Saturday, May 30, 2015

MSS #94- The Back Stairs by KC Kendricks

May 30, 2015
** Updated 4/2/21 - My Sexy Saturday was a weekly blog by a group of writing joining together for promotion. It ended in 2017.***

Welcome to the weekend and another My Sexy Saturday blog hop. I've begun work on a new Sundown and Fallon story so it seems right to revisit them at the beginning in The Back Stairs. When Sundown says Fallon doesn't know him, boy, is he right! But who expects to find a shapeshifter living downtown?

= = = = =
“Fallon, you do not know me at all. But someday, perhaps you will."

There I was, straddling him, my dick in my hand, and he wanted to play cryptic word games. What was the price of getting him on his belly with his ass in the air for me?

“What the hell does that mean? Never mind. Just roll over. I promise to cuff you to the bed and spank you next time.”

He snickered and pulled his knees up to his chest, thighs spread to show me everything he had. The rosy, full cock on his pale belly, the lobed sac with its smattering of hairs, the round tight rosebud—good grief, what a tempting display, and he knew it. Sundown smiled, his full lips bowed beneath a green gaze full of challenge.

“Take what I offer while you can.”

I conceded and agreed to momentary defeat. I wanted him, and he could have me any way he wanted to take me. My palm connected with his left buttock, hard. Sundown yelped, sounding for all the world just like a dog. I smacked him again, and he growled.

“You will cease that, Fallon, if you wish to continue.”


About The Back Stairs

Fallon Roxbury has a nose for trouble and the uncanny ability for landing in the middle of it the moment he finds it. While investigating the gruesome murder of a young male prostitute in the red-light district, Fallon gets a whiff of something very strange. Forensics has unidentified hairs. Very unidentified hairs, like nothing in any of the textbooks. Following a tip from a person of interest, Fallon meets Sundown, an apparent hustler who knows a lot more than he will admit.

Getting personally involved with Sundown breaks every rule in the police manual, and in Fallon’s own personal code. Sundown is like a drug, and Fallon can’t stop at just one hit. When Sundown is forced to reveal the truth, Fallon’s world is turned upside down, and he’s left with only two options: check himself in for psychiatric evaluation, or accept a new reality with a strange shift.

Shapeshifters, that is.

Book 1 of the Sundown Saga

Available on iTunes

Available at Amazon

Barnes & Noble


KC Kendricks

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, May 29, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Furballs!

May 29, 2015

We might actually see the sun today. I think I'll go dance naked in the backyard if we do. 
Heading into the home stretch on the one WIP. I might get that finished this weekend, too.  It’s really different not having to vacuum furballs every night. But I would gladly do it to have Jett back. Now I must go c-c-cook a dinner. - KC Kendricks
I haven't done any writing in weeks. I'm still devoting all my time to remodeling. You think a Lab sheds a lot, get a Pomeranian. His name is Baron Frankenstein (got him for Damien one Halloween six or seven years ago). The tumbleweed-like hair balls rolling around the house we call baby Barons. When I sweep them up there's enough hair to make another dog. - Brenda Williamson

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is it time for a change?

May 27, 2015

I've been debating whether or not to change the appearance of Between the Keys. This background, while I still like it, is feeling sort of old and tired. I've searched for just the right picture for the header but haven't had much success. That's led me to pondering the saying, "change for the sake of change."

Change for the sake of change is a trap we all fall into at some point in our life. We get restless. We don't even know why we crave something - anything - different. That may be the point I'm at with the background. 

One of the problems is I want something classy and if you've looked at the blogger backgrounds.....   I know "classy" is in the eye of the beholder. To me, it would be a dark, rich color. What color? One that matches, or at least blends well, with this header photo I can't seem to find. I may have to resort to Photoshop to get what I want. 

If I can figure out what that is. 

Hmm. Maybe I'd better leave well-enough alone and avoid the change for the sake of change trap.

KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor

Friday, May 22, 2015

ACBW - We Do So Work!

