Saturday, July 30, 2016

My Sexy Saturday - The Right Brew

July 30, 2016

When I wrote the first story set in Marionville, A Hard Habit to Break, I knew I had the foundation for a trilogy. What I didn't know at the time was that in Marionville, all things are possible. I've written science fiction under another name and enjoyed creating my own universe. Marionville is much the same thing. It's my town. I know its highways and byways, its restaurants and its nightclubs. And while Marionville is small town enough that our heroes are acquainted with each other, every man deserves his own story be told. This might take awhile!

Today for My Sexy Saturday #152, I've gone back to Marionville and its newest resident, Hollis, and its newest business - The Right Brew microbrewery.

Here are seven sexy paragraphs from The Right Brew you won't find anywhere else. Enjoy!


I stared at the old brass bed. “I bet that makes a lot of noise.”

A slow smile spread across his features. “It does, but no one else is around to hear it.” He stepped in front of me and laid his palm flat against the center of my chest. “I even changed the sheets for you.”

Really? That was a sure sign tonight was equally important to him. I wrapped my fingers around his and brought his knuckles to my lips. I watched his eyes widen in surprise and then darken with longing.

“Take your shirt off, Caleb.”

He grinned and yanked his shirt over his head without opening the little pearl snaps. I noted the lean but well-defined muscles. I bet his workout was in the brewery, and not the gym.

I laughed softly and peeled out of my shirt the same way. He perched on the edge of the bed and patted the spot beside him before toeing off his shoes.

I moved to stand in front of him, between his knees. I put my hands on his shoulders and he grasped my hips and unbalanced me until I fell me to the mattress. He kissed me again, unhurried as he fumbled getting my belt undone. I surged up and away. With an easy roll, he was on his feet to unsnap his jeans. He let them drop and then stepped out of them. I grinned at the large bulge his black hip-hugger underwear couldn’t contain. 

Book IX in the Men of Marionville collection
Contemporary gay romance
An All Romance eBooks Best Seller!

**UPDATE** Although All Romance eBooks has closed, it doesn't change that The Right Brew was a bestseller there. 

Available at 

For more information and excerpts, please visit: 

Hollis Milnor didn’t think twice about moving to Marionville. His ailing cousin needed his help running his nightclub, Frolic, and Hollis needed to put some space between himself and an ex-boyfriend determined to make his life miserable. Management skills he has. Experience running a nightclub, not so much, but he’s a quick learner. 

Caleb Brewer is a steady, hard-working man establishing a microbrewery. He’s got a great product and demand for it is growing. When a new manager takes over the hottest nightclub in Marionville, Caleb is determined to maintain his prior arrangements.

What starts out as business quickly heats up the summer nights. Hollis hesitates, reluctant to step over the legal line. Caleb isn’t just a vendor. He works part-time at the nightclub. Becoming involved puts them both in murky waters, waters that become crystal clear when the past catches up with Hollis and puts everyone he loves in danger.    

Be sure to visit all the My Sexy Saturday blogs on the list below for more great excerpts.

KC Kendricks

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Right Brew by KC Kendricks

July 27, 2016


Book IX in the Men of Marionville collection
Contemporary gay romance
An All Romance eBooks Best Seller (before ARe closed)

Available at iTunes/Apple

Available at Amazon

Hollis Milnor didn’t think twice about moving to Marionville. His ailing cousin needed his help running his nightclub, Frolic, and Hollis needed to put some space between himself and an ex-boyfriend determined to make his life miserable. Management skills he has. Experience running a nightclub, not so much, but he’s a quick learner. 

Caleb Brewer is a steady, hard-working man establishing a microbrewery. He’s got a great product and demand for it is growing. When a new manager takes over the hottest nightclub in Marionville, Caleb is determined to maintain his prior arrangements.

What starts out as business quickly heats up the summer nights. Hollis hesitates, reluctant to step over the legal line. Caleb isn’t just a vendor. He works part-time at the nightclub. Becoming involved puts them both in murky waters, waters that become crystal clear when the past catches up with Hollis and puts everyone he loves in danger.   


