Saturday, January 18, 2025

I should be writing

January 18, 2025

I should be writing. Blogging is writing, but I should be writing a BOOK. The current WIP is in the last stages, but instead of concentrating on that, I'm moping around the house, bemoaning the lack of sunshine and the impending winter storm and the approaching polar vortex. 

I'm not exaggerating. I'm moping. So is Deuce. The sky is dropping an unwelcome wintery mix on us and we can't get outside for longer than it takes for Deuce to do the necessary things a dog does outside. Neither of us like to get rained on when the rain is cold. Summer rain is another matter. 

What am I moping about besides the weather, which I can't change? The weather covers it. That and the fact that mid-January is far too early to start even begonia cuttings for the 2025 garden. I might have taken the risk if I hadn't let one of my big plants "go" last fall. I brought in the largest red which will be more than sufficient for my starting needs this year. Now I wish I'd kept both of them. There's not much bleaker than a dead plant on the porch.  

I can't even order anything from Amazon because if it does drop another five inches of snow on my area, there's no way a VAN can get up the hill to deliver. I'll have to wait until Monday to place an order. 

Have you ever brushed a Labrador Retriever inside the house????  I groomed Deuce in the middle of the living room this morning. He was appreciative of getting brushed (he loves it), getting his belly scratched (he loves it), and unappreciative of getting his nails trimmed (he loves it not so much). Good Lord! I could stuff a pillow with all the fur. It seems early for him to be shedding, but he is. 

Mid-January is a good time to plan for a good rest. I'm going to keep that firmly in mind for next year. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, January is going to become my "rest" month. I will organize and plan as much of the work here on my little manor so that next January can be all about rest, relaxation, and (w)riting. 

No scheduling of dental or doctor appointments, or oil changes for vehicles. I will allow one day, if necessary, to bring firewood to the house. Lunches with friends, or the pastor, will be on the spur of the moment according to the weather. January will be the time to plan the garden from the comfort of my recliner. I'll make project lists for the summer instead of trying to get small projects done. I will deliberately rest. 

And I'm going to rest for a space of time after I get this WIP finished. It's time I take time and clear my mind of some of those lingering thoughts about the events of 2024 that haven't allowed me to truly rest. 

If it seems like taking an intentional rest, or break, is counter-intuitive, I get it. I really do. But I think if I know that next January will be ME time, I'll be able to complete both writing projects and home projects in a more timely fashion. 

That's the part of the plan. I even put it on my day calendar and online calendar. We'll have to see how it goes.

PS. Check back because the cover for the WIP will be debuted soon! 


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:

Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, contemporary romance, GLBT gay romance, Kindle romance, m/m romance, writers on writing, being intentional, organization, planning. winter weather

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