May 22, 2015

We've got a drizzling rain here this morning so Himself wants to torch the brush pile. Good day for it so we're heading outside. We'll get the fire going then sit in the pickup, drink coffee, and watch it burn. Then I'll say I worked hard today LOL!! - KC Kendricks
I like bonfires and sitting and roasting marshmallows. But I have to wait until my brother does the brush pile. I don't play with fire and I try not to play with work.  - Brenda Williamson

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Undeniable a certified Bestseller at All Romance eBooks

May 20, 2015

There's no way to predict it. There's no magic bullet to make it happen. Hell, I don't even expect it to happen. Today, it did.

I had an email from All Romance eBooks. Huh, I thought. Should I open that? Well, I did. The email was from Julie. All you author types will know that name. She's in charge of marketing, etc. 

Congratulations! Undeniable by KC Kendricks has just hit the Bestseller List! We've attached our ARe Bestseller graphic for your use. Please feel free to link it to the book's detail page: /product-undeniable-1806251-149.html.

Yea! This has only happened once before that I can recall and that was with Kentucky 98 Proof. 

I wish there was a magic formula but I think this only happens through hard work and dedication to the craft of writing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy of Undeniable.

You made my day!!



With a summer storm threatening to ruin his Friday afternoon, Asa Burton packs his briefcase and bolts for home before the driving gets dangerous. On the interstate, stuck behind an accident, he regrets his decision until he sees Ford Weston standing along the side of the road talking to a police officer.

Ford Weston can’t believe his luck, bad and good. First, his car gets clipped on the tail end of an accident, and then none other than Asa Burton pulls over and offers him a ride home. Coming face-to-face with the biggest regret of his life leaves Ford off-balance. He’d screwed up with Asa all those years ago. It was his fault the relationship ended.

Asa can’t believe he’s found Ford again, so why is he angry with himself? Could it be because Ford walked out on him without a word seventeen years ago and he did nothing to stop him? Asa’s sure of only one thing – Fate just handed him the opportunity to win Ford back – and get some answers.  


Available at:


 Universal link to additional booksellers:

 Undeniable webpage with excerpt:


 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Undeniable by KC Kendricks

May 16, 2015
** Updated 4/2/21 - My Sexy Saturday was a weekly blog by a group of writing joining together for promotion. It ended in 2017.***

Welcome to another My Sexy Saturday at Between the Keys! This week I have seven sexy paragraphs from my newest release, Undeniable. Enjoy!


Ford hugged him, then unsnapped Asa's pants and allowed them to hang open on his hips. Freed, his rigid dick pointed straight at Ford. He forgot to breathe at all as Ford dropped to his knees and encircled his cockhead with soft lips. Asa wanted to close his eyes and just feel everything, but he stood mesmerized by the sight of his cock disappearing into Ford’s mouth and emerging wet and slick, only to vanish once more. All too soon, Ford released him and urged him to sit.

He raised his arms as Ford grasped the edge of his shirt and tugged it over his head. His slacks followed. He smiled as Ford shook them out and gave them a loose fold before draping them over the chair.

“You always were the neatnik.”

Ford unfastened his own trousers, stepped out of them, and tossed them toward the hamper. Asa gazed at him, from his flushed face to his feet and back up to his center to the swollen cock springing from its dark nest of hair. His throat felt tight when he spoke.

“You’re so gorgeous. You were then…and age has only made you better.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

Ford knelt on the bed beside him and tumbled them to the mattress.



With a summer storm threatening to ruin his Friday afternoon, Asa Burton packs his briefcase and bolts for home before the driving gets dangerous. On the interstate, stuck behind an accident, he regrets his decision until he sees Ford Weston standing along the side of the road talking to a police officer.

Ford Weston can’t believe his luck, bad and good. First, his car gets clipped on the tail end of an accident, and then none other than Asa Burton pulls over and offers him a ride home. Coming face-to-face with the biggest regret of his life leaves Ford off-balance. He’d screwed up with Asa all those years ago. It was his fault the relationship ended.

