Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ready Set Go - The 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge

March 31, 2015

Tomorrow is the kick-off of the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 

Welcome to Between the Keys and my fifth year participating in the challenge. Organization being a good thing, I've got the calendar. I've scribbled down ideas and I'm ready to expand on them.

I hope you'll travel the next month with me for Many Sundry Things. 

KC Kendricks

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hey, Joe by KC Kendricks

**April 1, 2021 - The My Sexy Saturday blog hop is no longer operating.**

March 28, 2015

It's a brave new world out there! Just in time for My Sexy Saturday (#MSS85), I've dipped my fingers into indie publishing. After having over sixty books published I thought I was competent enough to put out a short story on my own. Finding the photo I turned into the cover helped a lot, too. I saw that picture and I knew I had a story for that guy. 

Here are seven sexy paragraphs from my first indie story, Hey, Joe.


“Riley.” He tapped my hip. “Riley?”

I groaned and made an attempt to slide to the side and get off him. He aided my effort by giving me a shove. I snickered at him. “That’s payback, isn’t it?”

Joe was breathing hard but he managed to speak. “I recall you said, and I quote, ‘Get the fuck off me now’ just before you flipped me to the floor.”

I stroked his cheek with my knuckles. “I helped you up.”

He smiled as a streak of sunlight fell across the bed. His beautiful blue eyes sparkled as he gazed at me. “I’ve missed you, Riley. I’m so sorry--”

“Shh. Don’t you think that after all these years I know?”

“But it was a shitty thing to do to the guy I’m in love with.”


Available now at  Amazon

About Hey, Joe:

A vignette of contemporary gay romance

New York City detective Joe Hamilton lives a double life as an undercover operative. When a case takes an unexpected turn, Joe finds himself separated from his partner. He scribbles a cryptic message in a birthday card and drops it in the mailbox.

Riley O’Shea kissed his partner goodbye at the beginning of a normal day only to have Joe disappear without a word. Riley’s worried but after a greeting card arrives with a date and flight number inside, Riley claims the ticket and boards a plane to Chicago. It’s the only way to get the answers he needs – and lots of reunion sex. 

KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: http://kckendricks.blogspot.com
My country life at Holly Tree Manor

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers _ Bacon!

March 27, 2015

I've got to whip up a batch of Crack tonight. I made some last weekend. I got a bag of mint chocolate chips (Andes Candies chips) for this batch. And real butter, too. I need it like I need a hole in my head, but the sh*t is really good. It freezes, too, and if I put it in the freezer in the basement, I really have to crave it to go get it. It's one of Trisha Yearwood's recipes. So far I've tried four of hers and they've all been good. ~ KC Kendricks


You've put a batch in the mail to me, right :-)

I have a recipe I want to try with saltines. Cut bacon in half and wrap around the saltine and bake until the bacon is crispy. My son loves bacon. ~ Brenda Williamson

KC Kendricks

Monday, March 23, 2015

2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal Day

March 23, 2015

Today is the day many participants in the A to Z Blogging Challenge are revealing their theme for 2015. If you're not familiar with the A to Z Challenge, it's twenty-six blogs in twenty-six days. It begins April first and you blog following the alphabet every day except on the Sundays. This will be the fifth year I've been a part of the Challenge. I survived the first four and I plan to survive this year. 

All my survivor badges are currently displayed at the bottom of the page. 

So.... drum roll please....

My 2015 theme is "Many Sundry Things."  It is, as you may promptly guess, about many different things. From A is for Again! to N is for NASCAR to Y is for Year's Passing, it's a mish-mash of many sundry things. And there will be a little book promotion along the way - because books are what I do. 

I hope you'll check back, from A to Z, in April.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Stat Curious and Techie Talk - What does it mean?

March 22, 2015

Here in the USA we really like our numbers. Maybe it's not just a cultural thing. For all I know it could be global. My sympathies to the rest of the world if it is, because here in the States we are truly addicted. 

I check my blog stats from time-to-time for no real reason other than to avoid what I should be doing which is basically anything other than looking at the blog stats. But with the 2015 A to Z Challenge about to start, I thought I should take a snapshot and see if some of the numbers hold. And while this is a snapshot of a moment in time, it's an indication of trends. 

