2014 A to Z Blog Challenge
A Rural Life
Day 17
Q is for Quiet
Winter, spring and summer can have the fog. It’s lovely
autumn that claims the mist.
Without a sound to disturb the perfect quiet, the sun rose over the mountain ridge and light streamed through the trees. The
birds began to sing and the perfect quiet became a lovely memory to share.
KC Kendricks
Website: http://www.kckendricks.com
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Some times such quietness is more relaxing than the chirping birds, rustling leaves, or even the ocean waves. Quiet can be beyond blissful. Photo is very pretty.
I enjoy being on the patio early and listening for the first bird. I'm not really crazy, it's that I've always had a dog and the one I have now is a really early riser. He likes to take his morning "stroll" at daybreak so I'm up :)
That is a lovely photo. I can just imagine sitting on your patio enjoying the quiet--something that's rare for those of us living in the downtown area of a big city.
I've never lived in a town. I can't imagine hearing nothing but the noise from traffic all day every day. I get tired of the noise after a day when I go to New York.
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