Thursday, August 3, 2023

July 2023: My version of a newsletter for the month

August 3, 2023

We made it through July! It was a hot month here, but July always is. Historically, in my location, it is the hottest month of the year. We're suddenly into August, and like flipping a switch, it's cooler and a lot less humid. This year, I'm missing the yellow leaves that always began to fall off the big poplar tree that was just outside my sunroom office window. I could mark the first of August by the first leaves dropping. I miss the tree, but not the threat it posed to the house.  

July was a big month tending the garden. Everything was growing and it was time to feed the plants, as well as water the plants every day. I was able to start harvesting tomatoes, but not the ones I'd hoped for. I planted seeds purporting to be Beefsteaks, but were cherry tomatoes instead. I wasn't pleased but I made use of them in pizza sauce

I made good use of our little pool, too. Deuce enjoyed splashing around in his little pool for a couple of days, but then he lost interest in it. Thankfully, he abandoned it before I purchased him a larger pool. 

The writing didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but it never does. It's a mystery how if I can type a solid 60 words per minute, I can't type 3600 words an hour. The math doesn't prove out! The upside is the current work-in-progress IS progressing and I did get the cover completed. I really need to expand my knowledge of the Photoshop program I have, but that takes time. I hope to have the "blurb" written soon and a book page posted. 

One of the storefronts I use is now offering a service for book covers. I won't pay upwards of $100 for one cover and not have it be significantly better than what I can make, which they are not. 

I spent waaaaay too much time on Twitter in July, so this month I'm on a bit of a Twitter... excuse me... I'll allow myself to check in once in the morning and once before I retire for the night. That should suffice. I didn't spend enough time on Facebook putting up promos. I doubt I'll do much better in August, but we'll see. 

I'm actually going back to work soon. My replacement is expecting a baby in mid-September, and I'll be filling in for her while she's on maternity leave. I agreed to help on the condition I could do the bulk of the work at home. That was approved. I hope I'm not too rusty to actually be a help! 

July flew by! I accomplished something every day even if I did jump from chore to chore and project to project like a squirrel. Life has taught me that sooner or later, it all gets done.

Here's to August! May we all stay safe and healthy!


Social media links:
Snips and clips on my YouTube channel: KC Kendricks Between the Keys
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at The Hideaway/Holly Tree Manor:

KC Kendricks, Between the Keys, newsletter July 2023, contemporary gay romance, LGBT, m/m romance, a writer's life, romance fiction, book covers, rural living, country lifestyle, romance books for Kindle

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