“Caleb. Come in and sit down.” I motioned at a chair. “Something wrong?”

He eased down in the wing chair and stretched out his long denim-encased legs. “Did we sorta get off on the wrong foot here? I can’t afford to have that happen.”

I gave him points for directness. He didn’t aim to come off as being abrupt. He simply kept everything right out front. I liked that.

“I know. It’s my fault, Caleb, and I’m sorry. I’m here to manage the nightclub, not get personally involved with any of the men working within the business end of things.”

He studied me for a moment and then nodded. “Fair enough. I thought that might be it, but I wanted to be sure that’s all it was. Now I need to ask you this.” He took a deep breath. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I’d like to talk about some business.”

He would, would he? I admit getting involved with the hired help wasn’t a good idea and he comes back with an invitation to dinner?

We could talk ideas and possibilities for our respective ventures right now. We didn’t need food, wine and the privacy of a crowded restaurant, but what better way to learn more about him? A wave of goosebumps fluttered over my back.

“I guess I do need to eat sometime.”

His blue gaze locked on mine. “I think I like that you had to consider it. Too much impulse can lead a man astray.”

Oh, hell, yeah. “Is that where you’d like to go? Astray?”

A smile teased the corner of his mouth. His eyes sparkled with humor. “I’ve been there before so I know which road not to take.”

“Same here. Tell me something. How long have you been connected with Frolic?”

“Not long. Maybe a year. Why?”

I grinned at him. “You might have information useful to me.”

He rolled his eyes and lifted his gaze to the ceiling. “And that, Caleb Brewer, is why the man agreed to have dinner with you.”

 I chuckled. “Talk to yourself often, do you? I like to keep things above board, too. So, yeah, I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions, but I think I’ll really enjoy having dinner with you.”

“I get it, and it’s okay. So how about I meet you about seven o’clock? At The Wharf? It’s the best place in town.”

“I’ve heard about the place. Give me your phone number in case something happens and I can’t get away on time. I can at least let you know I’m running late and why.”

We exchanged cell numbers and he held his hand out as he stood to leave. I reached out and his fingers closed around mine. The shock of his warm palm against mine turned my arm to lead. He let go of me.

“It’s not a date, Hollis. Not if you don’t want it to be.”

He walked out of the office while I stood watching his retreating backside. It wasn’t until he’d disappeared I realized I rather wished it were.   

 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

December Promise - My sexy crush for My Sexy Saturday

July 23, 2016

Welcome to another My Sexy Saturday blog hop. Today the theme is all about My Sexy Crush. I think we've all had one of those. That one person we just ache to stand next to. Forget about anything else. We just want to breathe the same air as they do! 

In keeping with the theme, here are seven sexy paragraphs from December Promise. Paul and Lee were college roommates, and lovers. There's a lot of time and distance between those days and now, and they wonder if the magic they shared can be rekindled.  Enjoy!


Quick as lightning, Paul wrapped his arms around Lee. Desire, swift and sweet, swept through him, jumbling his memories, as Lee’s mouth moved over his. His lips opened, and Lee’s tongue licked into his as he backed Paul against the car. His cock responded, swelling rapidly as a delicious urgency seized him. He inhaled sharply, and Lee’s spicy scent exploded in his memory, refreshed, better now for holding him again. Paul stroked his lover’s back, his hands going down to cup Lee’s firm ass. Lee pressed closer and flexed his pelvis to his. Paul gripped tighter, needing to feel every inch of the steel rod rubbing against his. This was nuts. They couldn’t just pick up where they’d left off. Could they?

Nothing had changed. They lived on separate coasts. They’d made separate lives. It should be easy to stop kissing him and explain why this was a bad idea, and friendship was the best they should hope for. He spun Lee around and slammed him flat to the car door.

