Monday, March 24, 2025

A to Z Blogging and distractions

March 24, 2025

So for a hot minute I thought about doing the 2025 A to Z Blogging Challenge. Maybe not for an entire minute. Been there, done that. It takes a lot of time, and that's time I don't want to devote to it. 

I had to go back and look to see when I first took the challenge. It was in April 2011. I thought it might be a great way to promo the books I had available. I made a calendar and got to work. 

When April 2012 rolled around, I was more prepared. I pre-wrote several blog entries to stay ahead. In 2013 I really got into developing a calendar. In 2014, we picked themes and mine was a subject near to my heart - A Rural Life. I kicked off the month with a story we cousins still laugh about. Our grandparents were sometimes larger than life. 

As I approached April 2015, I questioned my sanity when I thought of doing the challenge yet again. My 2015 theme was Many Sundry Things and I went all over the place with entries. But in 2016, I pulled up my big girl britches and jumped in again with some Time Management

All-in-all, I for the most part enjoyed the Challenge. But if I recall correctly, the A to Z organizers changed the format in 2017 and that was my excuse to STOP IT. Six years was enough participation for me. Plus, my day job and caring for my mother were getting the best of me. (I'm going to address some of that later in a post about retirement.)

It takes me about an hour to go from start to finish on a blog entry. I need coffee or tea. I need to let Deuce out. The washer or dryer beeps at me. I'm cold so I need a sweater. I'm hot so I have to hang it up. I get a notification I have a new email so I need to go read it. Did I ever mention I have several blogs about distractions? I do. 

In the course of writing this entry, I was distracted by some of the old A to Z blogs and read them. Can you believe I allowed myself to be distracted yet again? Yep.

I'm not participating in the 2025 Challenge. I'm delighted that it's happening. I approve of continuity. I just have too many other distractions important things in my life right now. 

Gotta go. Deuce wants to play and my coffee cup is empty. I think the dryer may have beeped, too. 


KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:

Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:

Between the Keys,  KC Kendricks, A to Z Blogging, contemporary gay romance, m/m romance, GLBT gay, Kindle gay novels, distractions, a writer's life, rural living, writers on writing

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