For example, Windows is the clear winner in the OS department. That's not a surprise. What I do find curious is that Firefox still has such a lead over Chrome. And poor little Opera isn't even mentioned. (Is it still in use at all?) And what the heck is PhantomJS? Never heard of it. 

At one time I used Firefox at work but even with my security settings pegged one notch above paranoid the thing still accepted every creepy toolbar that was flung at it. It drove me nuts! According to the stats, and the fact IE is being phased out, perhaps I should give it another look. Maybe newer versions have learned how to just say no to toolbars. 

The other thing I'm very, and I mean VERY, curious about is Linux. My old XP computer with the fab speakers is stashed in the den with a boatload of music on it. Now that was a processor like none other, not like this cheap piece of crap I've been using for the last year. I've been talking to the new kid, the millennial, at work about Linux. He mentioned he was pretty sure I could replace XP with Linux on that machine. The thought of having that absolute beast of a machine under my fingertips again is almost orgasmic. 

Do you see what I mean about avoidance? I need to go do some writing while the house is quiet. 


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring? Really?

March 21, 2015

Yesterday we celebrated the arrival of spring with several inches of snow, which is still on ground here on the mountain. Today, the weather forecasters are calling for the high temp to be 60F. 

I don't know about you, but I'm afraid to complain too loudly for fear of what might happen in July.

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Knick and Knack

March 20, 2015

I did about 3 hours of writing and then went shopping. I never have too many knick knacks. With the living room done, we have a place to put stuff besides boxes. ~ Brenda Williamson

What a day. The good news is I'm set on the day job. Seriously. Everything is done except the photocopying and that happens Monday. I've never had the week wrapped up like this before and it's all because the new "kids" see the value of getting ahead and staying ahead. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Hint of Spring

March 14, 2015

In less than a week Spring officially arrives. Living in the country, I grew up in the midst of weather-watchers. Now to tie those two things together, the first day of Spring occurs on the vernal equinox and the equinox means rain. The gardeners in the family, which means most of us, know this. 

It's raining today. A slow, steady, soaking rain that's going to leave my tiny patch of the planet very soggy. There's already been some fall out from all this water. Or perhaps I should say "fall down" as in another section of the terrace wall collapsed. It's going to be a big repair now. 

Based on the amount of deer tracks in that area, I suspect the deer had something to do with the collapse.They don't usually come that close to the house and I rather hope this isn't the beginning of a trend. 

Even with the grey skies and squishy ground, I can sense Spring's approach. There's something in the air. A hint of warmth. A teasing scent of new growth. And in very short order, many of us will be sneezing as the maple trees suddenly bud. 

But enough staring out the window watching the rain. It's Saturday and that means I have much to do. It may be wet outside but in the country there are still things that need tended. 

I don't mind. There's a hint of Spring in the air. 


Friday, March 13, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Bed Lures

March 13, 2015

I've been very bad - writing at work on my lunch break! But my story just crested 5K. That makes me happy. I really need to work on that old story, too. Maybe I'll spell off on that tonight. Give my brain time to catch up.

Still no word back on the short story. It's the one that was too short.

I really need a comprehensive list of what I need to do, but if I made one I'd probably get so discouraged I'd put myself to bed and stay there. ~ KC Kendricks

Keep on plugging along. You'll git'er done.

I'm currently downloading my website software into a different computer, since my other one won't display on the monitor. I think it may be the graphics card, but who knows when I'll get around to trying to fix it. Made one attempt this past week and the graphics card won't fit, it has to be a special one from Dell. ~ Brenda Williamson

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Quiet dawn

March 11, 2015

Sometimes you discover an image that speaks to you on a more spiritual level than a book cover hosting two hot male chests. (Not that two male chests together can't be a spiritual thing, you understand.)

I thought I'd share this image of a foggy dawn at a lake just because I like the peacefulness of it. 


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hot August Comes for #MSS82

March 7, 2015
**updated 4/2/21**
**The My Sexy Saturday Blog Hop is no longer operating.**

Welcome to the 82nd My Sexy Saturday Blog Hop!! This week our tireless coordinator, Lynn Crain, set the theme with, "kiss me once, and kiss me twice..."
(I remember the old song. Do you?)

This week's seven sexy paragraphs come from my new release, Hot August Comes. Enjoy!


“I got that part. Maybe I’m just a little off stride that you’d come right out and cruise me like that.”