Paul shivered as Lee yanked his shirttail out of his jeans, his hot palms sliding across the planes of his chest. Paul made a sound of encouragement as Lee’s finger teased his left nipple. Trust Lee to remember how he loved to have his nips touched. He thrust his tongue into Lee’s mouth. Lee pushed against him, breaking off the heated kiss. 

“Hey, easy. We need to cool down a bit.”

Paul grabbed at him, but Lee gently swatted his hands away. “I mean it, Paul.”

Behind him, people spoke. A car engine started. He shivered as the testosterone haze cleared and Lee smiled at him. “Best we not get tossed onto the street for lewd and obscene behavior.”

He was right. Paul took a deep breath and tried to ignore the tightness in his balls. Thank heavens Lee had his wits about him. “So you think me going to my knees in the parking garage would be a bit much?”



A lot can happen between one December and another.

Paul Macy moved heaven and earth to get a reluctant Lee Kendall for his college roommate. Giving up his free-and-easy lifestyle for the sexy new guy on campus had been the easiest decision Paul had ever made. Walking away from Lee had been the hardest.

Now, years later, Lee Kendall’s made it to the top of his field by working hard, and playing harder in the right circles. Yet he has also come to realize that success is empty when you have no one with whom to celebrate it. But as luck would have it, an invitation to visit his alma mater brings Lee face-to-face with his first lover, and a chance for the reconciliation he never thought possible.

The sparks fly when Paul and Lee reunite, fulfilling long-denied dreams for both men. But passion isn’t a pledge, and it takes more than promises made in the dark to forge a shared future between two lonely hearts...


Available at Amazon,  Apple/iTunes, and other online booksellers.

KC Kendricks

Be sure to check out all the My Sexy Saturday blogs today! If the list fails to display (thanks, blogger!) visit to view it. 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

December Promise

July 16, 2016

I'm very happy to say that December Promise is once again available to you, my readers. I toyed with the idea of waiting until the end of the year to release the book, but December is truly a busy time for everyone. Peace and quiet for reading time vanishes in my world in December. 

December Promise is a story of two people reconnecting after many years. Who hasn't had a few "what if" moments in life? I have, although I rarely confess them. I hope you'll enjoy December Promise.



December Promise
Contemporary gay romance available now at

A lot can happen between one December and another.

Paul Macy moved heaven and earth to get a reluctant Lee Kendall for his college roommate. Giving up his free-and-easy lifestyle for the sexy new guy on campus had been the easiest decision Paul had ever made. Walking away from Lee had been the hardest.

Now, years later, Lee Kendall’s made it to the top of his field by working hard, and playing harder in the right circles. Yet he has also come to realize that success is empty when you have no one with whom to celebrate it. But as luck would have it, an invitation to visit his alma mater brings Lee face-to-face with his first lover, and a chance for the reconciliation he never thought possible.

The sparks fly when Paul and Lee reunite, fulfilling long-denied dreams for both men. But passion isn’t a pledge, and it takes more than promises made in the dark to forge a shared future between two lonely hearts...


To read an expert, please visit

December Promise will also be available at Amazon and other online booksellers. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Casual Fridays

July 15, 2016

It's taken many years, but the atmosphere at my place of employment has relaxed. With a new CEO came a new set of much-needed office "rules." He made it clear from day one he wasn't here to win a cover on GQ. The dress code relaxed. 

I can certainly embrace that. As I approach the end of my years of gainful employment, I don't want to spend any more money on dresses. Now it's more about buying separates that will be wearable as I settle into a new, more home-based lifestyle. 

But today I wonder if I took a step too far. Knowing I would be in the office by myself the entire day, I delved deeply into what used to be known as the casual Friday look. 

Shorts, an okay button shirt, and Reeboks. Maybe a bit..... I don't know.... too far. It's not my usual office attire. 

Then again, the city is working in the street outside my office. They hit the water line and now there's no water in my building. Maybe it's a good thing I'm wearing walking shoes. I may have to visit the local gas station. 

