There is a big change happening at my place. I've lived here long enough to have paid off the mortgage, so I'm used to certain things like the sun beating down on the patio and cooking me if I'm foolish enough to be out there at high noon.
No more.
Workmen have been here this past week building a roof over the patio. It's been a long time coming, and I can't wait until they're completely finished. The fellows are almost done in that all that remains is for the flashing and gutters to be installed. By next weekend, quiet will be restored, and what outdoor furniture I have will be arranged. I may even go purchase a cheap carpet remnant. Emphasis on cheap. Maybe by next summer the money tree will bloom again, and we can upgrade.
When I let the dog out this morning, I took a few minutes to ponder a very important question: where to place the hummingbird feeder? If you've never had ruby-throated hummingbirds, you may not realize the important of this. Take it from me, you don't want to make a mistake. You'd better hang the feeder where the dominant bird in the neighborhood likes it. Oh, and don't let it get empty. Bad human! Hummingbirds will hover in front of your face and chitter at you. Those little brains 'get it', so you'd better get it, too.
I'm going to be a wimp and hang it as close to the same spot as possible, but a wee bit higher than the shepherd's hook it was on. A bracket can go on a post now. We have at least three males that hang around, and one is definitely The Boss. He guards the patio feeder with amazing aggression for something so small. We're not so sure he's in favor of the new roof. Time will tell if he stays, or opens the territory up for a more pleasant monarch to take over.
As usual, what's going on in my life has crept into a manuscript. A new character will buy his first house - a fixer-upper. I'm not sure if he'll meet a sexy carpenter or the guy across the street. One way or another, sparks will fly, and not from bad wiring. Isn't it amazing what the droning of an air compressor can inspire?
KC Kendricks
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