Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's a "Shining Victory" for this week's My Sexy Saturday (KC Kendricks)

November 30, 2013
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been discontinued.**

Levi Wright. How does one define Levi? Young? Brash? Eager? Talented? Determined? Levi is all those things, but it's all tempered by the fact he's simply a good person. Not that Stacy James saw all that at first glance. What Stacy saw was a bit of himself when he was a younger man. For this My Sexy Saturday, here are seven sexy paragraphs from Shining Victory -  because a who doesn't want a white knight to come to the rescue? (Maybe stubborn Levi!)

= = = = =

Mobile, agile and hostile summed up my first impression of the young man who made a running leap and glided across the hood of a 1967 Camaro on denim-clad knees. He landed on the other side of the car—on his feet—and went nose-to-nose with a man half again his size who’d dared to cast aspersions on his sexuality.

The young man stood six feet tall, lanky, with a head full of dark, curly hair, a scruffy three-day beard, and stunning sky-blue eyes framed by the longest black eyelashes I’d ever seen on a man, gay or straight. And he was pissed off past the point of reason.

I admit I don’t like it much when people refer to me as a “fag” either, but with age comes smarts, or so they say. I’d have ignored the beer-bellied redneck and walked on. But it’s true; testosterone poisoning is a malady of youth. I used to have it myself, and counted myself lucky it had passed. For the most part, anyway…This young man looked to have a bad case of twenty-something and hormones.

I set my soda down a safe distance from the imminent fisticuffs and prepared to save the young man from having his beautiful, perfectly straight nose take on a different shape—that of the other fellow’s fist.

He failed to appreciate my efforts, fixing me with an angry blue gaze that drilled its way straight to my groin as I stepped between them. Good God, what incredible eyes.

“Fuck off, old man!”

The little puppy called me old. I resented that remark, but let it slide for the greater good of the moment.

= = = =

About Shining Victory:

Stacy James survived a life-shattering accusation to become a successful businessman with a lot to offer a partner. At forty, he’s finally put his ghosts to rest, and is ready for someone in his life, if the right person comes along.

Young and wild, ace mechanic Levi Wright builds engines made for speed. When Levi’s volatile temper lands him nose-to-nose with trouble, Stacy ignores his own rules and steps in to save Levi from making a big mistake. But Stacy can’t ignore Levi’s smoldering sexuality as the younger man then pursues him. 

And Levi has made it clear - he's out to get his man. 


the sequel to Shining Victory is available 


 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Thanksgiving dinner that wasn't to be

November 27, 2013

I'm going to miss Thanksgiving dinner for the first time in my life, and if I'm completely honest, I'm a bit relieved. Truthfully, I'm exhausted. I spent last night in the emergency room with my partner, fearing he'd developed a blood clot in his leg. The problem turned out to be something equally serious and he's on medication to clear it, but it was not a good experience for either of us.  

It's at times like these I find it difficult to be thankful for the chemotherapy that saved his life. It saved him but between the cancer itself and the drugs, he is not the man he was. He's been cancer free for seven years, but the health issues left in its wake mount. But I am thankful for his presence in my life. His sense of humor is intact, and I'm thankful for that, too. 

Missing one dinner won't ruin my year. But you know what worries me? I'm afraid my partner and I will like having a nice quiet dinner, just the two of us. It's too late to get a turkey for two for tomorrow, but next year? A turkey for two will make a lot of hot turkey sandwiches, turkey salad wraps, turkey ala king over waffles, turkey tetrazzini, turkey rice soup - you see where I'm going with this. 

My mom and stepdad are pretty cool with missing the big dinner, too. They'd turned down several invitations from their friends to be with us and my partner's family so they simply made a phone call. I'll miss seeing them, but you know what? Maybe tomorrow, after I catch up on my sleep, I can bake a pie and invite them to come for dessert. And if they'd rather not come out in the cold? I'm all grown up. I won't pout. 

In the overall scheme of things, tomorrow will come and go, and everything will be fine. I'm hopeful my partner's leg will heal without additional medical intervention. I'm no less thankful for my family and those around me over missing one dinner. In fact, I may be more so. 

