Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cover reveal - Dreams to Sell

July 27, 2014

It's the last Sunday in July and I'm hitting and running with a quick cover reveal. 

Dreams to Sell - book eight in the Men of Marionville series. 

Dreams to Sell is available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and other online book sellers. 


Keith Mitchell needs a new challenge in his life. When an old friend pitches him a business proposition he agrees to pull up stakes and more to Marionville. Keith decides his new house will be in the style he’s always dreamed of having even if he will live in it alone.  

Realtor Terry Stattler has one goal in mind for his clients: find and sell them the house of their dreams. Recently widowed, Terry’s not in the market for companionship, or so he believes. His latest client is handsome, interesting and his age, but is he really ready to love again?

Keith becomes an eager suitor, waging a persistent siege until Terry gives into temptation. When Terry finds the right house for him, Keith redoubles his efforts to win Terry’s heart. After all, what good is the perfect house if the man of your dreams doesn’t share it with you?


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Kentucky 98 Proof on #MSS52

July 26, 2014
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has ceased operations**

Welcome to another My Sexy Saturday blog hop. This one comes with a big congrats to My Sexy Saturday for being week fifty-two. That's right. The blog hop turns 1-year old today. That's a lot of blogs and a lot of hopping.

Today at Between the Keys we're highlighting a first kiss with seven sexy paragraphs from the best seller Kentucky 98 Proof. Enjoy!

“Why don’t you pick me up and show me the way to Ridgemont?”
Boone snorted. “I thought you’d see it my way.”
Vic grinned and it was like sunshine lighting the room. So what if he was on duty? He closed the distance between them and cupped the back of Vic’s neck, burying his fingers in Vic’s soft hair. Vic’s smile faded into a serious look.
“What do you want, Sheriff?”
Boone managed to swallow but it didn’t ease his dry throat. “Just this for now.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Vic’s. Surprise rippled through him as Vic gripped his hips.
The touch spurred Boone on and sent his heart rate soaring. His dick hardened again in a wonderful rush as arousal shot hotly through his groin. He laved Vic’s lips with his tongue, stroking and licking, enticing him to open and let him in. Vic’s lips parted and Boone seized the advantage, thrusting his tongue into Vic’s hot mouth. A startled awareness arced between them as the heat grew in Boone’s belly, torturing him with each burning stroke of Vic’s silky tongue over his. He pulled Vic closer, needing to know if he was as hard. Vic jerked away and stared at him with dazed, dark eyes.
Vic’s emotions flashed across his face. Longing. Arousal. Panic. Aching desperation. It was all there for Boone to see. He did the one thing he didn’t want to do and let his hands fall away


About Kentucky 98 Proof:

Victor Carter knows his grandfather only from a handful of black and white photographs, so his surprise when the man’s will is read is genuine. What’s he going to do with seventy acres on the side of a Kentucky mountain? More importantly, how’s he going to survive living there for a year to satisfy the conditions of the will so he can sell the property? Even worse, it’s not like the hills of Kentucky are teeming with gay companionship.

Boone Mosely is Kentucky born and bred with a proud family heritage he can trace back to his home state’s founding. Following in his uncle’s footsteps, Boone’s in his second term as sheriff of Four Points. He takes the job seriously and doesn’t suffer fools - or crime - in his town.

When city slicker Victor Carter arrives on Shepherd Mountain, Boone knows he’s got a whole new brand of trouble to deal with. And this time, the badge isn’t going to help him at all.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Kentucky 98 Proof
Contemporary gay romance

Available at 

Barnes & Noble/Nook

Universal link to additional booksellers:

Kentucky 98 Proof webpage: 


KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:
Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sometimes you need to adjust your thinking

July 21, 2014

I have a confession to make. I’m a Blizzard addict. Yes, that’s the sad, ugly truth. This has been the summer of my addiction.

I’m not sure how it all started. (Yes, I am but I don’t want to put the blame on my best friend’s shoulder even though she’s the one who forced me to go to the Dairy Queen a few years ago when they had Key Lime Pie as a flavor.) It doesn’t matter how, but that first Blizzard was my undoing. 

I was able to resist the lure of that creamy, soft, icy, smooth confection until one miserably hot day, I was on my way back to work at the end of my lunch break and I acted on impulse. I made that fatal right-hand turn into the drive thru. Do you know how many calories are in a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard? Me neither. And please don’t tell me.

So there it is. My secret. I’m standing up in front of everyone and admitting – I’m a Blizzard addict. Will this help me develop the will power to just say ‘no’? I hope it will. I’ll take all the help I can get.  

