Levi Wright. How does one define Levi? Young? Brash? Eager? Talented? Determined? Levi is all those things, but it's all tempered by the fact he's simply a good person. Not that Stacy James saw all that at first glance. What Stacy saw was a bit of himself when he was a younger man. For this My Sexy Saturday, here are seven sexy paragraphs from Shining Victory - because a who doesn't want a white knight to come to the rescue? (Maybe stubborn Levi!)
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Mobile, agile and hostile summed up my first impression of the young man who made a running leap and glided across the hood of a 1967 Camaro on denim-clad knees. He landed on the other side of the car—on his feet—and went nose-to-nose with a man half again his size who’d dared to cast aspersions on his sexuality.
The young man stood six feet tall, lanky, with a head full of dark, curly hair, a scruffy three-day beard, and stunning sky-blue eyes framed by the longest black eyelashes I’d ever seen on a man, gay or straight. And he was pissed off past the point of reason.
I admit I don’t like it much when people refer to me as a “fag” either, but with age comes smarts, or so they say. I’d have ignored the beer-bellied redneck and walked on. But it’s true; testosterone poisoning is a malady of youth. I used to have it myself, and counted myself lucky it had passed. For the most part, anyway…This young man looked to have a bad case of twenty-something and hormones.
I set my soda down a safe distance from the imminent fisticuffs and prepared to save the young man from having his beautiful, perfectly straight nose take on a different shape—that of the other fellow’s fist.
He failed to appreciate my efforts, fixing me with an angry blue gaze that drilled its way straight to my groin as I stepped between them. Good God, what incredible eyes.
“Fuck off, old man!”
The little puppy called me old. I resented that remark, but let it slide for the greater good of the moment.
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About Shining Victory:
Stacy James survived
a life-shattering accusation to become a successful businessman with a lot to
offer a partner. At forty, he’s finally put his ghosts to rest, and is ready
for someone in his life, if the right person comes along.
Young and wild, ace mechanic Levi Wright builds engines made
for speed. When Levi’s volatile temper lands him nose-to-nose with trouble,
Stacy ignores his own rules and steps in to save Levi from making a big
mistake. But Stacy can’t ignore Levi’s smoldering sexuality as the younger man
then pursues him.
And Levi has made it clear - he's out to get his man.
iTunes/Apple - itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1254933511
www.amazon.com/Shining-Victory-Levi-Stacy-1-ebook/dp/B073Q8GBXDNO ONE BUT YOU
the sequel to Shining Victory is available
Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B073QFSRFQ_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_
KC Kendricks
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