Thursday, April 17, 2014

O is for the Orange Maple in Fall

April 17, 2014

2014 A to Z Blog Challenge
A Rural Life
Day 16

O is for the Orange Maple in Fall

Welcome to my corner of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. 
This year, 2014, I’ve chosen the theme, “A Rural Life.” I’m so blessed to live in rural America, close to nature. Big cities aren’t that far away by car so I’ve got the best of both worlds. Just like life, this year is turning out to be a mix-up - a wonderful combination of this and that all rolled into one that may seem chaotic on the surface but blends together to create the whole.


It’s an old adage we know well - “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Sometimes it’s true. So while it’s barely spring in my corner of the world, I’m giving you a taste of autumn as it has appeared from my front porch for each of the last thirty years.

This beautiful tree is the herald of fall in my yard. It's a little taller and broader now since this picture was taken, but its vivid fall color sets my heart alight with joy every fall.

O is for the Orange Maple that crowns the tiny rise in my front yard.


You didn’t really think you’d get away without a brief book promo, did you?

O is also for OPEN ROADS. For more information please visit my website at

KC Kendricks


Anything and Everything Paranormal Blog said...

Love the photo, bet it's amazing to sit under and drift into an amazing book while doing so.

KC Kendricks said...

We've discussed putting a bench under that tree for years and have never done it. I think we enjoy sitting on the front porch looking at the tree too much to be under it and not be able to see it. It's surprising how much it's grown since that picture, too.

Thanks for stopping by Between the Keys.

Rebekah Loper said...

What you need is a hammock under the tree so you can lay down and look up at all the beautiful leaves!

KC Kendricks said...

Oh, that would be nice but then I'd never get any work done!