Monday, June 29, 2015

"...not what I expected."

June 29, 2015

I'm a five-time survivor of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. No mean feat, that, let me tell you. It takes a lot of planning (and even more planning) to organize a month's worth of posts in alphabetical order and get them out on time. It's a huge investment in time, something I always seem to lack. The old adage of "write something every day" predates blogging but the advice still holds true. The A to Z cuts into my real writing time. 

While comments overall seemed to be down this year, I received one I want to share. It's attached to Z is for Zen, which of course is the last post of the month. 

"I must admit after the warning about the content on the way into your blog, your posts where such a relief! I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but it was a lot worse than romance novels! I really enjoyed your posts. I enjoyed reading a little about what your books are about but I loved the fact you also included other things so it didn't feel like it was just an ad for your books. Congratulations on finishing the challenge. Zen was the perfect end to it!"

This comment really made my day in a big way. I'm glad Between the Keys is not what she expected! To be candid, it's never been quite what I expected, either. I started the blog for promotional purposes but it's morphed into so much more. 

Another writing adage says today's writer must interact with the reader. Love to! I work forty-five hours a week. I have a household to run. My husband is disabled by nerve damage caused by chemotherapy. I write. Now, just what do I let slide to accomplish this interaction? Answer: nothing. And so I blog. 

It's a simple comment but it says a lot. It says I connected to someone. And that makes all the effort of maintaining Between the Keys, of taking time out to blog, to do the work to participate in the A to Z - it makes it all worth it. 

So go say something nice on someone's blog today. You may never know the exact manner in which it will happen, but rest assured, you will touch someone's life. 

KC Kendricks

Saturday, June 27, 2015

No One But You by KC Kendricks

June 27, 2015
** Updated 4/2/21 - My Sexy Saturday was a weekly blog by a group of writing joining together for promotion. It ended in 2017.***

"No one but you." Who doesn't love to hear those words whispered in their ear?  

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday #98! We're talking about sexy men today and Levi and Stacy are one of my very best sexy couples. Their story began in Shining Victory from Stacy's point of view and continues in No One But You from Levi's point of view. I've always wanted to go back and tell the next part of their story once again from Stacy's viewpoint. I should put that on my To Do List! 

Here are seven paragraphs from No One But You. Enjoy! 

I raised my hands skyward and rolled my eyes. “God save me. He thinks you’re cute, too. I told him you’re hung like a horse and the whole thing is mine. Now don’t force me to have to snip off both your dicks.”

“Ouch.” He laughed softly. The old, cocky Stacy grinned. “He’s watching. You gonna kiss me?”

I backed him against the pickup, thigh-to-thigh and pelvis-to-pelvis. My cock started to swell. The man always had that effect on me. “You’re too eager, Stacy James.”

“You’ve got some nerve, calling me eager.”

My mouth slanted across his. Stacy’s lips opened; his tongue licked into mine. I pressed closer, wanting to crawl inside his skin with him. He relaxed in my arms, and my hips surged forward. Stacy broke off the kiss, his hands steady on my ribs.

“Whoa, lover. Last night not enough to hold you over?”

“I never get enough of you. I keep telling you that.”


Available now at 


More about No One But You:

Lovers Stacy James and Levi Wright keep their relationship hot and spicy by enjoying the little things in life. Levi welcomes Stacy home from a business trip by delighting his partner with a quick trick in the men’s room of a local pool hall.  An offhand comment by a stranger cools Stacy’s ardor, and sets in motion a chain reaction that rocks the very foundation of Levi’s world. He’s never cheated on Stacy, but Stacy has sudden doubts. 

On his own, Levi is tested in his discoveries – about Stacy, their relationship, and about the kind of man he wants to be. One thing he knows for certain. He’s not losing Stacy over a careless whisper that isn’t true, but will the only man he’ll ever love forgive his angry words?

Stacy made the worst mistake of his life telling his lover to find another place to sleep. Levi might be younger, but he’s a man, with a man’s pride. Stacy draws on all his experience to walk a road full of detours and pitfalls to meet Levi halfway, and bring him home. Because for Stacy, there’s no one but Levi.

