Due to Amber Quill's closing, this book is no longer available.
July 6, 2010
When the idea came to me to invite a few other authors I know to strut their stuff on Between the Keys, I knew it would be a great way to get to know some of them much better. P.A. Brown – Pat – and I share a publisher, but our paths don’t cross much. So when she had a new release on July 3rd, I knew it was my chance to send an email and the invitation to share what the first words her character Terik u Selhdun from Fall Into the Night said to her.
Being a writer, I like to read, and I’m slowly working my way through everyone at Amber Quill. I say ‘slowly’ because 1) I spend my time writing, and 2) I can’t read someone else’s work while I’m actively involved in one of my own stories. During a break earlier this year, I read Pat’s book, Lynx Woods, and enjoyed it very much. I confess I don’t have the new one yet, but it’s only been out three days!
Speaking of, if you want Pat's new book, get over to Amber Allure before July 10, 2010, and get it at a thirty-five percent (35%) discount. It’s a good deal. Here's what author P.A. Brown had to say when asked, "What were the first words Terik u Selhdun said to you?"
And Pat - you go girl. Some rules need to be abandoned, and that's one of them!
The first thing my nihilistic character Terik u Selhdun said to me was "So the old fool finally decided to die. I'd say it's about time, but it's really 50 years too late." and he was talking about his father. Right away I had this image of a jaded, bitter man who never had the love of his father, the powerful head of a family that ruled their planet with an iron fist. The line was so powerful to me I used a variation of it as the opening sentence in my novel, Fall Into the Night, even though I've been told more than once not to start a novel with dialog. But I guess I'm enough like Selhdun that I don't listen to what other people say.
The death of his father catapults Terik u Selhdun into the position of Ogema of Tiamat, the planet of his birth. It was a position he rejected years before when he and his autocratic father clashed over Selhdun's homosexuality. Instead, Selhdun became a linked pilot and owner of his own ship, the Necromancer. Linked pilots are the only ones who can take a ship through Jump, a form of hypserspace travel that allows the empire of man, known as the Autarch, to thrive.
War drove the humans off their home world of Terra (Earth). In the subsequent years, the coordinates of the Terran Jumpoint were lost. When they eventually resurface, Selhdun and the Necromancer are hired to transport a group of scientists back to Terra in order to ascertain whether humans can safely return to the planet of their origin.
But numerous forces in and out of government don't want Selhdun to succeed. Troubles plague the expedition, including an assassination attempt and brutal enemies hell-bent on stopping Selhdun and the ship, even as he and his crew make strides in their mission. Yet in Terran space, a new lethal menace awaits, and soon everyone on board the Necromancer discovers the battle to stay alive has only just begun...
Pat Brown
The vacation from hell -- Forest of Corpses