Friday, October 26, 2018

JMO - I need a new homepage

October 26, 2018

I'm a fan of headline news. My homepage is set to Yahoo so I can get my mail and my horror-scope first thing in the morning. You can tell an awful lot about an article just by the Yahoo headlines.

Take anything that says, "Sponsored." I avoid "Sponsored" like it's the plague. Too many click-throughs. Who has the time?

Yahoo Lifestyle. Nope. I don't go there, either. One of the recent headlines through Yahoo Lifestyle had a nun yelling at a woman for breastfeeding her baby. Okay - in order to write this post I went and took a look at the article. As I suspected, more is gleaned from what it DOESN'T say.  It left me wondering if the intent was rabble-rousing.

Health headline - we need more protein. Heck, we knew that back in 1984 when Wendy's asked all of television land, "Where's the beef?"  What? We still can't eat beef in 2018? Seriously? 

Style section. Who's style? The Duchess of Sussex in Oscar de la Rents shouldn't be a headline. We EXPECT her to wear Oscar freakin' de la Renta.

Politics. Oh, my God. Make my head hurt why don't you? 

Stock market. Oh, my God. Make my head hurt worse. 

I think the jury is in. I'm making my blog my home page. Forget all that other crap. I want my little orange hexes to make me feel happy. Orange like a happy sunrise. 

KC Kendricks

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Small change, big impact

October 21, 2018

Every year as summer slips into fall I swear I'm finished with any home and garden work. Autumn is the time to kick back and enjoy the brisk air and perfect skies. Every year I am determined I will relax and breathe. 

Ha. Ha. It didn't work this year, either. Ha. Ha. Ha. 

Circa 2005, the spousal unit wanted to get an entertainment center. At the time I wasn't about to refuse him.  He was in the middle of chemotherapy and an ugly piece of furniture was a small thing to agree to. I didn't know he would eventually clutter it up with a gzillion DVDs he never watches. All my subsequent attempts to get this monstrosity out of my house have failed. #men

Fast forward to 2018, and I'm still staring at this thing. But now, Himself decided he wanted an electric fireplace. I pondered it for a bit and decided it couldn't make it any worse. When he dusted out his wallet to plunk down $199 for the thing, again, I couldn't argue. The unit arrived yesterday. It had the WORST set of instructions I've ever seen. Truly.

It took us five hours to put the cabinet together. No joke. We prevailed and the unit works, thank goodness. 

In the end, it's a vast improvement. I'm not sure the photos really do it justice. The TV now fills up the space, and the end cabinets are closer together. The DVD collection he doesn't watch is stored in the old base which is now beneath the bow window. It just looks better. 

Don't tell him. It'll go to his head. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

It's just life

October 17, 2018

Tomorrow marks an important anniversary for us. On October 18, 2006, in a last ditch, hail Mary procedure, my beloved underwent surgery at Johns Hopkins to remove half his liver. It worked and we've had another twelve years together. He remains cancer-free, thank God. 

Now we're facing another surgery, this one to relieve pressure on his spinal cord. It's pretty scary. Neither of us are looking forward to it but if it's not done, he will eventually be paralyzed. The operation could have the same outcome. I don't like my future hanging on a roll of the dice. 

To say that I "worry" about being alone is a bit dramatic. Of course, I think about it but it doesn't fill me with dread. The spousal unit is nine years older. I expect to outlive him. I've lived alone before. I will manage. 

Life is full of changes. It's foolish not to consider how you will handle different scenarios. I've made up my mind I will be fine - I believe that mindset is the key. 

I could whine and cry about my lot. My father died thirty-five years ago, my mother has Alzheimer's Disease, her second husband is rapidly declining and I'm tending to his affairs, my best friend moved a thousand miles away, and now my husband is once again fighting for his life. 

But you know what? We all have a season to carry burdens. This is mine. It's just life. 