Asa can’t believe he’s found Ford again, so why is he angry with himself? Could it be because Ford walked out on him without a word seventeen years ago and he did nothing to stop him? Asa’s sure of only one thing – Fate just handed him the opportunity to win Ford back – and get some answers.  


Available at:


 Universal link to additional booksellers:

 Undeniable webpage with excerpt:


 KC Kendricks

My home on the web- Between the Keys: 
Visit my bookshelf at: 

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers - Take Two Aspirins

May 15, 2015

A Conversation Between Writers goes back for many years. I've known Brenda since 2005 so we have ten years of email yak-yak-yak to share. We call each other from time-to-time, and even have been known to Skype, but with two busy lives, email is what keeps the conversation flowing. 

Take Two Aspirins

Damien now has cold. Yesterday was his day off and we spent it watching TV. Well me watching and fetching his snacks while he napped ---A LOT.  - Brenda Williamson
We're both hacking and coughing. I think it's the general poor air quality in the house left over from winter. It was 60F degrees this afternoon and I cracked open a couple of windows to let some fresh air in and Ron huffed and puffed. I turned my back and he shut 'em so when he stepped into another room I opened different ones. They're still cracked open. The heat pump is just outside my office window and when it cycles on for the first time this evening, I'll close them.  - KC Kendricks

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Just Released! Undeniable by KC Kendricks

May 10, 2015
**updated 4/14/21**

About the book:

With a summer storm threatening to ruin his Friday afternoon, Asa Burton packs his briefcase and bolts for home before the driving gets dangerous. On the interstate, stuck behind an accident, he regrets his decision until he sees Ford Weston standing along the side of the road talking to a police officer. 

Ford Weston can’t believe his luck, bad and good. First, his car gets clipped on the tail end of an accident, and then none other than Asa Burton pulls over and offers him a ride home. Coming face-to-face with the biggest regret of his life leaves Ford off-balance. He’d screwed up with Asa all those years ago. It was his fault the relationship ended.

Asa can’t believe he’s found Ford again, so why is he angry with himself? Could it be because Ford walked out on him without a word seventeen years ago and he did nothing to stop him? Asa’s sure of only one thing – Fate just handed him the opportunity to win Ford back – and get some answers.  


“That’s how you moved in on me the first time. I was sitting on the sofa talking to friends and you plopped down beside me. Then you put your arm around me and asked me if I wanted to get naked.”

“I was smooth in those days, wasn’t I?”

Asa laughed. “You were one horny bastard and you were on the prowl.”

He sobered as Ford stroked his cheek with trembling fingers then ran his thumb over his lips. 

“Asa, I’d have never jumped you like that if I’d known you were so inexperienced.”

He was surprised to hear the regret in Ford’s voice.

“I was shaking like a leaf in my frat-boy sneakers when I walked out the door with you. You were the answer to my big problem, you know. I was desperate to lose my virginity but just any guy wouldn’t do. I wanted a real stud for the job.”

“I’m glad you chose me.”

Asa set his beer down. It was the second one today he wasn’t going to finish. He turned and put his arms around Ford’s neck. There was one thing he knew would move them past uncertainty. 

He pressed his lips to Ford’s.

Ford was still for a moment then his lips parted. Past and present merged for Asa as the memory of those long ago shared kisses blended with the feel of Ford’s warm mouth moving under his. Now was all that mattered. His groin tightened as he shifted forward and Ford went down beneath him.

Never breaking the kiss Asa worked his hands under Ford’s shirt to caress bare skin. His dick swelled full and hard when Ford slipped his hand down the back of his pants to squeeze his ass. Inside him, little muscles twitched with the memory of the first time Ford fucked him, of the burn as Ford went into him. He’d spun into a white-hot heat he’d never found with anyone else. Asa kissed the throbbing vein in Ford’s neck.

“We have too many clothes on.”

Ford stroked the back of his head. “You cut your gorgeous hair.”

“It was time.” Asa raised up enough to look at him. Ford’s pupils had gone wide and black and 

Asa wondered if his eyes looked the same. He ran his fingers through Ford’s dark locks.

