting his story is the third in the series to complete the original trilogy. Dylan's been around a bit, but when he meets Cassidy, his world get tilted off its axis. In the selection below, the four watchdogs Cass refers to are Travis and Heath from A Hard Habit to Break, and Tyler and Noel from Open Roads.

“You do know those four watchdogs of yours were there the entire evening, don’t you?”
I nodded. “They like to keep an eye on me. Obviously, it didn’t discourage you at all.”
His amber gaze drilled into mine. “Just so I don’t step in it, Dylan, how many of them have you slept with?"

What You Don't Confess is available now at 
AmazoniTunesBarnes and NobleKobo and other online book sellers.

KC Kendricks

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