There was enough light that Harrison saw Leo smile. There was an easy humor in his voice as he spoke.

“I never took you to be the shy type.”

It was Harrison’s turn to smile. “Oh, I’m not the least bit shy, and I’ll prove it to you right now.”

Harrison reached out and cupped the back of Leo’s neck, then leaned over and kissed him. The feel of Leo’s lips under his shot a jolt of surprise through him. His heart rate rocketed skyward as he inhaled sharply and jerked away.

Leo blinked at him, then ran his thumb over Harrison’s lower lip. His voice was soft and low. “Well, well, that was unexpected.”

Now what should he do? Deny to Leo he felt the strange energy bouncing between them? He had to. How could he accept the kiss of a stranger tilting his world off-kilter?


A bit about Hot August Comes:

Leo Corbin shook the dust of Westfall off his shoes to pursue opportunities among the bright city lights. When his mother suddenly dies, Leo returns home to settle her estate. His grief at her passing quickly turns to shock at what she left behind and rekindles old questions about the identity of his father.

Harrison Wade stuck by his father to help run the family farm. Life for a gay man in Westfall has limitations, but Harrison knows how to make the best of them. When Leo Corbin returns to town, Harrison’s quiet existence tilts. Leo is the guy who put an end to the high school bullying Harrison endured so many years ago. Harrison quickly discovers his old boyhood crush on Leo has matured into an adult attraction.

As the mercury rises, Harrison and Leo’s friendly buddy arrangement heats up. When hot August comes to Westfall, they discover home is more than where a man hangs his hat. It’s where he gives his heart.


Available at:

 Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GDML8CC

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01GDML8CC

Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01GDML8CC

 Apple/iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1119165777

 Rakuten/Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hot-august-comes-1

 Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hot-august-comes-k-c-kendricks/1122195722

 Universal link to additional booksellers: https://books2read.com/u/bQWGEm

 Hot August Comes webpage: https://kckendricks.blogspot.com/p/hot-august-comes-by-kc-kendricks.html

 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: http://kckendricks.blogspot.com

Visit my bookshelf at:https://kckendricks.blogspot.com/p/the-bookshelf-of-kc-kendricks-and-rayne.html 

My country life at 
Holly Tree Manor

Friday, March 6, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Lightning Strikes

March 6, 2015

Where Brenda and KC whine about being without all their electronic toys and how to protect them.

* * * *

This has been a crappy, big ol' pain-in-the-ass, sticky, screwed up week!!!!!!

Monday I went to the rental house to do some cleaning, came home 2 hours later after a brief storm. Apparently the lightning liked I wasn't home. It turned off two breakers and messed with my modem, router, two computers, two televisions and who knows what else (as the big items I use all the time were what I tried to use when I came home). So this week has been all about replacing cords, switching out computers, ordering new router and modem. I didn't have Internet for 24 hours. Then my brother lent me his modem until mine came a day later. Still sitting here waiting for a router to come FedEx. ~ Brenda Williamson


Nasty lightning. That really bites. I've been zapped a time or two and it's just so annoying. We finally gave in and called an electrician to install a whole-house surge protector at the panel box. Cost about $100 and boy don't I wish I'd done it sooner. I spent ten times that replacing crap. I felt sort of stupid when the guy asked why I didn't have one. Duh. Didn't know about them until he told me! ~ KC Kendricks  

KC Kendricks

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hot August Comes by KC Kendricks - new release

**Updated 6/4/2016**

March 1, 2015

Hot August Comes is my first new release of 2015. Hot August Comes is one of those stories where I got the idea and it wouldn't leave me in peace. I needed to finish some other projects, both writing and in my personal life, but the story whispered at me. The only thing to do was drop everything else and write the story. That's the way it is sometimes in the writing life. I hope you'll enjoy Hot August Comes.




Leo Corbin shook the dust of Westfall off his shoes to pursue opportunities among the bright city lights. When his mother suddenly dies, Leo returns home to settle her estate. His grief at her passing quickly turns to shock at what she left behind and rekindles old questions about the identity of his father.

Harrison Wade stuck by his father to help run the family farm. Life for a gay man in Westfall has limitations, but Harrison knows how to make the best of them. When Leo Corbin returns to town, Harrison’s quiet existence tilts. Leo is the guy who put an end to the high school bullying Harrison endured so many years ago. Harrison quickly discovers his old boyhood crush on Leo has matured into an adult attraction.