“I wanted the senior partners to take me seriously. That wasn’t going to happen looking like a wannabe singer in a boy band.”

“I get it, but it really surprises me you’d do it. Are you ready to take this to the bedroom?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve changed some, Ford.”

“So have I. Let me up.”

“One more for the road.”

“The bedroom - "

Asa cut Ford off as he kissed him. Ford met him, thrusting his tongue in Asa’s mouth in a mock fucking. In response, Asa flexed his hips against Ford’s. He silently damned the layers of fabric between them as the ridge of his erection rode of Ford’s equally hard cock. Asa shifted sideways to drop onto his knees and rock back on his heels.

“Which way?”



Available at:
Amazon US:
 Barnes & Noble/NOOK:


 Universal link to additional booksellers:
 Undeniable webpage with excerpt:
 KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
Visit my bookshelf at:

Social media links:
Life through the eyes of my black Lab, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce:
My country life at Holly Tree Manor:

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

May 9, 2015

Are you going to Scarborough fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

I grew up at the tail-end of the 1960s counter culture. I was too young to fully understand the political implications of the times, but youth didn't prevent me from embracing the music just for the music.

"Scarborough Fair" by Simon and Garfunkel is one of those songs that has stuck with me. From the vocal arrangement to the instrumentals, it's simply a lovely song. Many years ago I wanted to plant a few herbs in a strawberry jar because strawberries refused to grow in my grandmother's old terra cotta pot. It makes no sense, but there it is. So what herbs to plant. Immediately the words to the song came to mind.

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...

Every year I plant the jar the same. Six red begonias to honor my grandmother's love of red and of begonias, and parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme in the top. It's a tradition, one I plan to always keep.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Last Long Drive

May 7, 2015

I knew it was coming. I watched its approach with a sort of resigned dread. This past Monday, time ran out and I took the second hardest drive of my life with Jett. He suddenly struggled to breathe, probably from a tumor pressing on something vital. I'll never really know, nor does it matter. He was thirteen, and for a dog, that's a grand old age. There's no coming back from thirteen. 

It's been a difficult week without him. I looked out the office window last evening and yelled, "Jett! Critters!" which was his word for deer. Too late I realized my mistake. 

I hope he's chasing the deer with Callahan. Have fun together, my precious boys. 


April 5, 2011
A to Z Blogging Challenge
Day 4 - D
D is for Dog

While I didn’t have a cat until I was eight or nine years old, I’ve always had dogs. In fact, my very first word was my version of the name of the dog.

I’ve had dogs, but it’s the last two who’ve enriched my life beyond the others. Callahan and Jett. The only time in my life I’ve been without a dog was between Cal and Jett. When I had to have Callahan put down after he developed Cushings disease, I was too heartbroken to even think about getting another dog for two years.

Cal was a pointer/hound mix. He had a rich caramel brown saddle with a white chest and blaze, with even ticking. He was a handsome lad, but his best feature was his yellow eyes. No one – no one – messed with that dog. He was completely gentle, but at 90 pounds of pure muscle, he didn’t look it. Cal was my constant companion for the seven years I lived alone. During that time a dog in the house, especially a BIG one was comforting. It was quite a relief when the dog liked the new man in my life and vice versa.

Taking him for that last drive was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the dog had started to suffer. It was time. He was twelve, and the clock only goes forward. Then the man’s health took a bad turn. There was surgery followed by chemotherapy and I didn’t think much about getting a puppy.

A little over two years after Cal’s death, I received a sign. I know lots of people don’t believe in signs. I don’t either when it comes to big, showy things. To me, a sign is something small only the individual recognizes. It could be a random thought sent by the subconscious, or a scent on the breeze that triggers a memory or decision. My sign it was time to get a puppy was something only I could receive – a dream. Within days I unexpectedly came by a black Lab pup.

Cal was an alpha dog. I’d arrive home from work and he was glad to see me, sure, but he didn’t smother me with affection the way this Lab does. The Lab is a beta boy, eager to please, and yet he does display a mind of his own, firmly refusing to heed my warnings about sleeping on the sofa. Cal made it clear he accepted me as pack leader – of a pack of two. I like to think Jett would be a fine protector if I was ever threatened, but with Cal, I knew it in my gut.