 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:
Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Friday, June 26, 2015

ACBW - Can't waste steak

June 26, 2015

Went to the meat market today to do some freezer stocking so I got two NY strips while I was there. The first thing Ron did was trip and drop them on the patio concrete. I scrubbed them and I bet they'll taste like dish soap, but we figured grill and see. How’s life? - KC Kendricks
Yum, steak off the ground. I've washed plenty of things off that I've dropped. Doing good, busy as hell. Still working on twenty projects at once. Had a yard sale this past Saturday, made $200 and then went and bought groceries. Needless to say the store got all my money. - Brenda Williamson

Friday, June 19, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Going Indie

June 19, 2015 I decided...I'm going to format my m/m story for Kindle. No backing out. I spent all morning playing with photos trying to decide on a simple, easy cover. Of course nothing is simple and certainly not cheap. But the cover is the first thing they see, then the title, then the blurb, and then they buy and are stuck with everything inside :-) I had almost decided on a mountain scene and then I saw this guy's face and thought - yum. So I bought a handsome man...well at least the right to use his face. Now if that isn't commitment I don't know what is.  Now I HAVE to get the story ready. -Brenda Williamson
That is a really good cover. It's simple and it's HOT. And where exactly did you find that guy? Are you going to try and get some of your self-pubbed into print, too. Indie publishing, here I come. - KC Kendricks

Available now: Hey, Joe by KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Ghost Makes Three on this My Sexy Saturday

July 1, 2021 update
**The original post contains outdated information. Before her death, author Christiane France and I each took one of our co-written series to manage. I took The Ghost at the B&B series, combining all three books into one. For correct information, please visit

Thank you!

June 13, 2014

New release! The Ghost Makes Three is now available at Amber Allure. The Ghost Makes Three is the sequel to The Ghost Wore Denim. It's a joint project with Christiane France. It's kinda cool making up our own ghostly rules as we go along.

So this week for the My Sexy Saturday blob hop, I'm featuring seven sexy paragraphs from The Ghost Makes Three. This is a short exchange between Michael and Robin where they negotiate Robin's tendency to sneak into the bedroom to watch. (Don't make me explain what he watches!)



“I hear you.” He laughed and backed away. “You’re such a silly boy. In case you haven’t noticed I already am. Dead that is.”

I laughed in spite of myself. He was right. Robin was a ghost and I couldn’t force him to do anything.

“Okay, Robin. You win. I can’t prevent you from spying on Colin and me. All I can do is beg you to be discreet.” I approached him, stopping when we were toe-to-toe. “And absolutely no spying on the guests. Deal?”

For a moment he looked a bit pouty, but then he nodded.

“Shall we shake on it?”

I rolled my eyes. “Right. You don’t have a hand I can grasp.”

“Then what did I just touch you with?”


About the book:

Michael Brooks’ life took an unexpected direction when he found the Taylor mansion, a two-story Colonial perfect for a Bed & Breakfast. An untenured college professor, he suddenly became a successful entrepreneur. And best of all, he met sexy deputy Colin Jefferson and they hit it off in a big way. He’s even made friends with a ghost.

Deputy Colin Jefferson is dedicated to his career and to making a life with Michael. Serving the community he loves, he’s well aware of the stories that tell of the Taylor mansion being haunted. Now he’s living there with Michael and Colin knows the stories are true. There’s a ghost with a penchant for wearing denim lurking in his bedroom.

How the ghost came to live in at the B& B is a mystery Michael and Colin need to solve. It’s the only way for their resident spirit to find eternal rest. Until then, the ghost makes three.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, June 12, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Another cover story

June 12, 2015

Writers obsess about covers. Brenda and I are learning to make our own. It's been a lot of fun.

Another Cover Story

I think orange with a brown-ish undertone always works. I, too, am very tired of blue on my covers but I'm just the author. I'm glad I'm learning the self-pubbing because I really think it's going to be more and more important in the future. -KC Kendricks

= = = = =
I didn't know orange was hot, but I was happy to see it wasn't blue or red, I have too many of those already. The cover is okay. Part naked man usually works.- Brenda Williamson

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Ghost Makes Three - now available - updated!

June 7, 2015

**UPDATE** August 3, 2018

All three "ghost" stories are now together in one volume, The Ghost at the B and B

Please visit my website at to read the updated information and an excerpt. 



* * *

Michael Brooks’ life took an unexpected direction when he found the Taylor mansion, a two-story Colonial perfect for a Bed & Breakfast. An untenured college professor, he suddenly became a successful entrepreneur. And best of all, he met sexy deputy Colin Jefferson and they hit it off in a big way. He’s even made friends with a ghost.

