Book five in the Men of Marionville series
Now available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and other online book sellers

Gale Widmyer is on his feet and moving forward after piecing his life back together following a series of wrong choices. The one bright spot in his existence, even in his darkest moments, was the fulfillment of his dream to become a veterinarian. Gale’s making good on a promise to himself when an abandoned kitten leads him to Shiloh Rudy and a chance at the happiness he never hoped to have.
Laying the cornerstone for a developing relationship comes easy for Shiloh and Gale. But the wounds of the past often remain unhealed at their deepest point. A few careless words erect a wall of silence between the two men, one Shiloh has to breach if he hopes to win Gale back. But it will take more than apologies to win Gale’s forgiveness and put old fears to rest. It’ll take a cat named Hercules...
…The abrupt weaning I understood, but the other? Who would do that to such a helpless creature? “Then I’m keeping him.”
“In that case, your kitten has fleas, ear mites, and a touch of conjunctivitis. He’s also under nourished and almost surely has worms.”
My heart pounded as I snatched the kitten from Galen’s hands and tucked him safely against my chest. “Is he going to die?”
Galen pushed his sunglasses up to rest on top of his head and grinned at me. I fell into his gorgeous hazel eyes as he stared into my sky blue orbs with open curiosity. Damn, the man had long eyelashes.
“He’ll be fine. Do you think we can finish our chores here this morning, or do we need to go straight to my clinic so I can treat him and fix you up with what you need?” He poked the kitten’s paw and those tiny, wicked claws popped out again. “You’re in for a real treat with this little guy.”
I’d go anywhere he asked me to go, but I didn’t want to appear too eager. “Oh? Why is that?”
“They call cats with these black and white markings a ‘tuxedo’ because, obviously, they look like they’re wearing one. This fellow has the added bonus of white ‘gloves.’ Tuxedos tend to have a lot of personality.” Galen squeezed my elbow. I thought his hand lingered a moment too long, but perhaps it was just wishful thinking.
“C’mon. I’ll tell the other work crew they’ll have to finish pulling up these bricks and we’ll go to the clinic.”
“Thanks, man. I owe you.”
I knew I was in two kinds of trouble when he nodded and grinned. “I’m afraid you will…”
...Gale opened his front door and moved back so I could step inside. Complimenting his choice of attire required breathing, and he’d knocked the air right out of me. Black slacks, a maroon-and-black long sleeved knit shirt in a classic argyle pattern, and loafers had never affected me like this before. I managed to speak the inane phrase.
“Wow. You look great.”
He smiled at me as he closed the door. “Thanks. So do you.”
Gale reached for me, then stopped. I hated to see his uncertainty. It was more proof he needed to do some living before he got serious about anyone, including me. I smiled and closed the distance between us, slipping my arms around his waist. Our lower bodies touched, then he leaned into me. His lips opened as my mouth covered his, and I tasted the cinnamon freshness of chewing gum recently disposed of. He pulled away.
“What? You’re grinning.”
“I am. I just learned what gum you like.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re a little nuts, aren’t you?”
I was nuts about him, but I couldn’t say the words aloud. “I’m no more crazy than the next guy.” I kissed him again, enjoying the connection between us.
Gale deepened the kiss and my body responded with a delicious jolt of arousal that sent heat all the way to my toes. My cock swelled, eager to convince to me to forget dinner and go hungry this evening. Gale rested his forehead on my shoulder.
“I could get all stupid and say we should forget dinner and just go to bed.”
I ran my hands over his back, feeling the lines and planes of the lean body under the soft shirt. Was he hard, too? I cupped his ass to steady him and pressed my pelvis tightly to his.
“We’re at the same level of ‘stupid,’ but we’ve got to eat.” I squeezed his butt. “Don’t we?”
His stomach rumbled, and we laughed. I loved being able to laugh with him. He kissed me with those cinnamon-flavored lips again, then released me. “I am hungry, Shiloh. Let me get a jacket.”
“We have time for a quickie, you know.” Damn. I shouldn’t have said that. The sharp interest in his shining gaze was total agreement. He grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the oak stairs.
“Nice place you have here.”
“Don’t try and change the subject. Remember, I’ve been deprived. I have to make up for lost time.”
I barely noticed his bedroom. We’d both dressed for each other with such care and now clothing flew in all directions. His hands brushed across my chest, cool with excitement, then he turned away. Gale yanked the bedspread down and jerked open a drawer in the large bookcase headboard and tossed condoms and lube onto the pale blue sheet. I grabbed his hips and bumped my pelvis to his ass.
“No time for that.” I planted my left knee on the bed, held on tight to him, and rolled us onto the mattress. “Hand job. Then we get some food into us so we can come back and do it better.”
He grunted as he broke free of my grasp and crawled up to the pillows. “I guess we can leave our socks on, huh?”
“Yep.” I knelt over him. Gale laughed and caressed the inside of my thighs. I shivered, but not with cold. My sac tingled and drew tight to my body as he cupped it.
“Tell me you don’t plan to shoot all over me again.”
I grinned and flopped down beside him. “Not tonight, at least.”
“What do you plan to do to me?” He shifted to face me.
I rolled onto my side and fisted his hard dick.
“Just this right now...”
Book Five in the Men of Marionville Series
Now available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and other online book sellers
KC Kendricks
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What a terrific story! Congratulations, my friend. I wish you huge successes with this newest release. Whoo Hoo!!
Thank you, m'dear!
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