I suspect we'll share the Memories of Thanksgiving Past tomorrow - the good, the bad and the ugly - because it all makes family special. And ours. And we'll both be so very thankful for everyone we call family. 

And the very best thing? We know, without doubt, they'll be thankful for us. 

May it be so for you, as well.

KC Kendricks
mailing list

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Double Deuce KC Kendricks - My Sexy Saturday

November 23, 2013
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been discontinued.**

Welcome to Between the Keys and my little corner of this week's My Sexy Saturday. If you arrived via another path, My Sexy Saturday is a group blog hop where participating authors post 7 words, or 7 sentences, or even 7 paragraphs from one of their works. A list is at the end of this post so you can check out other blogs. It's great fun and a good way to find new-to-you authors and some great books.

This Saturday, I'm taking seven sexy paragraphs from Double Deuce. You won't find these anywhere else on the Internet, only at Between the Keys.

= = = = =

He was silent, swirling the ice in his glass. Every few moments, he shook his head. I’d had those kinds of discussions with myself, too. Selecting the lesser of two bad choices wasn’t easy. Rick looked at me.

“Can we just go to bed and forget all this for one night, Ian?”

“Fucking me compromises you, and your case. Why do you want to do take that risk?”

He tossed back the remainder of the liquid in his glass with a quick flick of his wrist. “If we were straight, no one would care who we fucked, would they?”

“No, but we’re not.” I sipped my bourbon. It’s amber magic hit my joints with a relaxing rush. “Did you inform your agency boss of your contact with me?”

Rick set his glass aside and massaged the bridge of his nose. “No, Ian. I did not.” He plucked the glass from my fingers and placed it beside his on the end table.
          He turned to me and I allowed him to press me down beneath him on the narrow couch. His gaze never left mine as he shifted his hips between my thighs. My cock hardened in three wonderful throbbing, pounding heartbeats. I ached with the need to feel him moving inside me and throw me into that almost forgotten white heat. I cupped the back of his head and dragged his mouth down to mine.
= = = = =  

About Double Deuce:

Free-spirited Ian Coulter works hard and plays harder. An ex-cop turned private investigator, Ian enjoys meeting new men and making new friends. A night out ends up with one man on the floor at his feet, and another asking for his help. Big trouble’s brewing in little Amethyst Cove, and Ian’s a step behind. He’s quick to see Rick Mohr is the man holding the flare at the end a long, dark tunnel.

Undercover agent Rick Mohr walks a fine line, serving two masters. Insider trading, counterfeit printing plates, and a blown-up yacht have Rick stuck between two Federal agencies, one of which has been compromised. Rick has to discover the mole before it’s too late. When Ian Coulter walks into his life, Rick grabs the chance to salvage his assignment with both hands.

It doesn’t take Ian and Rick long to discover joining forces and sharing resources has definite perks - ones not found in any departmental manual.
Contemporary gay romance mystery
available now AmazoniTunesBarnes and Noble, and Kobo.

KC Kendricks

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

New author page at Rainbow Book Reviews

November 21, 2013

A big shout out of thanks to Serena at Rainbow Book Reviews for setting me up with my very own author page at Rainbow Book Reviews

Check it out here if you have a moment. I'll also be doing an interview with them, so stay tuned. I'll give another shout out when it goes live. 


Monday, November 18, 2013

Dancing with my shapeshifter again

November 18, 2013

The last week morphed into a stretch of busy-ness that caught me off-guard. I don't mind being busy provided I'm accomplishing something. And I did! 

Last Monday started out with the tree trimmers in the morning and Ender's Game in the late afternoon. Having read the book twenty odd years ago, I had to see this movie and I'm glad we went. Did the film makers stay true to the book? Pretty much, but I'm sure having read first enhanced the movie. 

Tuesday it was back to work. I'm glad I had a blog pre-scheduled because it was full steam ahead on the WIP Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. Friday - bowling. Saturday - cousin's dinner. And yes, I got the manuscript submitted. Whoo-hoo! I was happy. Sunday - take a deep breath. 

