Sunday, January 5, 2025

Another lesson learned - keep it tidy

January 5, 2025

Over the course of the last few years, I've mentioned that I keep a spreadsheet for all the Facebook groups that allow promotion. I have to. There's over four hundred that I know about, and I suspect that's a drop in the bucket as to how many are really there. I've read where other writers have posted that promotion on Facebook is dead, but I always get a bump in sales when I post a few promos. 

If you see a promotional post from me on Facebook, you know I was taking a break from writing prose or other homestead chores. That's how I do it. I come to the computer with a cup of coffee or a glass of ice water and post promos. I'm resting - or maybe cooling off or warming up - and I don't want to "waste" the time. So I promo. And to help keep me from posting in the same group twenty times in a row and spread the joy properly, I keep a spreadsheet. Do I post in every group every time? Of course not. The spreadsheet shows me where I left off last time. 

It's a great idea if one keeps up with the changes at FB. Not so helpful if you shift columns/rows carelessly.

Ask me how I know this.

With the start of each new year, there are computer tasks to be done. Every document tossed into a holding folder needs to be dragged to where it actually belongs. The budget spreadsheet needs to be updated to the new year. The sales spreadsheet needs updated. All the previous year's tax crap needs to be double checked and in the proper place. AND that pesky Facebook spreadsheet needs to be straightened up and put back into order. Yeah, that took a couple of hours.

My FB SS has several workbooks. One workbook is open promo, one is for M/M only, one for paranormal only, and one for "abandoned" groups. That's a code word for groups that are not worth the time and effort because the admins are MIA and my promo never gets posted. 

It would be a lot more time effective if I moved these problem groups to the abandoned worksheet when I become aware of the fact, but noooooo. Last year, 2024, being what it was, I let too many slide and I had to do a massive clean-up this morning. 

Moral to the story - it's really easier to take care of little problems as they crop up. Better yet, do as I say and not as I do. Or is that I just learned a lesson? Whatever. Here's to doing MUCH better in 2025.


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
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Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
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KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, writers on writing, m/m romance, LGBT gay romance, spreadsheets, time management, new year, a writer's life, Facebook, promotion, hearsay

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