Back in my grandmother's day, the written word connected one to distant friends. The mailbox at the end of the lane was a lifeline to the outside world. And that world was smaller somehow. The letters my grandma exchanged with much-loved yet distant cousins are full of family tidbits, flowers and fabrics.
Today, the written word still connects us, but it is read on high definition, wide screen monitors, not ivory vellum. Saving a letter in its original, pristine condition is a click away. No longer do we need to scan through several letters to refresh our memory about Aunt Bessie's gall bladder. Letters are neatly filed, and searchable by our operating systems.
The Internet has delivered pen pals of this new media. Making friends who live far away is easier than at any time in our history. Christiane France is one of my new cyber friends.
Chris is a fellow writer, one of the original authors to be published at Amber Quill Press. Being a nice lady, Chris welcomed me to the company back in 2008, and we've corresponded ever since. Having read and enjoyed Independence Day, I posed the question to her, "What was the first thing Nick Gregorio said to you?" This was her reply:
"Independence Day was my contribution to the Blockbusters Pax. I'd played with several titles and ideas, but then Nick Gregorio appeared out of the blue and said, "I've played second fiddle to Al Martinsen's ambitions for entirely too long. Now, I'm making a stand. Either he moves to Vegas so we can be together, or we're done."
I love it when the characters tell the author what to do!
Thanks to Chris for agreeing to be on Between the Keys, and sharing her conversation with Nick. Independence Day, volumes 1 & 2, are just two of Chris' many titles. Check her out at Amber Heat and Amber Allure.
Today, the written word still connects us, but it is read on high definition, wide screen monitors, not ivory vellum. Saving a letter in its original, pristine condition is a click away. No longer do we need to scan through several letters to refresh our memory about Aunt Bessie's gall bladder. Letters are neatly filed, and searchable by our operating systems.
The Internet has delivered pen pals of this new media. Making friends who live far away is easier than at any time in our history. Christiane France is one of my new cyber friends.
Chris is a fellow writer, one of the original authors to be published at Amber Quill Press. Being a nice lady, Chris welcomed me to the company back in 2008, and we've corresponded ever since. Having read and enjoyed Independence Day, I posed the question to her, "What was the first thing Nick Gregorio said to you?" This was her reply:
"Independence Day was my contribution to the Blockbusters Pax. I'd played with several titles and ideas, but then Nick Gregorio appeared out of the blue and said, "I've played second fiddle to Al Martinsen's ambitions for entirely too long. Now, I'm making a stand. Either he moves to Vegas so we can be together, or we're done."
I love it when the characters tell the author what to do!
Thanks to Chris for agreeing to be on Between the Keys, and sharing her conversation with Nick. Independence Day, volumes 1 & 2, are just two of Chris' many titles. Check her out at Amber Heat and Amber Allure.