So now I'm back on track at a more normal pace. I guess the good news is I didn't pull out too many hairs as the end of the Tales from the Garage story developed. No word yet when the Tales from the Garage PAX will be scheduled for release or even if the publisher will leave it as Tales from the Garage. I hope they do since that's what we all signed up for.  

The next book in the shapeshifter series is underway. Both Fallon and Sundown, the main characters, say this part of their story needs to be a bit more light-hearted. They've weathered a few storms, this shapeshifter and his human lover, so I'll bow to their wishes. They're going on a vacation. Of course, Sundown, being Sundown, he's bound to find some mischief. He always does - and that's why everyone likes him. 

KC Kendricks
Between the Keys

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Food for the Holidays: Carrots Au Gratin

November 12, 2013

As my annoying wonderful housemate pointed out to me yesterday, we need to start planning Christmas dinner. I can't believe he said that, and ever worse, I just typed the words. Let it be known, he still lives.

The man then raised the footrest of his recliner, leaned back, and rather off-handedly informed me he wanted "that carrot and potato thing you did two years ago."  Let it also be known I didn't correct him that the dish consists of carrots and parsnips, a root veggie my mother and stepdad, having grown up poor in a different time when large home gardens were the norm, both dearly love. (Please don't report the previous long sentence to my editor. She doesn't like them.) 

Once upon a promo op, another author made a rather exceedingly cavalier remark that you'd never catch HER sharing a recipe went she had books to promote when one of the group participants posted a recipe. I still don't buy her books. I still don't buy her books. That remark always comes to mind when I think about sharing a recipe, but I've decided I need to get past that because I don't think she was correct in her attitude. We all need to eat and fixing a dish for parents and grandparents with foods they remember from childhood is an expression of love. Piss on any writer person who would look down on another for simply sharing a recipe.  

Sooooo, here's my recipe for Carrots Au Gratin with parsnips. I'll make it for Christmas dinner, but I won't tell Himself those white veggies are not potatoes.   

Cooking for family is all about how much you love them. And yes, you might have to teach them how to properly show their appreciation of your efforts. Case in point - the man taking up space in my living room. But he's worth it. 

= = = =

1 1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves (fresh is great if you have it)
1/2 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 tablespoon low-smoking oil
4 tablespoons flour
1/2 to 3/4 cup shredded sharp Cheddar (go more if you love cheese)
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
Pinch of ground ginger
2 to 3 peeled and sliced large carrots
2 to 3 peeled and sliced parsnips (parsnips look like white carrots)
1/2 cup breadcrumbs (I like Panko)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
Chopped fresh parsley for garnish
Salt and pepper to taste

Peel and slice carrots and parsnips. Set aside. 

Heat the milk, thyme and garlic almost to boiling, then let sit for twenty minutes for the flavors to infuse. Strain out the thyme and garlic unless you want the stronger flavors in which case leave them in. Set milk aside.(My folks aren't fond of garlic so I strain it out of the milk.)

Melt the butter and oil. When hot, whisk in the flour and cook for about 2 minutes. Take enough time to cook the flour. Slowly whisk in the milk and bring to a simmer. Add Cheddar, spices and S&P. Warm until it thickens. 

Spray a baking dish with non-stick spray. Layer in half the veggies. Pour in half the sauce. Layer in remaining veggies and then add the rest of the sauce. 

Mix the breadcrumbs and the Parmesan together then sprinkle evenly over the veggies. Bake at 350F until the veggies are tender when poked with a fork and the sauce gets bubbly - about an hour to an hour and a half depending on your oven. Resist the urge to turn up the heat. If the top starts to get over-brown, cover the dish with foil. After baking, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes for the sauce to stop bubbling and finish thickening. Garnish with parsley before serving. 

= = =

Monday, November 11, 2013

A shout-out for Antietam Tree and Turf

November 11, 2013

The tree-trimmers arrived this morning before eight o'clock. You can tell by some of the photos the sun was barely over the mountain. I was ready, though. These guys were here in May of 2011 and I remembered they get an early start. They also hustle. These guys WORK. 

