Saturday, August 23, 2014

Highway Nights by KC Kendricks on this My Sexy Saturday

August 23, 2014

**updated 4/1/21**
**The My Sexy Saturday blog hop is no longer operational**

Welcome to my corner of My Sexy Saturday. This week I'm highlighting seven paragraphs from Highway Nights. 

With My Sexy Saturday #56, we're talking about love for the ages and that's what happened to Garrett and Oliver. They didn't see it coming in the beginning, but it made the ride more fun.

I hope you enjoy this snip from Highway Nights.


“To each his own.”

Garrett grasped Oliver’s hips and yanked him against him. He held him there and soaked up the heat from Oliver’s body. The corner of his mouth quirked in a small smile.

“So, am I going to have to beg you to kiss me again?”

Oliver ran his thumb over Garrett’s lower lip. He swallowed, the muscles in his throat moving. “Garrett, be sure you want this. Don’t lead me on, then tell me to stop.”

“I came for this, Oliver.”

Something dark and unsettled sparked in Oliver’s eyes. “Don’t get too attached to me, either, boy.”

“I’m horny. I want to fuck you, not marry you.”


For what it's worth, I saw the photo of cars on the highway at night and it was the inspiration for the story. I was thrilled when the cover artist agreed to use it. 

More about Highway Nights:

Garrett Webb has a five-point plan for starting his own business. To keep it on track, he takes a second job and settles into the evening delivery run between Owensville and Mt. Franklin. When a foggy night sends him to the safety of The Downshift Diner and its owner, Oliver Sanderson, that future takes an unforeseen turn.

Good intentions can’t hold out against their budding attraction. Garrett makes the diner a regular stop during his nightly run, and the men get better acquainted. But Garrett’s past isn’t done with him. In a single heart-stopping moment, Garrett is forced to a decision that risks Oliver’s life – one that could forever end their highway nights.


Available at:

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 Amazon UK:

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 Highway Nights webpage:

 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Chilly Situation

August 16, 2014

If you're a long-time visitor here at Between the Keys you already know I enjoy living in the woods. I'm very blessed to have three acres of land to call my very own but with that blessing comes a duty of stewardship. I pay attention to the flora and fauna on my patch of paradise. It's not like I can do a lot but clean up the debris if a tree falls in my woods, but I at least I am aware it happened. 

In the midst of the outcries about global warming we're having a very cool summer here in western Maryland. In my particular realm there is some snickering regarding the political silence on the matter. And you must allow us our snark because, you see, my compatriots and I live a mere ninety or so miles northwest of the hottest air found on the planet, that being the real source of "global warming" - the incessant talking of the Capitol Hill politician. We suffer from something akin to radiation exposure from the gases they expel. 

I wonder if they've finally shut the fuck up because it was a mere fifty degrees on the patio this morning. 

That I can't drink my first cup of coffee on my patio in the middle of August is virtually unheard of. And I was really looking forward to those fifteen minutes of peace and solitude before I start what will be a Saturday full of activity. Spending quiet time watching my world turn from a dusky grey-green to glowing green-gold as the sun comes up is one of life's simple pleasures. I'm going to miss it this morning and it doesn't please me.  

But never mind what I think about this chilly morning. You should ask my cat his opinion. While I at least stepped outside to take a look around, he retreated the moment his little pink paw pads hit the cold concrete. He looked up at me and screeched his unhappiness. I'm not sure what he thinks I can do about it but obviously I'm to come up with a solution. Seriously - does he look happy to you? I'm going to have  to deal with His Majesty's displeasure until the mercury hits at least seventy. It's going to take a lot of cat crack, er, Mix-up treats, to fix this. 

The first cup of coffee is gone and it's time I find a sweatshirt so I can begin my outside tasks. We're leaving on a day jaunt mid-morning and there are potted flowers to water, a pool filter to change, tomatoes to pick, and hummingbird feeders to replenish before I go, not to mention finding a way to put the cat in a happier frame of mind.

A sweatshirt. In August. It's certainly a chilly situation. 


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tango in the Night by KC Kendricks (#MSS54)

August 9, 2014
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been closed.**

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday #54. Hot August is here and it's time to heat up the sheets even more. In my hometown if you talk about the tango in the night you're talking about sex, not a song by a rock group although I do like the song. So here are seven sexy paragraphs from one of my favorite stories (if the author is allowed to admit that), Tango in the Night. Enjoy!


Ellis’ gaze locked with mine. I knew that interested look, having been on the receiving end of it often enough in my life. It was nice to know I could still turn a head. He reached out and trailed his fingertips down my arm. “You want some help feeling young again, Jubal?”
I hated to disappoint him. He was a nice looking man, and I couldn’t deny my curiosity about him. But…I rebuffed him as gently as I knew how. “Not with a co-worker, Ellis, even a handsome stud like you.”
Ellis didn’t blink. His chin lifted the slightest bit as those blue eyes saw straight through my act. A warm little glow sparked to life in my belly. I knew by the way he pressed his full, sexy lips together he knew. We stood there staring at each, the air between us sparking with a strange blue lightning. He tried, but he couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from quirking up in a little smile.
“If you change your mind, Jubal, just say so.”
I nodded. Ellis pushed off from the counter and walked towards the door, the wide vees on the pockets of his jeans showing off his swagger to good advantage. I had one more thing I had to say to him. “Ellis?”
He stopped and turned around. “Yeah?”
“Nice ass.”