Deputy Colin Jefferson is dedicated to his career and to making a life with Michael. Serving the community he loves, he’s well aware of the stories that tell of the Taylor mansion being haunted. Now he’s living there with Michael and Colin knows the stories are true. There’s a ghost with a penchant for wearing denim lurking in his bedroom.

How the ghost came to live in at the B&B is a mystery Michael and Colin need to solve. It’s the only way for their resident spirit to find eternal rest. Until then, the ghost makes three. 


An excerpt:

The door opened and Colin came in carrying a small tray. “Who were you talking to?”
I hoped I didn’t look guilty as I flopped down onto the bed. I had to stop fibbing to my lover every time Robin was around.
“I was muttering to my pants. They kept falling off the hanger.”
Colin handed me a shot glass full of a dark amber liquid. He lifted his glass, tapped it against the rim of mine and with a quick flick of his wrist downed the contents. I echoed his action. The whiskey burned all the way down and after it hit bottom the heat rapidly spread through my entire body. Colin ran his index finger from the tip of my leaking cock to my aching balls.
“Now. What to do about this?”
“Anything. Something. I’ve been having a hard time trying to ignore it until you get naked and crawl into bed.”
I patted the spot beside me. His response was slip off his belt along with his holster and service revolver and hang them on a special hook in the closet. The one in the far corner, behind his shirts and out of sight. I idly stroked myself until I realized Robin was watching.
Drat him. How was I going to sneak up here in the middle of the day and masturbate with the ghost watching? Outsmarting him was going to take some serious planning.
Colin tossed his uniform in the basket the laundry service provided and stepped into the bathroom. I heard the shower come on. My heart rate kicked up a notch. Not long now. He always took a quick rinse before he came to me after being on duty – quick being the important thing. I glanced over at Robin.
He was now sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees, a satisfied grin on his face and looking entirely too human for my personal comfort. God, I hoped I could forget he was there. What if my erection faded and I couldn’t finish the job?
Fucking hell! What if I couldn’t even begin the job?
I wished I hadn’t had that thought. If it became a self-fulfilling prophecy, Colin would think he did something wrong and I’d have to let him or… Absolutely not. No way. There was no way in hell I could tell him that my failure was due to Robin’s presence in the room. He’d go ballistic for sure. Even worse, he’d probably leave and never come back.
I heard the shower cut off and in less than a minute a damp and clammy Colin joined me in the bed. I switched off the lamp and patted his belly. He covered my hand with his.
“I’m glad I’m here with you, Michael. I don’t mean to worry you by seeming distant or distracted. It’s just—”
"I get it, Colin. I really do. Your job is rewarding, but stressful.” I eased our joined hands down to his groin. “What you need is a little stress relief.”
He chuckled softly. With a quick, controlled motion he rolled and pinned me to the bed. His mouth took mine in a searing kiss that sent me soaring for several wonderful moments. Colin kissed my neck. His voice was rough in my ear.
“I need you, Michael. I want to feel you move inside me…”

The Ghost Makes Three
Now available at Amber Allure

Read how Michael and Colin met the ghost in The Ghost Wore Denim, available at Amber Allure.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

This kind of education

June 6, 2015

This kind of education is worth every cent. - from Paradise Cafe by Arc Angels

No, my recent education wasn't worth every cent. It was valuable, but way too expensive. I will be years reckoning with the cost. To what do I refer? My recent spring vacation. 

I've got a serious problem lurking over my shoulder. I picture it grinning in secret glee. 

My spring vacations have been a source of joy for many years. Last year I was positively manic during the week. This year, looking back on the week just past, I've got some hard questions to answer. Is this merely a bump on road or something serious? To what extent am I going to allow it to affect my plans? What can I do now?

You see, the man of the house has been retired for many years. Please understand it's not been wine and roses for him. A kidney transplant followed by two rounds of cancer caused him to enter his post-employment phase. It wasn't something he chose. The damage done by disease and treatment is irrevocable. He'll never be strong and able again. It's a frustrating situation for both of us. 

My vacation was a definite intrusion into his time and space. I get it. I really do. He's used to having his days to himself to do whatever the hell he wants to do, which is usually not much. I was home and I wanted to do things he did not. And so my education began. 

