Saturday, November 29, 2014

An excerpt from Highway Nights for #MSS#70

November 29, 2014

**updated 4/1/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop is no longer operational**

The weeks go by fast. I went to sign up for the weekly My Sexy Saturday blog hop and discovered it had reached its 70th edition. It's been around longer than that but has had the occasional hiatus. That the blog hop came back stronger after the last one is a testament to its popularity.

So...for #MSS70 I finally settled on a seven-paragraph excerpt from Highway Nights. I want to mention Highway Nights got a 4 Heart review at The Romance Studio in which the reviewer closed with, "I liked it a lot." I thought it simple, perfect praise.


“I’ll walk you to your car.” Oliver slid out of the booth and leaned over the counter. “Hey, Murf, I’m stepping outside.” He slipped his arm around Garrett’s waist and rested it on the small of his back.

Garrett shivered at Oliver’s warm touch. The action was so relaxed and easy, he’d not seen it coming, but the contact instantly felt normal, and he regretted the loss of it as Oliver opened the door for him. Garrett’s pulse quickened as they approached his car. Dare he risk a goodnight kiss? He dug his keys out of his pocket and pushed the button. The headlights flashed. Instead of opening the driver’s door, Oliver leaned against it. In slow motion, his hands lifted and reached for Garrett.

“Stop in again sometime, Garrett.”

Garrett took a step to close the distance between them. He slipped his arms around Oliver’s neck and pressed tightly to him, thigh-to-thigh. “I’ll do that.”

Heat flashed through him as he slanted his mouth across Oliver’s. His body responded forcefully. His groin tightened as his cock swelled. Part of his brain registered the man’s soft lips and wiry mustache, and the lingering taste of coffee. All higher function faded as Oliver kissed him back, his mouth moving gently under his. All too soon, Oliver pulled back. He ran his thumb over Garrett’s lower lip. 

Garrett flexed his hips forward, testing. Enticing. Oliver shook his head. “Just because I’m hard and you’re hard doesn’t mean we’re going to go get stupid.”

Oliver was right, but stupid appealed to him at the present moment. “How about getting naked?”


Highway Nights is available at Amazon and other fine online booksellers. 

A little more about Highway Nights:

Garrett Webb has a five-point plan for starting his own business. To keep it on track, he takes a second job and settles into the evening delivery run between Owensville and Mt. Franklin. The solitude of being on the road clears his head and enables him to chart a better future for himself. When a foggy night sends him to the safety of The Downshift Diner and its owner, Oliver Sanderson, that future takes an unforeseen turn.

Oliver Sanderson enjoys a quiet life along the lonely stretch of highway that’s home to his diner. The road brings all manner of interesting souls to his door. When Garrett Webb steps out of the fog seeking shelter, his openness and honestly draws Oliver’s interest. He’s ready to take the next step, but needs to be cautious. Trouble is coming to the diner, and Oliver wants Garrett clear of it.

Good intentions can’t hold out against their budding attraction. Garrett makes the diner a regular stop during his nightly run, and the men get better acquainted. But Garrett’s past isn’t done with him. In a single heart-stopping moment, Garrett is forced to a decision that risks Oliver’s life—one that could end forever their highway nights.

Available at:

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KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

My country life at Holly Tree Manor

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


November 27, 2014

Yeah, the Christmas tree lights are this cat's CRACK. 
This is ten seconds away from disaster. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First snow of the season - it's cold in a lot of new places

November 26, 2014

The day before Thanksgiving is not a day my corner of the world gets snow. Yet this year, we've been gifted with the white stuff. Being the day before the holiday, I'd planned to close the office at noon to avoid any problems on the road due to traffic. With the snow falling, I sent everyone home at eleven o'clock and quickly followed them out the door. 

Now, I can admit here at Between the Keys I had some ulterior motives in leaving even earlier than planned. The edits came in for Ace, Deuce, Trey and the editor was a little passive-aggressive in spots. By that I mean she wanted the edit back as quickly as possible then did her level best to send me off on several irrelevant tangents. 

