March 5, 2025
Whelp, here I go again. No, no, it's not a rip-off of Whitesnake. What I mean is, I've started the next book.
Yea, me! Go, me! Has me lost me fluffin' mind?
I zipped over to my story folder and took a count. This book will be Number 89. Yes, that count includes those books that are out of print or I never published (I have 3 of those). Some of those are the old Rayne Forrest books, but they count, too. I did write them.
I think it may be a good sign that I started chapter one and ended up at over fifteen hundred words. It needs to be filled out some, but that will come. The good thing is I have the opening scene where our guys meet written. Tweaking comes when I know them a little better.
If you follow along here at Between the Keys, you know I've given a lot of thought as to whether or not I want to continue to write. Why? The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is going to ruin romance fiction. Even now, I can tell if AI was used to write a book because it's like the last four books I've tried to read. Never until now have I returned ebooks, nor will I take a KU subscription. Perhaps I'm doomed to read and reread all the books currently in my library. Thank goodness I own a substantial amount of books that AI never touched.
Another reason I've pondered whether or not to continue is that my internal life changed dramatically in 2024 with the death of my spouse. Externally, I still own my home and properties so I'm physically and materialistically comfortable. But I've changed. Now that I'm no longer a caregiver, how do I want to fill my days? I assure you that mindless television watching will not make the cut.
Having time to do only those things one wants to do is both blessing and curse. Looking at my calendar and my To Do List, I have several options. Which one do I want to do? Since Ron passed, decision making is an effort and hiding away in my office writing feels like, well, hiding away.
I think the weather just made today's decision for me. It has started to rain.
Perhaps I'm not ready to take down the KC Kendricks shingle and pack up my keyboard. I find I'm eager to finish this blog entry and get back to the WIP. I think this is a good thing. I think I have my answer.
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KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, contemporary gay fiction, m/m fiction, Kindle romance, GLBT gay romance, m/m romance, a writer's life, writers on writing, questioning self, decision making,
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