Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Jim Morrison was correct

 January 30, 2024

Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys

There are times when it's impossible to write. A week ago yesterday, I called for an ambulance to transport the spousal unit to the hospital. It's been downhill since then. 

I've always been annoyed when I read posts from other authors about the trials and tribulations in their lives. Oh, woe is me! This last week has me thinking about whether or not we need to overshare. I think we do not. 

No one's life is free of strife. It comes to all of us, albeit in different guises. Right now, my strife is being the type of caregiver that is in complete opposition to my personality. I lack the compassion for such activity. 

These are strange days for me. There is time to write, little capsules of time when I can escape into the world of my creation. Those moments don't last long enough. Reality intrudes, calling for me to bring a bottle of water, or a cup of coffee. And it's just enough to kill the joy of writing. 

Will these days pass? I pray they do, but I see no end in sight. Should I give up writing to care for someone who refuses to agree with me on even the smallest point? I was sick last night but even that didn't generate a respite. I went to bed early but kept being disturbed by demands. And I repeat - I was sick. Should I happily care for someone who cares so little for me? 

Perhaps my writing should take a different turn. Maybe I should reach out to everyone who finds themselves in a like circumstance and tell them it's okay to be angry and frustrated that strange days have tracked us down. It could be that my words will help another whose days are stranger than mine. 

One way or another, my strange days will pass. I'll get through them and be better equipped for the next bit of strangeness that comes my way. Experience tells me this. 

My days of having the spousal unit at home with me are numbered. Sooner or later he will need to go into a care facility and, whether he likes it or not, it will be before I'm worn out from caring for him. That's the real danger in being a caregiver. You can give too much of yourself away and then you need care. I've seen it happen and I recognize it as a pitfall to avoid. I will avoid it because love includes self-love, and sometimes that has to come first. 


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel: KC Kendricks Between the Keys
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce: deucesday.blogspot.com
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor: hollytreemanor.blogspot.com

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, self-love, caregivers, contemporary gay romance, LGBT gay fiction, romance fiction for Kindle, rural living, a writer's life, 

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