It's up to me to decide where I go from here. I'm unwilling to change my retirement plans to accommodate his reluctance to lose the solitude to which he's accustomed. That is to say, I'm unwilling to continue to work past the point when I can afford to retire and write full time. And so he must begin to adjust his thinking, too. How much noise does one make when writing? Just the clicking of the keyboard. I like quiet, too. Perhaps it's my presence he finds objectionable. See the problem?

There's a saying that I find very apropos for today. "If it is to be, it is up to me." That's pretty straightforward. I shoulder the responsibility for my happiness both for today and for all tomorrows. 

If it is to be, it is up to me.   

Friday, June 5, 2015

ACBW - Writers Gotta Eat

June 5, 2015

Today I diet. Going good so far. For breakfast I ate two scrambled eggs & drank 6oz of V8. Then I sat down to write. When I looked at the clock it was 1:30. Yay, I'm writing again! Took break to pack up jewels for shipping and eat lunch and check email. Now I'll go write some more. Actually, trying to read through the rest of this story to see how it ends before I write more into it and find I have a bunch of facts to fix. - BrendaWilliamson

 = = = 

Diet... I did so/so today. We went to Bob Evans instead of cooking. I got the Wildfire Chicken salad so I DID have green stuff. It could have been worse. Far, far worse....  - KC Kendricks

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We're saying no to the home improvement center

June 2, 2015

Every year I indulge in a lengthy spring vacation. Memorial Day is a holiday so it makes sense to me to use that as a way to stretch out some time off. This year I added two extras days just because I could. 

This year, I should have just said no to a vacation. It's not like I really had one. For the first time in my life I'm not feeling depressed about going back to work tomorrow. What happened? you ask.  Oh, where to begin....

My beloved has a few physical limitations that have caused him to fall getting into and out of a bathtub. To remedy this, we decided to install a walk-in shower unit. We're pretty handy around the house, and I'm physically able and strong plus pretty good with tools, so we figured it was an easy two or possibly three day job. Take the tub out, put the shower in. 


First off I paid LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT to deliver the shower unit. I paid them $75.00 American. We opened the box containing the back wall of the shower and discovered they delivered a DAMAGED product. I called Lowe's and explained it was damaged and we needed a new one delivered immediately. I explained I live in a one bathroom house, my husband is partially disabled, and we couldn't bathe. In a nutshell, LOWE'S REPLIED TOO BAD MY TOUGH LUCK.  They had another unit in the store but they wouldn't deliver it until the day after tomorrow, between 6 and 8 PM. We know they had another unit because we went to look. 

And they refused to correct their mistake for two days? 

Say what? 

I guess our days of spending money at Lowe's are over. Western Maryland has a lot of other home improvement centers. Why, there's a new outfit setting up shop in the old Lowe's building on Maryland Avenue in Hagerstown. Have to check that out. 

The shower is now installed and working but not without more difficulties. It's made by Kohler, a respected name, but don't let that fool you, either. The dimensions were a solid one-half inch off. This required "modifications." 

In the interim, I was able to wash in the sink and dunk my head under the kitchen sink faucet to wash my hair. My husband was not so fortunate. He can't bend like that. 

I'm trying to tell myself it's okay because it all worked out. My husband can now step into the shower and sit down. The risk of injury has greatly decreased. Heck, I like using his little chair to sit and shave my legs. Yea! A silver lining. 

But the fact of the matter is it's not okay with me that store employees are so callous to and about people with physical challenges. These people proved the saying, "conform or be cast out" and then went one worse. 

They simply didn't care. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Ghost Makes Three - coming soon

July 1, 2021 update
**The original post contains outdated information. Before her death, author Christiane France and I each took one of our co-written series to manage. I took The Ghost at the B&B series, combining all three books into one. For correct information, please visit

Thank you!

June 1, 2015

So a guy buys a house and it has a resident ghost....

This is what I love about romance fiction. It's freakin' fun, baby! You can give a guy a career, a new house, the man of his dreams AND a resident ghost - and everyone is happy! Well, the ghost is a little unhappy he's a ghost, but he's not making a big fuss about it. 

Spooky ghost stories? Not my thing. A ghost with his own ideas about sex? I can dig it.

The Ghost Makes Three by KC Kendricks and Christiane France.

Look for it the weekend of June 6 (or 7), 2015, at Amber Allure. 
(It all depends when the powers that be a AQP push the button to make it live. 

An excerpt is up on my website (please forgive the mess, I'm working on it).