And no, this is certainly not a paid endorsement of the company. We paid them to take down two problem trees. I just happen to think a company who exceeds what they said they would do is worth a recommendation. 

It was fascinating to watch the crew work. One guy floated among the treetops and the other handled duties on the ground. Safety first was definitely the first order of every thing they did. The trees came down, limb by limb and branch by branch, until nothing remained but the trunk. That came down in pieces, too. Everything but the largest pieces went through the shredder and became mulch. We have nothing to clean up, either. They did it all, raking the entire work area. There are no sticks left to hit with the mower.  

If you live in Maryland, anywhere from Frederick to Cumberland, and probably beyond, and need a tree service, Antietam Tree deserves a call. We have three more trees that are too large for us to feel comfortable with taking down ourselves. I won't even call and price shop. Come spring, after I've saved my pennies, I'll simply call these guys. 

A good job the first time is a pleasant surprise. A good job the second time is proof of the way a company does business. Antietam Tree has my business. 

Now I have to write a story about tree-trimmers. After all, I have videos saved to show my characters how to do it. 


Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Cause of Sleeplessness

November 10, 2013

My twelve year old dog had trouble sleeping tonight so he woke me. Now I'm awake and he's snoring.  What's a puppy parent to do when they need you so they can sleep? 

Isn't he just the sweetest looking fellow ever? I wonder if he'll miss me if I sneak back to bed?


Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Sexy Saturday: Beneath Dark Stars by KC Kendricks

November 9, 2013
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been discontinued.**

Welcome once again to My Sexy Saturday! I hope you like shapeshifters. I know, I know - everyone likes shapeshifters! This week I have seven sexy paragraphs from Beneath Dark Stars, the sequel to The Back Stairs and the second book in the Sundown series. 

Czun Dun Nhunfi  - Sundown to you and me since it's easier for us humans to pronounce - isn't your average shapeshifter. His people were brought to earth a thousand years ago as slaves but they freed themselves and prospered. Fast forward to Sundown and Lt. Fallon Roxbury meeting and falling in love and you have a cop trying to do his job and his shapeshifter helping in ways only he can. 

I hope you'll enjoy this selection from Beneath Dark Stars. 

Sundown handed me a small tumbler of juice and tapped his water glass to mine. I sipped my drink, sputtering at the lack of alcoholic bite. “This is plain cranberry juice!”

He blinked, a slow, lazy lowering and raising of his eyelids that put me in mind of big cat causally watching its prey. “I did not want you to fall asleep too soon.”

The skin on my thighs and belly prickled. My cock pulsed and lengthened. “You’re just full of wants, aren’t you?"

“I have many, yes, and all will be accomplished in the proper time.”

“Boy, that sounds ominous for me, doesn’t it?” Actually, I liked the implications of him thinking about different things to do to me, and so did my dick. My erection completed.

Sundown lifted his glass, drained it, and set it aside. I took a healthy swig of mine and put it on the nightstand to finish later. I lifted the sheet and pointed at my hard on. 

"Is it the proper time to do something with the little problem I have right there?"

Thanks for stopping by Between the Keys today!

Gay romance with a paranormal shift
available now at AmazoniTunes/AppleBarnes and NobleKobo, and other online booksellers. 


 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

An unexpected stroll on a rainy day

November 7, 2013

It's gray and dreary in my corner of the world today. There's a chill in the air and a slow rain has spread dampness into every nook and cranny in the old building I work in, except the office areas. What the lack of heat is doing to this grand old lady, I wouldn't want to guess, but I know it's not helping the original plaster on the second and third floors any.

And being that it's raining, today is the day the man came to see about fixing the fence our neighbor's tenants destroyed when they were evicted. (Some people have no respect of another's property.)

I slipped off my heels and into the old shoes I keep in the closet and dutifully walked outside with him. He apologized for coming in the rain, explaining how he's blessedly busy these days, something I do understand. Once outside, something happened as I took the first mist-laden breath.