KC Kendricks

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Such a quandry

July 20, 2014

When faced with life's little problems, the writer in me turns to blogging. Blogging is like talking to myself or talking out loud. I can hear myself and then see the printed words. You'll never know how many times I've written a blog and then deleted it because just the act of putting the words on the screen in front of me clarified how I felt or focused my decision making in the proper direction. 

So here it is: I've got seven stories promised between now and the end of 2015. That's not a typo. This morning I opened my email and there's one from the head guru at Amber Quill with an idea for a themed collection which is not a PAX at this time. Okay, but I've already written a book titled very loosely on this theme. Yes, it did very well but do I want to get stuck in that particular rut? 

I don't think I do. Using the names of popular drinks as book titles isn't new by any stretch of the imagination. I don't want to be lumped in that group. I thought long and hard about using Kentucky 98 Proof for a title. It's not a drink but it is based on a distillery fact. Anything ninety-eight proof is very potent. 

Then there's my editor who has always given me a very difficult time when my characters have a drink and drive home. Back in my day the term "politically correct" hadn't even been coined. EVERYTHING I did as a teenager and young women is now considered "politically incorrect" or "unsafe." Yet here I am. Healthy and gainfully employed. Go figure. It looks like cruising the streets of my hometown in my 1969 Camaro with the steering wheel in one hand and a ginger ale spiked with Jim Beam in the other didn't do too much damage to my prospects. Or anyone else's in our group for that matter. It was simply what kids in this town did in those days. The past is the past and I won't judge any of them today.

So do I want to add to the writing stack? I think seven new stories on the plot board to be finished between now and the end of 2015 is plenty. It's more than enough! So as much as I'd like to join the ranks of JA Konrath with a Whiskey Sour, a Bloody Mary, a Rusty Nail, a Dirty Martini, a Fuzzy Navel, a Cherry Bomb, Shaken, Stirred, Last Call....  It goes on forever! I think I'll pass. 


Kentucky 98 Proof
Contemporary gay romance

Available at 

Barnes & Noble/Nook

Universal link to additional booksellers:

Kentucky 98 Proof webpage: 


KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:
Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sometimes you can over-think a task

July 15, 2014

The spouse and I are sharing shared cooking duties tonight. Right now I'm hiding in my office so I don't beat him with a skillet say something I'll regret. He's attempting a recipe he saw Trisha Yearwood make on her cooking show. Potatoes, ground beef, cheddar cheese, onions, breadcrumbs. Think a variation on shepherd's pic with cheese instead of corn or peas. I've never known him to have such difficulty with a recipe and all because it said "make a rue" and to use a whisk to do it. Apparently whisks are bad things in his world. Like I said - I had to leave the kitchen.

I try to be methodical with my To-Do list. What's on the top of the list should get done first if at all possible. It helps keep me focused because I've been known to over-multi-task. About a week ago the task of updating all the publisher links here at Between the Keys rolled to the top and I did balk. If there's one thing I do not like is fixing any problem someone else initiated. But it had to be done. 

Setting about updating the links back to the Amber Allure site has not proven to be an onerous chore. It's been rather simple, actually. I've completed 29 of the 33 books I need to do and I hope to finish those by Friday. It's also been the perfect opportunity to update with the spell-checker, too. And to delete a few things that have changed over the years. It will be good to have order restored to my blog. 

I suppose I should go restore order to the kitchen as well. I can't hold it against the spouse for over-thinking his projects when I do the same thing. Fair is fair, after all. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Fox on the run

July 14, 2014

The eastern red fox. We had a pair of them in the backyard this evening. 

No, we weren't pleased. A fox will eat a cat. 

I have a cat. 

A brave cat. 

A cat is not a match for a pair of foxes. 

This is not a good thing. 

Pa, get yer gun....and put some bullets in it....

Friday, July 11, 2014

July Fridays

July 11, 2014

It's a lazy Friday afternoon in my world. I'm sure there are things I could and should be accomplishing, but it's Friday. It's July. Concentration is a problem right now. 

Looking at my To-Do list didn't inspire me. In fact, it made me yawn. And that's the To-Do at the day job, too. I worked my butt off this week and I'm mentally bushed. With an hour to go, do they really expect to get a lot out of me? Probably.

Guess what? Not happening. I simply crammed too much into Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to be able to function now. I hope this passes by the time I get home later this afternoon. I've got lots to do!

