Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sew what on my tongue?

August 13, 2013

An article on Yahoo today hit my "enough" button. Apparently it is now okay to have hernia mesh surgically sewn onto your tongue to help you lose weight.

I've tried to make my face relax from a horrified grimace but it won't do it.

While I do write a some of these blog entries with my tongue firmly in cheek, this is not one of them.  My tongue is in hiding.

I am not joking. The article is there. Google it because I can't bring myself to add the link and be associated with the article forever and ever google amen.

I'd love to lose, oh, maybe ten pounds, but no way in hell would I entertain the notion of sewing a foreign object onto my tongue.

Can't we just pretend we can't eat much food for a week? Wouldn't that be safer all the way around? Especially when you consider the reaction when you admit to your mother what you've just had done and what it cost?

Sure would be in my world.



Murees Dupè said...

I agree, that is just freaky. I need to lose some weight too, definitely more than 10 pounds, but sewing something onto my tongue, no thank you.

KC Kendricks said...

I do believe in "different strokes for different folks" but this defies reason. So your tongue gets infected and they have to cut half of it off -then what?? And if it goes well, what crazy thing comes next? My body isn't perfect but it's a pretty good house for my spirit. I'm not going to tempt fate too far.