January 22, 2022
As the Covid-19 pandemic wears on, it's difficult not to wonder what motivates people. The spousal unit and I have gone against our belief that the vaccination wasn't tested enough and we took the shot. I've gotten the booster, but the weather has been such he's not able to leave home. Winter weather is not the friend of the handicapped.
The county we live in, according to the 2020 Census, has a population of 154,705. According to the county's website this morning, of these residents, only 53% (80,833) are fully vaccinated with another 5% having at least one shot. The positivity rate of those being tested stood at 28.17% as of January 20, 2022. It's a lot of numbers to absorb and process, but what does it mean to a person's real life?
RC and I have battle fatigue. The only way to escape reading and hearing about the pandemic is to shut down the computers and the televisions and never leave home. Talk of the pandemic is in and of itself pandemic.
I needed to zip into the grocery store for a carton of eggs on my way home last night. I was back into the Colorado and had the key in the ignition when I realized I'd not put on a mask. Damn it! I had a "normal" moment and didn't realize it as it was happening!
Will this set a new precedent for me? It's doubtful. Nothing can ease the pain of grocery shopping these days.
Recently, I've heard a lot of grief being heaped on the concept of individualism. PULL BACK ON THE REINS! Individualism founded our great country. Yet in the face of a pandemic, millions of people, of individuals just like me, have set aside their individual beliefs and acted for the Greater Good.
There's hate tossed at "red" states as though those "red" voters are solely responsible for the pandemic. Hey, thanks for hating me! I really needed that today! And for what? I've done my part for the greater good. Stop shaming me!
Do you know what I'd really love to do today? I'd love to go shopping for a new handbag. How girly is that?
Wait. What? With all those germy people exhaling into my air space? I guess there's always Amazon.
And doesn't that send the mind careening down the threads of the greedy filthy rich and conspiracy theories?
Perhaps I'll just go read a book.
KC Kendricks
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