Monday, October 27, 2014

Bad kitty!

October 27, 2014

I do like cats. They're fascinating creatures. A cat sleeping in a sunny window is somehow pleasing to the eye and spirit. But there's another side to felis catus we need to remember. 

It says sooooooo much.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Deuce of Diamonds (An Amethyst Cove novel) #MSS65

October 25, 2014

This is NOT any recipe I'm going try!

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

Welcome to the My Sexy Saturday before All Hallow's Eve. I enjoyed Halloween when I was younger. It was fun to dress up and run amok in the neighborhood. Here I am, all grown up, and while I appreciate the creativity of my neighbor's displays, I feel no urge to join them in decorating. 

This week My Sexy Saturday is all about things that go bump in the night. Hmmmm. My favorite bump in the night is when two hot bodies go bump and the resulting screams are orgasmic. So special for My Sexy Saturday and that bump in the night, here's seven sexy paragraphs from Deuce of Diamonds, book two in the Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series.  Enjoy!
= = = = = = =
“Show me now.” He fisted his hands at my waist, yanked my shirt over my head, and tossed it aside. I shucked the robe off his shoulders and a moment later, his stiff dick filled my hand. I dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth before I even stroked its velvety skin. I remembered his scent, his taste, and it was like coming home.

Rick thrust his hips forward as his fingers fisted in my hair when I swiped my tongue around the rim of his cock. I caressed the back of his pelted thighs and cupped his ass to keep him still so I could work, not stopping until his body gave up the first salty drop. I released him and got to my feet, pushing him backward to the bed. His knees collided with the edge of the mattress and he tumbled to his back. I stripped my jeans off and kicked them aside.

I straddled his hips as the last rays of the sun lit his green eyes and made them glow from within. His roaming hands sent goosebumps skittering over my ass as they skimmed the inside of my thighs. I must have had an odd look on my face because he questioned me.

“What now, Ian?”

I wanted to tell him so many things, but after we made love would be better. I’d have more blood in my brain then, and so would he. I trailed the tip of my index finger along his beautiful, rosy red, eight-inch rod and watched it move slightly under my light touch.

“When we met, my first thought was how I’d like to give your pretty eyes a long look at my bedroom ceiling, and hey, here we are.”

He laughed as he rose up and grabbed me. We rolled to the center of the bed, safe from an unexpected encounter with the floor. Chests pressed, legs entwined, we held each other for a restless moment. I was eager to sink into him, to finally claim him as mine. 
= = = = = = =

available now at 

AmazoniTunesBarnes and NobleKobo

About Deuce of Diamonds:

Private investigator Ian Coulter has a knack for finding trouble even when he’s minding his own business. Ian’s in the midst of a routine weekly job for movie star client Saylor Blackwood when the man confides he thinks he has a fan turned stalker. Ian stays close to Saylor to observe the people around him and gets an unwelcome shock when FBI agent Rick Mohr contacts him.

Rick Mohr has a problem. Ian’s name just popped up on an FBI watch list. Rick knows it’s guilt by association where Ian is concerned, but what about Blackwood? Rick won’t allow Ian to get dragged into the mix when he’s not involved. For Ian he’ll break whatever confidentiality rule necessary. 

It doesn’t take long for Ian and Rick to join forces to clear Ian’s name and get to the bottom of out what’s going on in Amethyst Cove. On or off the case, together is how they work best.

available now at 

AmazoniTunesBarnes and NobleKobo

 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:
Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Big sale. BIG. SALE.

October 21, 2014

Big sale. October 21-28, 2014.

I just got an email from the head guru at Amber Allure that my number has come up in the weekly sales events Amber Quill Press is currently running. It works for me!

Now is your chance to get my entire ebook backlist at a total of 50% off if you purchase at the Amber Allure website. And that's ONLY at the Amber Allure site. 

This sale is only on digital downloads. That's a total discount of 50% off each KC Kendricks book. 

Go have fun!

You can check out the entire list at or at .