There are two special projects on my desk at home and I need to finish both of them so I can get back to work on my own stories. AND the Beachcombers PAX I signed up for a while back finally got another three participants so now it's a "go" for next year. I said I would only do two PAX stories a year and now this will be three for 2015. Deadlines are not my friends,

Then there is the little project of updating all the *(#!&^ links here at Between the Keys. It's making my wrist ache. Not a good sign. 

And My Sexy Saturday. Do I want to hop in at the last minute and go for it? Don't know. Can't focus. Need a nap.  

I'm sure it will all work itself out, one way or the other because it's Friday. And it's July. 
And it's the best reason I know of to relax and let what will be, be. 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Caution - mini rant ahead

July 6, 2014

I'm not a person who rants. I bitch. Is there a difference? Of course there is. I do my best to bitch in a lady-like manner. 

Earlier this year my home publisher moved to a new server. Every URL to every book I have published through the company changed. Think about this for a moment. 

All the links on KC's website needed changed. 
All the blogs KC ever did now contain bad and broken links, and there is over 500 entries.
All the promo posts KC ever did in every Yahoo group now contain broken links. 
All of KC's old tweets that promo a book at that publisher now contain broken links.

Let's face it. Everywhere KC ever did a promo prior to 2014 now has at least one broken link. 

Do you ever wonder why the Internet is so slow? I usually blame my crappy rural DSL but the real reason is because the Internet can't find anything!!!

ALL is not lost. The links to All Romance ebooks, Amazon, and other third-party vendors remain the same. It helps some but in the past I've tended to link to the publisher where, frankly, the writer gets a slightly better slice of the pie for all her/his hard work. 

I can't do a thing about what the publishers do. I can't round up all the old tweets and Yahoo posts and fix them. What I CAN do, and will do, is fix the links here at Between the Keys. 

Is it the best use of my time? I don't really think so but it seems to me if I want to remain proud of my work and of Between the Keys then I need to do this. The old adage states "if it's not broke don't fix it." Unfortunately, it is broke and I do have to fix it even though I'm not the one who broke the links and even though it will take a lot of my time.  

Please bear with me as I finish updating the links at Between the Keys. If you've wondered why more recent links tend to direct you to my website instead of a publisher page, it's so I don't have to do this again here at Between the Keys. 

And this is how I bitch like a lady. 


Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy July the Fourth

July 4, 2014

Let not it be said I'm not feeling patriotic today.

Enjoy the holiday, but take a moment to reflect on what it means to be free - how fragile that freedom has become and our personal responsibility in maintaining the freedom we take for granted. 

We're free to be the best person we can be.

We're free to pursue what makes us happy.

We're free and able to live life without fear of oppression. 

We're free to make mistakes and grow from them. 

We're free to vote away our freedoms with a touch to a computer screen. 

Let us all prayerfully and mindfully protect our precious freedoms. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

You want how much for that?

July 3, 2014

We love lasagna, perhaps the chef more so since she can make a batch in a 13x9 cake pan and get four meals out of it. Cook once, eat four times. What busy working person wouldn't like that? Being that I'm beginning a four-day weekend I thought I'd make lasagna for dinner and then freeze the other portions for Himself to heat when Herself doesn't feel like cooking after a day at the office. 

Did you know the local grocery wants $6.59 for a large tub of Ricotta cheese? (You want how much for that????)  I can buy a half-gallon of milk for $2.49 to make my own and it will taste better. 

Making it's easy. When making ricotta for lasagna, I use the entire half-gallon of whole milk. Heat the milk to just before it's ready to boil, but don't allow it to boil and foam. Sprinkle in a dash of salt. Two if you like salty which I don't. While it heats, squeeze the juice from two lemons (yes, catch the seeds and discard). Some recipes call for using white wine vinegar, but I like the mild lemon flavor as opposed to the more acidic wwv flavor. And I usually get the zest off the lemons before I squeeze the juice because I might get energetic and use it in something else.

When the milk is ready, turn off the heat and stir in the lemon juice - give it a good stir - and let it sit for five to ten minutes. Clumps should form. Then strain the mixture using cheesecloth or line a colander with coffee filters and strain through that. The filters take a lot longer but I like the result better. The ricotta will keep four or five days refrigerated in a container with a good seal. One of these days I may try freezing some just to see what happens although I expect the end result might be sort of nasty. 

If you need a real recipe you can find one here. This is the one I started with and modified for what works for me. The page also has handy pictures. 

So I'm going to make my own ricotta, save a bunch of money, and bypass ingesting some preservatives. What should I do with the money I save? 

Go buy a book, of course. 
