Thursday, September 3, 2015

September Day Trip to the New River Gorge Bridge, WV

September 2, 2015

It may sound strange to those not living near, but West Virginia is a frequent destination for me when I leave home. The state slogan is "Wild and Wonderful" and the moment you begin the ascent into the time-worn Appalachian Mountains it's clear why. West Virginia is a stunningly beautiful chunk of planet Earth.

Eastern Continental Divde
Our day began with our filled travel mugs safely tucked into the holders and 721 songs on a jump drive plugged into the Charger's USB port. Our route was west Interstate 68, to south Interstate 79, to south US Route 19. First item of note was crossing the Eastern Continental Divide at Savage Mountain, elevation 2620 feet. We've done it many times before but this time Mr. Swifty managed to snag a picture of the sign, albeit not a good one even though I slowed down to a virtual crawl... continue reading here. 

KC Kendricks


Brenda said...

Sounds like you had a nice time. I could use a day trip...about once a week. But I guess, no one will come up with an 8 day week so I have an extra day to just tool around the countryside :-)

KC Kendricks said...

I'm practicing for my "retirement" years. A day trip a month from April to November every year. December - March is not the time to go driving up and down the sides of a mountain.