Two caveats - this sale does NOT include my new book co-authored with Christiane France. Gotta be fair to Chris, you know. This sales does NOT include any of the paperbacks.

Now seriously. You only have between October 21 and 28, 2014 to get an overall 50% discount on my Amber Allure backlist. Go have fun loading your reader! 

KC Kendricks

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stat curious

October 19, 2014

Being up early this morning you'd think I'd be writing, but not today. I'm avoiding the process and contemplating going back to bed. Sleep would be more productive than looking at my blog stats which tell me...what? 

Aside from the fact that people actually do read my blog - THANK YOU!!! - the stats don't mean a lot to me. I simply find it curious that most of the people hitting my blog use Firefox and Windows. I figure it's a pretty good slice of what the majority of Internet users like. 

Of course, it does nothing to convince me to get my lazy butt in gear and settle down with the work-in-progress and write. 

KC Kendricks

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Double Deuce for MSS Thrillers

October 18, 2014
** Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been discontinued.**

A little indulgence if you please, before we get to today's My Sexy Saturday. This date marks eight years being cancer-free for my beloved. I think we'll "celebrate" by doing nothing out of the ordinary. To share a normal day together is the real blessing of being a survivor. And now on to My Sexy Saturday! 

Here's seven sexy paragraphs from Double Deuce, the first book in the Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series. Look for the latest installment of Ian's story in December. Check out the other half of the Amethyst Cove universe at Christiane France's blog

= = = = =

I bucked him off, then pinned him beneath me. We froze, and I suddenly understood what it meant to fall into someone’s eyes. He licked his lips.

“I know you don’t trust me, Ian, but I’m not out to cause you any harm.”

“That’s an odd statement for a man who’s flat on his back.” I took his mouth, hard, thrusting my tongue into his heat. His knees rose to grip my ribs as he moaned deep in his throat.

It wasn’t an act. No one was that good. I rocked against him, the ridge of my hard cock riding his in a mock fuck. He found the tail of my shirt and pulled it free of my jeans. His big hands moved across my skin, trailing goose bumps over my back. I kissed his neck, finding the soft skin behind his ear.

“This is going to get out of hand.”

His legs dropped from my sides. His voice was hoarse in my ear. “I don’t care. I need this, Ian. I need this so bad.”

The note of pleading in his voice shot though the last of my reservations. The morning would be soon enough to pursue the riddle of Rick Mohr. Tonight, I would ease the man, calm those restless, begging hands and push back whatever demon had hold of him. I rolled off him.
= = = = = 

Contemporary gay romance mystery
available now AmazoniTunesBarnes and Noble, and Kobo.

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 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's 4.5 Hearts for The Ghost Wore Denim from MM Good Book Reviews

October 12, 2014

Many thanks to reviewer Portia de Moncur for her 4.5 Heart review of The Ghost Wore Denim. I didn't expect to have the book reviewed so quickly, so it was quite a surprise. 

I don't get many reviews these days. I think I've been writing for so long now that I'm known to those reviewers who've been around as long. They've already given me high marks and so move on to authors they don't know. My partner in The Ghost Wore Denim, Christiane France, has noticed the same thing in her career.  

Here's a snippet from the review:

This story was amazing…I love a good romance and when you add in a bit of paranormal…I would recommend reading this story especially if you love two sexy men, a man in uniform, ghost, excitement, adventure and a bit of a mystery. I cannot wait to read more by these two amazing authors. – Portia de Moncur

Read the entire MM Good Book Review here.
A little more about The Ghost Wore Denim, available at Amber Allure here.

Michael Brooks had it all mapped out. The market was ripe for him to flip a few houses to supplement his income as an untenured professor at the local college. His plan took a detour when he found a two-story Colonial perfect for a Bed & Breakfast – with a ghost who wears denim.

Deputy Colin Jefferson is a hometown boy who made good. As a member of the local police force he serves the community he loves. He’s heard stories about the Taylor Mansion ghost all his life. Maybe he’s even seen it a time or two, if he believed in that sort of thing.