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Latest release - Steel Wheels by KC Kendricks (#midweektease)

October 10, 2018
**Updated 4/2/21 - the MidWeek blop hop has been discontinued**

Welcome to another MidWeek Tease blog hop! The MWT is hosted by Angelica Dawson and we thank her for providing this opportunity to join in with other authors and strut our stuff. Be sure to check out the other participating blogs using the linky list below.

This week, I have a second, more serious tease from the new release, Steel Wheels. Things are going well for Ian and Rick but there's always a hiccup or two along the way to happiness. 




I drove by the bank and deposited the Steel Wheels check and headed home as fast as the ʼCuda could safely maneuver through the in-town traffic. Rick was on the balcony when I walked into the condo.

“Agent Mohr. Did ya miss me?” I laid the contract packet on the charging table with our electronic gizmos. “I’m going to indulge in a drink. Do you want one?”

“Sure, babe. Make it about three fingers with a lot of ice.”

That sounded good to me. I poured two bourbons and carried them outside. I handed one to him. “Sláinte mhaith."

He tapped the rim of his glass to mine. “Good health to you. Cheers."

We sipped and I leaned over to kiss him. He drew back and raised an eyebrow. “New aftershave, Mr. Coulter?"

Just fuck me. Fuck me here, fuck me now. I never gave it a thought he’d smell any transfer on me.

“Nope. I can’t say as I even like it." I collapsed into my chair. This conversation had to be handled delicately.

He sat eerily still. “You met an itinerant salesman and he offered you a sample?”

As much as I didn’t want to talk about this, honesty was the only way to handle it. That way he had of not moving spoke volumes about how upset he was. In his past, he’d lived with a man who did cheat on him. Sometimes, like now, his emotions got the better of him.

“No, Rick. The guy at Steel Wheels hit on me again.”


I had no idea what that meant and I was not about to ask. Anything I said would probably set him off. I’d just keep quiet until he had a few moments to process what I knew was a spike of jealousy. He struggled with the emotion. I struggled to keep my smart-ass attitude in check.

We were learning when to tread lightly with each other. If there was ever a time to test how well we were doing, it was now.

It seemed like an eternity before he spoke. “Okay. What did you do?”

“I didn’t deck his ass. He’s likely the kind that would sue me. What pissed me off is that just yesterday I told him I was happy about getting married.”

His enigmatic gaze locked with mine. “Obviously that didn’t make an impression on him. Please tell me you walked away from doing business with him.”

I took a deep breath. This could get dicey. “No, I didn’t. What I did do was call Gary and arrange for him to do the bulk of the work so I can limit my time there.”

He was quiet for a few minutes. “Will you do me a favor?”

God alone knew what he might ask me to do. I steeled myself to the possibility of having to say no to him. “You know I will if I can.”

“Go take a shower. His scent on you is more than I can stand.”


When Amethyst Cove’s reigning drag queen is blackmailed, private investigator Ian Coulter searches to find the truth. He doesn’t believe his friend committed a murder and he won’t allow money to change hands. He gets support from his FBI lover Rick Mohr.

Ian and Rick have conquered a long road to be together. Working together is easy. Keeping their relationship strong is more difficult. With their wedding day approaching, Ian questions if he can go through with the ceremony but not his love for Rick.

When Ian is propositioned, Rick falls back into old ways. Ian’s guiltless but overcoming his jealousy isn’t easy for Rick. With time running out, they leave no avenue unexplored in their quest to find the truth and the blackmailer – before the honeymoon cruise. 

STEEL WHEELS is available at: 

For a limited time book one of the series, Double Deuce, is at a special anniversary price at Amazon and iTunes. See how the story begins! Get your copy by 10/15/18 when the regular price comes back. 

KC Kendricks

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

New today! Steel Wheels by KC Kendricks

October 3, 2018
**updated 4/2/21 - the MidWeek Tease blog hop is no longer operational**

Welcome to Between the Keys! Today I'm highlighting the new release, Steel Wheels. Steel Wheels is the fifth installment in the Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove series. This time, Ian and Rick help a friend who is targeted by a blackmailer. 