Here's a bit about Tango in the Night:

Jubal Graham is back on the job after a shooter took the life of his long-time partner, and sent him into a coma followed by months of rehab. Determined to have justice, Jubal is focused on finding a killer, not a new romantic entanglement. Ellis Banks, with his smoldering blue eyes and denim-clad swagger is a distraction Jubal can’t afford – or ignore. 

Ellis Banks came to Philadelphia to bust a drug operation; one that connects to the same case agency legend Kentuckian Jubal Graham is working. Ellis finds himself drawn to Jubal, but Jubal holds him off. Sure that Jubal is interested, even though Jubal wears his slain lover’s ring, Ellis mounts a determined siege.

Jubal’s surprise at having a suitor develops into a growing affection for Ellis, one clouded with old fears. Fate ripped one lover from his arms, and now Ellis is in the line of fire. Jubal’s courage can protect Ellis, but is it powerful enough to love him?


 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sundry things for a Sunday

August 3, 2014

Yesterday my family gathered and it was good. All the cousins and kids were there except one who had to work and we certainly forgive his absence. Our young widower came and I don't know if we did well by him by not speaking much of his loss but taking our cues from him, we remained silent to allow him peace in our midst. The women had a new baby coming soon to speculate about and the men spent time in the driveway trash talking each other's new rides.

As chance would have it, my honey's family reunion was also yesterday. He joined us for a meal then traveled to his to play poker with his brothers. It's the first time I've missed his family reunion in twenty years but I think I can manage the absence.

On the writing front, I finally finished the short story. I started it months ago and it sort of floated in and out of focus as I worked on other projects. Because it features a trio of canines, I started calling it "Lick Me." I'm not at all convinced I should title it that but I'm afraid it's going to stick.  
With Lick Me finished (oh, God, that title IS going to stick...) it's time to line up the ducks in a neat row. They won't stay there, but I refuse to give up making the attempt to keep things orderly. 

Up next is "Ace, Deuce, Trey." Savvy readers will guess correctly that with Deuce in the title it's the third installment in the Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series. Ian and Rick's cases overlap when a thief/con artist targets Ian's client.

Sundown, Fallon and Juny have caught a lead on an old cold case. Local history, a crooked politician, a skeleton and a burned body figure into the mix. It could be that the shapeshifting Chal have information dating back to 1850 that can link everything together. Fallon and Juny just have to pry it out of Sundown. It might be easier this time since Sundown is looking for reasons to avoid his tiny doppelganger.   

I jumped into a trio of PAXes for next year, too. The first one is about lovers reuniting (a fave theme of almost everyone). The second PAX is called Texas Roundup so you know a cowboy type is going to figure into that one. My story for that one is called "Ride Your Luck." Then I got sideswiped by the third PAX. Three of us authors had our names on this for so long I didn't think it would ever fly but finally two more of the group signed up and the Beachcombers PAX is now a go. 

Then there is a story hot off the idea board. I had a different title for this blog and as soon as I typed it in I knew it was perfect for a story. So I changed the blog title to something more mundane. 

With all these plot lines, blurbs and character bios to develop, I think it's time to grab a second cup of coffee and a notepad and head for the patio. I really must replace my old laptop (RIP old friend). Maybe the next royalty check can cover a new toy. 

May you also enjoy the day doing something you love. 


 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Old Buck is family, too

August 1, 2014

It seems to me that August is a strange month. Time slows in August. The days seem to have extra minutes that are stolen from too fast nights. Maybe it's the angle of sun because for a few fleeting days my little sunroom glows golden in those last moments before the sun dips below the treetops. Right on schedule the big tulip poplar has begun its annual shedding of single yellow leaves. 

The lightning bugs, or fireflies if you prefer, are disappearing. The occasional cicada sings. The big eight-point buck is hanging out in the quiet of our west woods not seeming to care that we know he is there. This worries us greatly. Old Buck has been around for many years, at least six and maybe seven, and there are two younger bucks trailing him now. It's the way of it but I'll be sad to see him pass. He and I have an understanding. I allow him to eat my flowers and he won't cross the road in front of my car. It smacks of blackmail but I'm okay with it. 

Buck doesn't bother my big flower pots, though. I think he's seen me wield the broom at the rabbits. 

Tomorrow we'll make our way down the lane to my cousin's house for a family picnic and to remember what makes us family. It's an August theme for a lot of families. 

I expect August won't be a very productive month on the writing front. It's time to enjoy the evenings on the patio or in the pool. Western Maryland is known for being hazy, hot and humid in August and slowing down and relaxing is a survival strategy. Who cares the pool is small and not all that deep when the water is ninety-two degrees in August? Not me. 

Now it's time to step outside and shoo Buck away from the hosta. I think he's had enough for one day.