And Colin has to believe when the ghost pays a visit and Michael asks for his help.

KC Kendricks

How to Celebrate Anniversaries (or not)

October 12, 2014

Autumn is here. I took a stroll along familiar paths and it's easy to discern the signs that winter will be here early. Many of my neighbors must think so, too. The sound of chainsaws echo off every hillside as they lay in firewood. We overstocked last year so we aren't adding to the cacophony of buzzing sounds. 

Today marks a few passages in time for me and the family. It's just part of the progression of days to me but some folks get excited about it. I mark it on my calendar, but it's just another day. I think anniversaries meant much more when they were new(er). 

Give me the Hallmark card and let's get on with it. 

A different event in our day happens this afternoon. The youngest of my beloved's grandsons will receive an achievement award and we've been invited to attend the ceremony. This is nothing new being he's the fourth grandson to get this same award, but we will go and applaud his success. 

Personally, I think his real success has been surviving the "lessons" of his older brothers, but I digress...

Read more about our first attendance at one of these events in the "How it's not nice to prank your kids" blog entry. I still think about that day and laugh. 


On the writing front, I finally finished Ace, Deuce, Trey, the third installment in the Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series. I spent most of the summer tinkering with the story and then decided the old writer's adage was applicable: I wrote the story for me. So it's a long story and the characters act like who I really want them to be. Look for Ace, Deuce, Trey in December 2014. That gives you time to read Double Deuce and then Deuce of Diamonds so you're all caught up on the action. 

I've got two new stand-alone stories underway. Those ideas interfered with completing Ace, Deuce, Trey in a more timely fashion, but that's the life of a writer. New "voices" can be very persistent when they pop up. One of the stories has a March 1, 2015, submission deadline at Amber Quill/Amber Allure so I can take my time, but it's best if I get it finished early. It will be part of a PAX next year. 

The other came about when I realized the title I'd given a blog was a perfect title/idea for a book. So I changed the blog title and banged out the first 3500 words of the story. It's waiting for me to get over this busy weekend and settle down to writing again. The dark winter evenings are good for writing provided one can overcome the urge to hibernate. 

And so it goes this brisk autumn morning. I think I'll go bake something. It seems like the thing to do to warm up the house. Pumpkin spice cookies, anyone?

KC Kendricks

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Ghost Wore Denim for this My Sexy Saturday

October 4, 2014

***UPDATE***  The Ghost Wore Denim is now available at Amber Allure.

Welcome to the first My Sexy Saturday of Spook Month! A happy October to all!

I love this time of year. Not so much for All Hallow's Eve and the accompanying commercialism but for creativity of the Halloween culture. Some of my neighbors decorate to the max and it's worth stopping to take a good look to discover all the nuances of their design. 

Last year all the decorating got me thinking about ghost stories. I wasn't alone in that. Fellow author Christiane France had the same thoughts so it was a short hop to stretching our wings and doing one together. 

So without further ado, here are seven paragraphs from The Ghost Wore Denim. Enjoy!


I went up a few more stairs, my gaze locked with his. “Or is this the pot calling the kettle black?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

I reached the second floor and made a dash for the bedroom. He followed hot on my heels. I stepped aside and closed the door behind him. “For a busy deputy, how much time is allotted for a lunch break?”

He unbuckled his gun belt and carefully laid his weapon aside. “About enough for a really good hand job.”

“Perfect!” I kicked off my sneakers and unzipped my jeans at the same time. He grabbed the bedspread and flipped it down. I knelt on the sheet then fell over to the pillows. Colin joined me there. I cupped the back of his head and kissed him.

Colin met me in the kiss even as his fingers wrapped around my cock. I flattened my palm against his belly, slid my hand down to his erection, and stroked, matching the movements of his hand.

I knew this motion well. What man doesn’t? But it was sweeter when done by a strange hand. He whispered to me to go faster.

Available October 5, 2014 at Amber Allure

KC Kendricks

Be sure to check out all the My Sexy Saturday blogs listed below for some sexy reading!

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