KC Kendricks

**Coming soon! The Right Brew. Our hero owns a mircobrewery.**

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Catching Fireflies and building sand castles

July 9, 2016
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has closed.**

The theme for this My Sexy Saturday is castles. I don't have any castles of stone, but I have a couple who might just be in the market for sandcastles. It'll have to do! 

My Sexy Saturday is a weekly blog hop that brings the reader brief excerpts from a wide variety of romance writers. Be sure to visit the My Sexy Saturday page for the list of this week's participants. 

Here are seven sexy paragraphs from Catching Fireflies. Enjoy!


Our laughter died quickly as he shifted his position enough to wrap his arms around my neck. He rested his head on my shoulder.

“Chad, being the nice guy he is, was willing to put up with Sidney to get me here. He warned me about Sid, how much he’d changed over the years, but I didn’t listen and got involved with him again. Big mistake. So I came to the island to get some breathing room. I don’t think I’m going back to Boston.” He pulled back and cocked his head to the side to search my face.

“But we’re both guests here, and I’m not sure it’s not the best thing for either of us to get too friendly.”

Even as he said the words, I heard the hope in his voice I’d disagree. Maybe we were just what the other needed right now. We could give each other a chance to take a few steps back to those parts of ourselves we needed to recapture. It would be a way to begin to trust again.

I cupped his chin and kissed him. Aubrey moaned softly into my mouth, then his silky tongue licked over mine. Arousal shrieked along my nerve endings and my waning erection reasserted itself in a wonderful, throbbing rush. My pure intentions fled and I toppled us over, pinning him beneath me. His legs rose and his thighs gripped my hips. Every cell in my body needed to get inside him, to feel his flesh open to mine.

Two seconds later, I was on my back staring up at him. The breeze blew his hair across his face as he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Now, hon, you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself like that.”



Dale Langley longs for some triple R time - rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. He accepts his cousin’s invitation to winter over on Ocracoke Island, far away from the hustle and bustle of life on the mainland. He’s always loved being a rolling stone, traveling for his job without the worry of a place to call home, but it’s time for something different. Now Dale anticipates several blissful months to learn how to be still with no demands on his time while he prepares for the next phase of his life.

Aubrey Zimmerman came to Ocracoke to attend a friend’s commitment ceremony. Never one to settle down, Aubrey’s had enough of involvements that took him from man to man without a place to call home. He needs a break - and a little solitude. House sitting while his friend is on his honeymoon is the perfect way to clear his head and catch up on his sleep. At least it seemed that way until Dale arrived and Aubrey realized sleep is the last thing he needs.

Fate has changes in store for Dale and Aubrey, the sort neither one knew they wanted. Sometimes the more you wander the closer to home you get.

Contemporary gay romance
Book five in the Southern Cross series

Catching Fireflies is available at
AmazoniTunes/AppleBarnes and NobleKobo,
and other online booksellers. 

KC Kendricks
blog: (you are here!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Independence (July IWSG)

July 6, 2016

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

As a citizen of the United States, I enjoy what are unparalleled freedoms. Generations back, in 1751, the seven-times great-grandfather whose name I carry landed on these shores in Philadelphia. A few short years later, he signed the Patriot’s Oath of Fidelity and Support. I wonder if he marveled at the changes in the world around him as much as I do? I think it’s safe to say he valued personal freedom else why make a patriot’s pledge to the new country?

Writers have always been a seditious bunch. Just read the Declaration of Independence line by line and you’ll be amazed at the audacity of writers. Writers have a unique and powerful talent. Writers can change the world. Writers HAVE changed the world.

For the most part, writers are a sensitive, introverted and insecure bunch. What we need to remember is the impressive heritage we share. We are the keepers of history and visionaries of the future. Words are our tools, our magic carpets, even our weapons. This is our gift.

One of the reasons I signed up for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group was to hopefully impart some pearl of wisdom that someone struggling would find. Am I egotistical enough to believe what I write in a blog has special merit?  Not really, but the universe works in mysterious ways. What leads me to write leads another to read. I don’t question - or tempt - it too far.

