Come with me into a world where visions live, and life and love are met on my keyboard, down in the spaces between the keys...
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Mother Nature is having way too much fun this week
Even without a personal photo, I’ll remember this rainbow, and the promise of spring given to us at the close of a very wet and chilly February day.
KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
My country life at Holly
Tree Manor
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
It's coming...soon... The 2016 A to Z Challenge!
Just up! The A to Z Challenge badges are posted so I went and snagged them all - letters A to Z and the main badge. I'm getting ready. Are you?
Saturday, February 13, 2016
The Ghost Wore Denim
**UPDATED August 4, 2018**
The Ghost Wore Denim is now included in the entire story, The Ghost at the B and B. We got the story started with The Ghost Wore Denim and The Ghost Makes Three. We were unable to release the final book due to the closing of Amber Quill Press. Now, finally, the story is complete. The Ghost at the B&B is all three books in one special volume. (At a single book price because we know so many of you already have the first two stories.) And yes, Robin is a friendly ghost. Very friendly.
Having a ghost in the background might be an odd choice for Valentine's Day weekend, but here we are. I think anytime two people meet and fall in love is special. It's their very own Valentine's Day.
So here are seven sexy paragraphs from The Ghost Wore Denim for this My Sexy Saturday.
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The Ghost Wore Denim
KC Kendricks
Sunday, February 7, 2016
The Kendricks 700

February 7, 2016
Seven hundred blog posts.
I suppose hitting 700 could be considered a milestone of sorts. I don't really know. I knew it was coming and just like those other numbers with the zeros, I wondered what profound bit of blogging wisdom I could share. Hmmm.
Wisdom is a fleeting thing. One day you have it and the next it's gone. My world is in transition mode. So many things I thought were clear are now muddied through no actions of my own.
My mother will need increasing care, as will my stepfather. I've dithered about early retirement and now I may not have a choice. The publishing industry is going down in flames and the Phoenix rising from the ashes is the indie author.
Wisdom? I have none.
What I do have is a willful determination to keep going. Progress may not be fast, or even steady, but each step forward is a victory. So forward I go. For me, giving up and/or resting on my laurels are not options.
Like so many days, there is much to do and not enough minutes to accomplish it all. Like so many days, I need to pick and choose where my time and energy are spent. Maybe blogging isn't the best choice, but the 700th blog post wouldn't wait.
My thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride. Where are we going next? Stay tuned. We can figure it out together.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
A new little boy

I think I have a line on a puppy. I don't want to jinx it, but I'm beyond thrilled! He's about three weeks old and I can't even meet him in person until he's six weeks. We can't bring him home until March.
March is good. We got Jett in March and it worked out perfectly for us. March gives me time to get puppy supplies and toys.
The thing is, I may not last that long! Look at those paws! That little scrunchy face!
This is like computer dating. I'm in love and he hasn't even licked me yet!
PS. You know he's going to end up the hero in a book, don't you?
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
IWSG - Seasonal Depression
Need a quick read? Hey, Joe is available at online booksellers for a whopping big 99-cents.
Available at:
Amazon US:
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Hey, Joe webpage:
KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
My country life at Holly
Tree Manor