The tension of the morning bled out of me. I spread my arms wide and stretched, listening to all the "pops" in my shoulders and spine. The man grinned and told me he was glad he didn't have a desk job.

We walked along the fence, chatting, and I realized I was with an honest man - very good company, indeed. The chill didn't matter, nor the rain. For a few moments I was outside and free.

He shook my hand as we parted, and promised to send a bid within the next few days. I came back inside to a warm, dry office, but I'm ruined for the day. Spreadsheets and budgets can't compete with a stroll on a rainy day.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Do you shake, pound, flip and slice?

November 6, 2013

It's time for me to come clean. Admit to being a bit narcissistic, even. I've been known to spend a lot of money on "beauty" supplies.

It's true. I won't leave the house if I haven't had a shower and washed my hair. I won't leave the house without at least SPF30 tinted moisturizer on my face. And since there is something in spray cologne formulas that makes me cough, I shower with scented gels which don't have the same choking effect.

The bottom line in all this is - it's not cheap to be a modern woman. If I could get back even a small percentage of the money I've spent on my hair, face and skin, I could retire now. But even with all the niceties available to prepare us to face the workday, I'm cheap. That's right - cheap. I take "frugal" to new levels. Give me a beauty product and I will find a way to shake, pound, flip, slice and scoop every last drop of elixir out of the container.

This morning I concluded I've reached the obsessive stage with my favorite body cream. I use this in several different scents and it's wonderful. (I like the Midnight Pomegranate so you can bet Bath & Body will stop making it.)  Thick and creamy, it goes on like silk and the scent stays on my skin all day and it doesn't give a person numb-nose. The thing is, it's a bit expensive, which to me means it's ever so important not to waste it down to the very last smear.

I shake the tube. I tap the tube on the counter. I squeeze it like I'm juicing a lemon. But this morning? Well, I cut off the sealed end of the tube and used my finger to scoop out enough cream for today. There's more in the tube, too, clinging to the inside so you can bet your butt I'll keep cutting until I get the cap and have used every drop. 

Frugal or tightwad? Say what you will in public, but I bet I won't be the only person cutting the ends off of tubes to use all the products after you read this. So maybe I'm a trendsetter!

Yeah. Let's go with that. It's better than kooky writer.

 KC Kendricks

Life through the eyes of Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Passion's Victory makes for one My Sexy Saturday blog

November 2,  2013
**Updated 4/2/21 - the My Sexy Saturday blog hop has been discontinued.**

It's Saturday again and that means another My Sexy Saturday entry. I think this is great fun because it's taking me back into older stories and reuniting me with those characters. Today I'm going back almost to the beginning to Passion's Victory. 

Be sure to read down to the My Sexy Saturday linky and visit the blogs listed. There's some great reading there! 

In this scene, Micah comes home to find Jonas waiting on the front porch for him. 

= = = = = = =

 “Jonas,” I murmured against his smiling lips. “Talk to…” His tongue flicked to mine, cutting off my request for a moment of conversation.

Any of my neighbors watching were getting quite a sideshow. I shoved my hand in my pocket, fumbled my keys. They fell from my shaking fingers to the porch decking. Jonas pushed me back, breaking physical contact. I longed to see his eyes, to get some idea of what he thought, what he felt.

“Bend over and pick them up,” he said cheerfully as he rubbed my nipple. I stared at him and tried to catch my breath.

“Not in front of you, Chadwick. I know all about men like you.”

“Do you?” Something rough and dark in his voice gave me pause. What demon did he battle?

“I know enough.” I pushed him back against the side of the house, not with some little force. “Why did you come back?”

“I don’t know. Maybe to satisfy my curiosity.”

= = = = == = =

Passion's Victory by KC Kendricks - a 2008 CAPA nominee

Micah Souther is young, talented, and gay. As the junior owner of the family business, he knows better than to look for love “on the clock.”

Jonas Chadwick is the new guy at the firm. Older, wiser, and a survivor of the school of hard knocks, he’s not in the market for an office romance, even if he knew for certain his young boss were gay.

One kiss is all it takes to send them on a collision course, and when bodies collide, the friction gets hot.



 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

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