Jett is past nine now, and showing his age. Those dozen or so white hairs on his chin that were so adorable on his puppy self have now spread in an alarming path to cover his muzzle, almost to his eyes. His clock has suddenly begun to tick faster, and I catch myself already mourning him. It’s normal, I suppose, a way of preparing myself for the inevitable day.

My boys are very different, but each will always hold his own place in my heart. And if it’s true that all dogs go to heaven, then Jett will walk beside me on the road while noble Callahan forges ahead, nose to the ground, to sit patiently waiting by the gate for us to catch up.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Moon Dances by KC Kendricks (MSS#90)

May 2, 2015
** Updated 4/2/21 - My Sexy Saturday was a weekly blog by a group of writing joining together for promotion. It ended in 2017.***

Having just completed the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge, you'd think I'd need a blogging break. Can't! It's Saturday and that means it's blog hop day. I can't let the My Sexy Saturday compatriots down. It's blog and tweet, babe. 

Today it's seven sexy paragraphs from Moon Dances, book IV in the Sundown Saga. Here's a bonus for you - the entire KC catalog is 50% off at Amber Allure through 5/5/15. So scoot on over and get all of the shapeshifter Sundown at half price before it's too late and the regular price comes back. 


Because he expected it, I mumbled and grumbled while I shoved the covers to the foot of the bed. He hopped up and finished stripping. My shapeshifter wore a handsome skin for me and displayed a beautiful eight-inch cock to entice me to stimulate his pleasure receptors. Sundown landed beside me, bouncing on the firm mattress.
“You do tire of me. Your penis isn’t hard.”
I guided his hand to the organ in question. It swelled as soon as he touched it. “I’m only pacing myself, darling. Kiss me and see what happens.”
     His eyes gleamed with amusement and a moment later his mouth covered mine. I licked his lips and he opened to me. Our arms and legs entangled as I rolled him beneath me and deepened the kiss.
I never knew what course our lovemaking would take until we got there. Today he’d taken me at my word I wanted to feel his lips on me. Sundown trailed kisses down my neck and chest, pausing to suckle at my nips, giving each one just a few seconds and leaving me to hope he’d find his way back and do it again. I reached for my dick and he stopped me, his strong fingers wrapping around my shaft with the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy. He stroked me a few times to satisfy my urges before he ran his hands over my backside. With a lazy twist of his lean body, he positioned himself to suck me.
The warmth of his mouth surrounded my dick as his tongue teased around the rim. I soared as he licked the underneath of the head. When he slipped a hand between my thighs to caress my sac, I reached for him.
To touch him. How could I describe touching the flowing silkiness of his skin? I was addicted to the way my fingertips glided over his body and the way his hands flowed over mine. We sought new ways to touch as we moved against each other, saying little save a whisper or a sigh to let the other know we liked something. When he flipped onto his belly and lifted his ass, I rolled to my knees, grasped his hips, and thrust into him. He warmed around my invading dick. 


MOON DANCES is available at

More about Moon Dances:

For Lieutenant Fallon Roxbury, Special Police Consultant, reality has taken on a strange shift. Shapeshifters exist and a clan of them live under his protection. One is his lover, Sundown. Protecting the Chal is a full-time job, a task which would be easier if they weren’t so secretive - and scheming. When Fallon’s police force partner suggests a vacation, Fallon jumps at the chance to take Sundown someplace private. A resort near where he grew up seems like the prefect place for a get-away. Ten days filled with sex, sleep and sun is just what they both need, but more than fun lurks in the woods.

The ancient nemesis of the Chal is still out there and could one day return to earth to enslave both Chal and human alike. Secrets of the Chal past come to light when Fallon’s suppressed memories of his early years resurface. The shapeshifters have always had a plan to defeat their enemy, one with Sundown at its core. 

KC Kendricks

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.