Thursday, June 5, 2014

Knockout Roses

June 5, 2014

I've been seeing row upon row of roses lately. I mean huge rows, too. Waves of colors on banks and along fences. I finally stopped at a local nursery to ask what kind of rose everyone is planting to get such a beautiful display.  The answer - Knockout Roses.

And they are a knockout. We cleaned up a few years of semi-neglect along the front porch and planted three Cherry Red Double Knockout Roses. I can't wait until mine grow to resemble the photo. 

Too bad they didn't have them twenty years ago. It would have saved me an awful lot of time weeding.

KC Kendricks

1 comment:

Rebekah Loper said...

Those are lovely! I inherited a rosebush with the house when we bought it, and I've not done well taking care of it, but it's still alive! It's in desperate need of a pruning, though.

Hopefully your bushes will fill out quickly!