Thanks for stopping by as part of the MidWeek Tease blog hop hosted by Angelica Dawson. Be sure to check out all the participating blogs using the list found at . 

Now here's a spicy hot tease from Steel Wheels. There's more at my website, too. Enjoy!


From Steel Wheels:

Sprawled back against the pillows in the dim light, he idly stroked his hard dick. I paused to admire his lean frame. The familiar tingling settled in my balls. My cock swelled. I could look at him for hours and never get tired of the eye candy.

I perched on the edge of the bed beside him. “You need to gain back a few pounds. How’s the shoulder feel tonight?”

“It’s better every day but I sure hope I never get shot again. I really hated being helpless.”

I peeled my shirt over my head without unbuttoning and tossed it on the chair. “It was pretty fucking scary for me too, hon. Roll over and let me look at the incisions."

He grumbled and grunted but he flipped over. I got the bottle of vitamin E oil out of the drawer and dabbed some on the scars. “It still looks red and nasty. They really opened you up to reconstruct your shoulder blade. I’m glad it doesn’t hurt much any longer."

“It still aches, deep down, if I lift anything. It's different from in the beginning, though. It’s not like that pain.” He took the bottle from me, recapped it, and set it on the nightstand.

His shoulder blade had broken when the bullet struck it, deflected, and lodged near his spine. The reconstruction surgery had been long and involved. I didn’t doubt for a nanosecond it ached deep down. I stood and finished stripping. I flopped on the bed and we rolled to face each other. We hadn’t made love since obtaining the marriage license.

“It’s been a long five days.”

“Seems like years, babe. I’ve suffered these last few days. You almost got it up the butt in your sleep a bunch of times. Whatchya got in mind for tonight?”

I moved to press him beneath me. “Giving you a long look at the ceiling.”

He smiled and I kissed him, teasing his lips with the tip of my tongue. He stroked my back and sides with warm hands as he moved restlessly. I flexed my hips to his, coaxing him to join me in a mock fuck that would soon become real.

I showered kisses on his neck and shoulders on my way down to his dick. I had in mind to suck him off and then fuck him. He deserved a night of hedonistic pleasure. He buried his fingers in my hair as I went down over him, deep throat.

Giving good head is an art form. It’s very intentional. You have to pay attention to your lover and his responses. I had great material to work with. Rick was vocal about what felt good and, lucky for me, he thought everything I did was just right.

The thing was I’d figured out his signals. I knew by the way his thigh tensed under my palm if I was hitting it for him. When that long, lean muscle quivered, I knew I had him ready to pop.

I reached down to give my hard-on a stroke and moaned with relief. I wanted to be rock solid when I fucked him and I would be. Nothing short of being inside him would satisfy me tonight.

I swirled my tongue around the rim and licked the flat mushroom of his glans. He loved that move. I did it three more times and switched my attention to his balls. They drew up tight against his body and I moved back to his cock. His breathing changed.

“Ian. Stop.”

I released him with a little pop. Stop wasn’t a word I heard from him in the middle of a blowjob. “What?”

“Fuck me now.”


When Amethyst Cove’s reigning drag queen is blackmailed, private investigator Ian Coulter searches to find the truth. He doesn’t believe his friend committed a murder and he won’t allow money to change hands. He gets support from his FBI lover Rick Mohr.

Ian and Rick have conquered a long road to be together. Working together is easy. Keeping their relationship strong is more difficult. With their wedding day approaching, Ian questions if he can go through with the ceremony but not his love for Rick.

When Ian is propositioned, Rick falls back into old ways. Ian’s guiltless but overcoming his jealousy isn’t easy for Rick. With time running out, they leave no avenue unexplored in their quest to find the truth and the blackmailer – before the honeymoon cruise.  

Steel Wheels is available at iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Kobo

Coming soon to other online booksellers.

 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce: