April 12, 2016If you're a regular here at Between the Keys, you know I was recently blindsided by the closing of Amber Quill Press went out of business on March 30, 2016. I've been working as diligently as possible to get my books back out into the world. Out of forty-two books, I've gotten nineteen back out for purchase, and I have five more ready to upload. All-in-all, I'm rather pleased with the progress.
The publishing side of all this is more than just building a cover and reformatting a document. Formatting is not too difficult, and gazing at all the pictures of handsome men to select one or two for a cover is, well, that's not too difficult either. Beyond that are website and blog updates to make. Keeping track of, and updating, all those links is a monumental task, but a necessary one. I'm not complaining, mind you. Just saying.

So what's out and available today? Glad you asked. below is the list as of today. The covers are ones I've made and really like. There are more at https://kckendricks.blogspot.com/p/the-bookshelf-of-kc-kendricks-and-rayne.html. Some turned out better than others, but I'm still learning Photoshop. Once I have all the covers done, I'll likely go back and apply what I've learned to recreate earlier covers. We learn something new every day, for which we are grateful. The Doors of Time and Kentucky 98 Proof covers turned out really well - I got the elements scaled properly on that one. Scale is important. I'm learning.
So that's the progress on the indie publishing front for today. I can honestly say so far, so good. But there's more to this than just having books for sale. The publishing industry is changing. It's a constant worry as to whether or not I'll be able to keep up. Can I really learn what to do to keep going as an independent? And as soon as I learn this one thing, will it be outdated? I'm sure the answers to those questions will be discovered in due time. I'll find out as I go!
Thanks for stopping by Between the Keys!
KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys: http://kckendricks.blogspot.com
My country life at Holly
Tree Manor

Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove Series
Double Deuce
Deuce of Diamonds
Ace, Deuce Trey
Circle of Steel
The Sundown Saga
The Back Stairs
Beneath Dark Stars
River Walk
Moon Dances
Fly By Night
Kentucky 98 Proof
Doors of Time
Seducing Light
Shine A Light
Ride Your Luck
September Morning
The Men of Marionville
A Hard Habit to Break
Open Roads
What You Don't Confess
Your Whisper in the Dark
Hey, Joe
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