Day 24
April 28, 2016
Welcome to the final days of the 2016 A to Z Blogging
Challenge! This is the SIXTH year I’ve participated in the challenge - and yes,
I will complete it on time. Which is a good thing since I’ve been writing about
time. Thanks for stopping by Between the Keys as part of the 2016 A to Z
Blogging Challenge.
I’m not a math whiz, and I never aspired to be one. It’s a
good thing, too, because when you start to look at the mathematics of time, it
gets scary.
One day is 24 hours, or 1440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. I
thought there would be more. Only 1440 minutes in a day? That doesn’t sound
like much at all.
I knew my grandfather for 17,520 days and it wasn’t nearly
enough time. I only knew my father for 9,640 days. No wonder I still miss him.
My step-dad has been in my life for 8,395 days. It’s sobering when you look at
it in those terms.
Measuring time sucks, but if I don’t measure it, time will
get the best of me. And time doesn’t play fair. It will never be a level
playing field. All I can do is be diligent and make time work for me whenever I
KC Kendricks
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