It seems like forever since I've been here for My Sexy Saturday. First Amber Quill closed and I had to get books ready for re-release. That went pretty well, but I didn't have buy links until the first of April which, as many of you know, was the beginning of the A to Z Blogging Challenge! In the midst of all that my mother had surgery and had to go to rehab to heal AND we had a blizzard!! Talk about the perfect storm between the first of the year and now. I feel like I lived through it!
Now before I digress farther, here are seven sexy paragraphs from A Hard Habit to Break, book one of the Men of Marionville series. Enjoy!

So far, I’d enjoyed being part of the crew. Everyone was friendly and shared a lot of my philosophy when it came to living green. If you did what you could to help the world be a better place, whenever able, it evened out the times you couldn’t. I left the fanaticism for others. I listened to the chatter around me as a new, sleek Camaro glided to a stop twenty feet behind the dumpster.
I had almost ordered one of those badass rides, but decided to wait and see what my bonus check was this year. The guy beside me, a handsome forty-ish fellow with a touch of gray at his temples, nudged my foot with his. He vibed gay, and interested in more than a bid for a large number of solar panels on the roof of his manufacturing plant. He leaned closer as my heart beat its way into my throat.
“That’s our volunteer architect, Travis Templeton. If all the girls start to cry, it’s because he’s gay.”
I knew who he was. Unable to breathe, I watched the long, lean frame of the man I’d never regard as anyone other than my best friend unfurl from the car. I’d not seen him in thirteen years, but I’d know him anywhere. His right hand shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight. A ray of bright morning sun bounced sparks off his lustrous dark hair as he waved at someone on the other side of the lot. I couldn’t see those incredible orbs that haunted my sleep, but I knew every green and gold fleck in each amber iris. I sucked in a breath, fighting the pain that stabbed through my heart.
There was nowhere to run, no place to hide. Our reunion would be unavoidably public.
Travis popped the trunk lid of his fancy car and lifted out something large and flat. I assumed it was the park designs everyone buzzed about. Now was the time to prove I had courage to go along with what common sense I possessed. It might help blunt his surprise if we didn’t have an audience for our first meeting after all the lost years.
Without a word to my break companion, I stood and strode briskly down the old brick walk. Travis turned and his shocked gaze collided with mine. Memories floated in the air between us.
Available now at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and other online booksellers.
Be sure to visit all of the My Sexy Saturday blogs for more great excerpts. Follow the participants on Twitter for up-to-date news, too!
KC Kendricks
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This is a great series.
Beautiful tension. Thanks for sharing your teaser!
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