As the mercury rises, Harrison and Leo’s friendly buddy arrangement heats up. When hot August comes to Westfall, they discover home is more than where a man hangs his hat. It’s where he gives his heart.


Harrison slid off the bench to kneel in front of Leo. He ran his hands up the inside of Leo’s thighs to coax him to spread his knees. Harrison unzipped Leo’s pants and slipped his hand inside the fly to stroke Leo’s cock. Leo stretched and unbuttoned his trousers. He lifted his ass and pushed his pants and briefs down to his ankles. His heavy erection jutted straight at Harrison. He wished he could get a better look, but it was too dark. He fisted Leo’s shaft and slowly stroked.

About eight inches. Cut. Sufficient girth. Harrison judged Leo’s dick to be perfectly proportioned to his body, not that it mattered to him. A guy had what a guy had to work with and that was that. It probably made Leo happy about his endowment, though. Harrison smiled up at him.

“Nice cock, Leo. Not too big, not too small.”

Leo grinned. “I’ve found it to be just right. It gets the job done.”

“I’ll just bet it does.” Harrison pulled Leo in for another kiss.

Leo’s tongue licked over his as his hand covered Harrison’s and urged his fingers to a different position. Harrison surged upward as Leo pushed him down and back but they both ended up on the ground with Leo on top. Leo flexed his hips against Harrison, which prompted him to end the kiss.

“Not in the dirt, Leo. I don’t think it’s right.”

“It’s fine, Harrison.” Leo claimed his mouth again. Harrison met him in the kiss, teasing and nibbling on Leo’s lips until Leo rolled off him. “You got a better idea?”

“Yeah, city boy. I do. Wait here.” Harrison got to his feet and shoved his hand down the front of his jeans to adjust his rigid dick to a more comfortable position. Leo snickered at him.

“Oh, let me fix that for you.”

“Three minutes and it’s all yours.” Harrison stepped over to his truck and flipped the seat forward. Damn, he hoped this thing still worked. He sensed Leo at his back.

“What the fuck is in the duffel, Harrison?”

“Air mattress.” Harrison tossed the mattress into the bed of the pickup, connected the fitting to the little pump, and plugged the pump into the cigarette lighter. “Press the button on the pump, Leo.”

A hum filled the air. Leo rubbed his ass cheek. “It’s working and I’m getting naked.”

Harrison thought that was a splendid idea. He walked around the pickup and opened the tailgate so he could give the air mattress a good yank to position it. Leo was busy draping his clothes over the side of the truck bed so Harrison hurried to catch up. The pump cut off and he closed the valve and disconnected the pump. Leo was already flat on his back on the mattress staring at the stars. In the dim light his dick looked dark against his paler abdomen.

Naked, Harrison hopped onto the tailgate and crawled up beside Leo. He rocked back on his knees and fondled his balls to ease the tightness.

“Now, where were we?” 

Leo lifted his hand with his fingers curled, and made a rapid stroking motion. “Hand job, I think. Simple stuff.”

Harrison had hoped for a blowjob but trading hands was likely the better idea. And he could still get a quick taste of the man. He curled over Leo and licked his cock from tip to base. Leo moaned and said a breathy “yes,” but Harrison stretched out beside him.

He almost didn’t want to kiss Leo again and get zapped by the weird electricity that arced between them when their lips touched. What the hell was that, anyway? Pheromones? Harrison shivered.

He’d read about those and they could trick a man. He wasn’t about to fall prey to them. They were both going to get their rocks off and move on. Leo would be gone in a few days. End of story. Harrison rolled to face Leo and kissed the top of the man’s shoulder. Leo shifted onto his side and wrapped his fingers around Harrison’s hard-on.

Harrison slipped his thigh between Leo’s as Leo rested his knee on Harrison’s hip. He pressed his palm to Leo’s belly and caressed his way down to Leo’s firm sac. In response, Leo leaned in and kissed him.

Harrison forgot to breathe for a moment. They inched closer, chest-to-chest, leaving just enough room to maintain a good rhythm on each other. What they did to each other was simple and familiar but more exciting being done by another hand.


(Thank you, google, for the lovely formatting below...)