So if I have one thing to share this month, when in the United States we are celebrating our independence, it's that every writer remember to embrace their gift and use it wisely. Don’t be afraid to be independent in your writing, and you might just change the world. 

KC Kendricks

Monday, July 4, 2016

The red, white and blue of it

July 4, 2016

I'm as patriotic as the next girl. Really, I am. 

I know the laws and rules that govern how we display the American flag. 

But you know, every once in a while I just have to put on blinders and enjoy a photograph for what it is. I know I've shared this one before, but he's definitely worth a second viewing. 

Enjoy your Independence Day!


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Eye of the Beholder by KC Kendricks

July 2, 2016
**updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop is no longer operational**

Welcome to another My Sexy Saturday blog hop here at Between the Keys! My Sexy Saturday is the blog hop that every Saturday brings you seven sexy words, sentences, or paragraphs from a wide variety within the romance genre. 

This week, I'm happy to have seven sexy paragraphs from Eye of the Beholder. Enjoy!


I was just about to tuck my toes under the sheet when for no real reason a movement on the other side of the narrow alley drew my attention. I yawned as the lights in the apartment across the way and down a story went out. The lower half of the window rose about six to eight inches and a pair of male hands set a block to keep it from falling closed. The hands, now unseen, pushed the sheer curtains apart to allow what little breeze stirred this night entrance to his room. Naked, he flopped down on his bed, his back arched as he stretched his arms over his head.

Why I didn't crawl between the sheets and go to sleep will forever remain a mystery. I never aspired to be a peeping Tommy. I might watch a little gay porn now and again, but what poor deprived country boy hadn't resorted to the joys of the Internet to get by until they could find a real man? That didn't make me a pervert. Unlike a few of the tricks I'd had since arriving in lower Manhattan, I didn't even like to have sex in public places. But in the blink of an eye I became a voyeur.

I suppose I was surprised to be able to see him so clearly, but I didn’t give it much thought. Hell, who could think? Not me. I could only watch and ache as my cock swelled.

He was beautiful. His face was shrouded in shadow, but the city lights revealed his lean, toned body in all its well-formed splendor, cast in liquid silver. He stretched a second time, and I longed to trail my fingertips over the long lines of his torso. I cupped my balls and settled them in a more comfortable position, then stroked my shaft. Arousal teased my nerve endings before it shrieked through me as the man on the bed ran his hands over his thighs.

The inside of my thighs prickled. I soothed the skin, rubbing gently. The hair on my legs was rough under my palms. Were his thighs dusted with hair, or did he have a darker pelt like mine? I followed his path as he caressed the softer skin where leg blended to hip, sliding my fingertips down the valley and in alongside my sac. My dick throbbed, but until he stroked the dark rod that rested on his pale abdomen, I couldn’t give in to the temptation to reach for relief.

I groaned as the man flipped over onto his belly and wiggled his hips, the perfect muscular mounds of his buttocks alabaster in the starlight. He spread his legs, knees well apart. How could he do that to me?

Was that a movement in the shadows behind him? Heart pounding, I froze, fearing my presence would be detected by this second man, who eased between the man’s open thighs, his sizable boner pointing straight out at my phantom lover’s ass.


A little irreverent, a smidgen of humor, and a lot sexy.

Eye of the Beholder is now available at
AmazonBarnes and NobleiTunes/AppleKobo
and other online booksellers

Some neighbors share more than others...

Andy Madison is city born and bred. Filling in for a friend at a coffee shop, Andy meets Ben Hardin and sparks fly. They spend a long, lazy Sunday afternoon together to get to know each other, and when they decide to let nature take its course, they go to Ben’s cozy apartment.

Ben’s taking his time becoming acclimated to his new life in the big city. He’s got a great job he loves, he’s making new friends, and his starter apartment has the most incredible views a young man could dream of. Ben’s discovered there’s more to admire than the arts, music and architecture. All he has to do is look out his window and across the narrow alley.

Andy thinks he’s seen it all living in the Big Apple, but what he spies through Ben’s window is something that can only be enjoyed by the eye of the beholder...