Does the reader really want a technical explanation of the workings of our private investigators's sidearm? Talk about impeding the flow of the story. It's sufficient to know our PI knows how to safely handle all his weapons. Pun intended.

Does the reader really want a dissertation on how a home security system works? Seriously? What value would it add to the story? Go Google if you require paragraph after paragraph of information. That's what a jewel thief would do. What romance reader really enjoys is when the action is pulled off the primary character(s)? 

On a happier note, my beloved decided that a snow day was a good day for chili. He loaded the Crock-Pot with burger, chipolte tomatoes, kidney beans, black beans, and some seasonings I wasn't made privy to before they were added. I think he's been reading recipe websites again. 

My contribution to the meal will be opening a box of cornbread mix and getting the prepared batter in the oven. 

I think chili and cornbread will be a perfect supper for a snowy day. 


Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Calm Before the Storm

November 22, 2014

As I begin this entry, it's 6:08 AM and quiet. Well, if you can ignore my old dog's dreaming, that is. His feet are making little rustling noises on the rug as he runs fast and free, something he can no longer do when awake. 

Come Thursday, which is Thanksgiving here in the States, the mad rush to 2015 begins. Come Thursday, the world seems to shift on its axis as people descend into seasonal madness. I'll add my fair share of lunatic energy into the universe, have no fear. But first I want to enjoy the blissful calm before the storm. 

For many, many years I worked with the most hateful, spiteful, jealous little man you can imagine. Part of his problem was that he wasn't actually my boss and he bitterly resented my successes within the company. He had to do his job before I could do mine. He gave me information and I compiled and reported it in various ways. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It should have been. Do the work on Monday and Tuesday and coast for the rest of the week. It IS simple enough but the man lacked proper focus so I spent years scrambling to complete reports, etc. What he really focused on was being an ass. THAT he was good at.

Praise God and a good pension plan he's gone from my work week.  

These days I'm dealing with a young blood. As a Baby Boomer I'm reading all I can about Millennials. This guy never puts his laptop down. He's connected. But let's put aside the fact he turns white if the wi-fi goes down....

This youngster knows how to work. With the days relentlessly marching toward Thanksgiving, I mentioned we could actually double down on a few things and coast through the short week and he seized upon the idea. He stormed his job like Grant took Richmond and the due conclusion of this part of the story is that next week will be a breeze. The work is done. I'm closing the office at noon on Wednesday.

So here I am early on the Saturday before Turkey Day. No headache. No pain in my stomach or ulcers in my mouth from stomach acid. No weight sitting on my chest making it difficult to breathe. It's the weekend before the start of the holiday season and I'm actually looking forward to enjoying the days off. 

Maybe I've finally reached the place in my life when it's not the calm BEFORE the storm. Maybe this time in my life will prove to be the calm AFTER the storm. That would be nice. 


Monday, November 17, 2014


November 17, 2014

It happened forty-four years ago today. 


Recorded live at A&R Recording Studios, New York, NY, on November 17, 1970 for a live radio broadcast on WABC-FM.

Bootlegged at least a million times. 

No one has laid down the soundtrack to my life the way Elton has. I don't have one of those bootlegs but I do have the album on vinyl. And you know what? It still sounds great. 

My favorite track? 

"Take Me To The Pilot"

If you feel that it's real I'm on trial
And I'm here in your prison
Like a coin in your mint
I am dented and I'm spent with high treason

Through a glass eye your throne
Is the one danger zone
Take me to the pilot for control
Take me to the pilot of your soul

Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger

Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger

Well I know he's not old
And I'm told he's a virgin
For he may be she
But what I'm told is never for certain

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Desert Snow - KC Kendricks -

November 15, 2014
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop had been discontinued.**

Welcome to Saturday and the My Sexy Saturday Blog Hop! With the weather here on the east coast turning the corner towards winter, I'm thinking about warmer climes. 

Here are seven sexy paragraphs from Desert Snow for today's My Sexy Saturday. Was I really thinking about snow? Nope. I was thinking the white party and all the guys dressed in white, each unique as snowflakes. (It made really good sense a the time!) Enjoy!

= = = = = = =
Annoyance surged through me and crystallized how I felt about having some fun with Haydn. I gave him a nudge to move him sideways so we could bypass the line. 

“Sorry, big fella. This one is all mine tonight.” 

Haydn froze and shot me a surprised look. “Really?” 

“Yeah. Really. C’mon. Start walking.” I slipped my arm around his waist to propel him forward. He balked. 

“Wait a sec.” He fished around in his pocket and pulled out the wad of slips with names and numbers on it. With the mangled mess came a crumpled dollar bill. Haydn handed the entire fistful of paper to the guy in line. “You can have these. Keep the change.” 

There was general laughter from those paying attention to our conversation as the guy grabbed Haydn and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips. I grinned and clapped with everyone else, but I’d just as soon yanked Haydn out of the guy’s clutches, then smacked the dude for trying to jump my claim. 

Fun. It was all in fun. Every man here was at the White Party—heavy on the party.

= = = = = = =

Desert Snow
For more information and to read an excerpt, please visit


 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cover reveal time for Ace, Deuce, Trey by KC Kendricks

November 13, 2014

Coming in December 2014 - Ace, Deuce, Trey. 
The third installment in Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series. 

Love, love, love the colors! 

More info at my website at .

Ian Coulter is juggling his relationship with his lover Rick, a new assistant, a movie star client, and a drag queen with a mission, but when a con man messes with a friend, Ian's on the case. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


November 8, 2014

This date marks the anniversary of my father's death. I've written about this day before. If you've lost a beloved parent you recognize your life is suddenly divided in two - the before and the after. I've lived longer in the after than the before and, for me, the time before is marked by halcyon days. 

I don't remember who took this old snapshot of us at the wedding of one of my cousins. I was a bridesmaid, which pleased me greatly. My mother made all the bridesmaid dresses, too. Dad wasn't big on having his picture taken but he did it for me. How could we know in a few short years he'd be gone? 

Had he survived the cancer, Dad would be 85 this year. I can't begin to picture what he might look like. For me he is forever young, frozen in the few precious snapshots I have of him. He left me a legacy of love and lessons of what makes a real man, all freely given. He helped shape the person I am today and I'm proud to be part of his legacy.  

KC Kendricks

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Autumn breaks

November 1, 2014

It's hard to image it being the first of November already. I find the wisdom of my elders to be painfully true. The older I get the faster the days go by. It seems like only a blink of the eye since the biting cold of last January. But it is November and lovely autumn's days have reached the breaking point. It's a quick slide into winter from here. 

There's an old song by Al Stewart with a line that sticks in my mind about "in a country where they turn back time." Tonight most of us in the States set our clocks back an hour. Do we really gain anything? Of course not. The length of each day is unchanged. 

Now it will be dark when I leave home in the morning and dark when I arrive back home. I do not see this as advantageous when it will trap me inside except for an all too brief lunch break. Retirement, anyone? 

My countdown clock now sits at 1,580 days. Aren't those little phone apps fun?! Will the date ever move forward? I hope so. I'm diligently saving my pennies in anticipation of becoming a full-time writer and the lady of my "manor."  At the same time I'm leaving myself open to all possibilities. Maybe just being able to leave the workforce when I choose is what I'm really looking forward to. That day will be a game changer in so many ways.  But I digress...

This morning we (the spousal unit and myself) hopped in the pickup and took an accumulated load of scrap metal to the scrapper. I'm happy to have the "crap" removed from the darkest corner of the shed and I'm sure those family members who took advantage of the opportunity to toss a few things in on the load were happy not to have to deal with it themselves. We decided to take the scenic route to our destination and it's obvious that in just a few days the trees will be bare. I used to mourn the passing of autumn but I've learned even bleak winter holds beauty. 

And so enough musing for today. I have a few chores to finish, a chapter to finish writing, and a bottle of wine chilling. Long about dark we're taking our glasses to the den and spending an hour or so enjoying the warmth of a fire in the wood stove. We'll call it practice for the colder evenings ahead. They will surely come.