Come with me into a world where visions live, and life and love are met on my keyboard, down in the spaces between the keys...
Friday, July 31, 2015
ACBW - Open Wide, Bite Down
Monday, July 27, 2015
Surrendered Victory by KC Kendricks
It's been a while since I've done a promo on the very first KC Kendricks book ever written. This evening seemed like a good time to share one. -KC
Surrendered Victory
KC Kendricks
Contemporary gay romance
Dalton makes Reed tingle in all the right places. Now Reed’s ready to answer the question that’s haunted his every failed relationship. Is he really gay?
Reed walked into Dalton’s life and everything changed. This time, Dalton won’t hide the fact he’s gay from anyone, even his son.
Together they surrender all to each other and claim the ultimate victory - love.
We tapped our shot glasses together and downed the golden-brown nectar in unison. Funny how I’d never cared too much for the stuff and now I liked it. Dalton flopped down on the bed beside me. My gaze dropped to his groin.
He shook his head. “First, I have a question.”
He grinned, showing even white teeth. “Does the elder Mr. Kauffman know you’re gay?”
I snorted. “What makes you think I’m gay? Because I’m naked in bed with another man?”
“Well, Reed, that is sorta my first clue.”
The nervous tapping of his left index finger drew me. “If you want a cigarette, go get one.”
Dalton shot me a sideways glance. “I’ve had my one for today. I’ve come this far to quitting, I’m not backsliding now.”
It didn’t seem wise to point out to him if he could get by on one a day he could get by on none. I chose a safer course. “Congratulations. It’s a tough addiction to break.”
“So is boffing guys up the ass. I’m not even going to think about rehabbing myself on that. Are you going to answer my question?”
“I wouldn’t want you to, and no, dear old Dad does not know for certain his heir likes boys,” I told him dryly.
“That’s not the talk.”
“Oh? That’s always been the talk, and I’m sure he’s heard it. That’s why, when I broke it off with the last girlfriend, his head exploded. The fallout of that eruption landed me out here where he doesn’t have to look at his ‘failure.’” I sighed and stroked his cheek with my knuckles.
“His loss.” Dalton propped up on his elbow and looked down at me, his face earnest in the light from the bathroom. “Do you think you’re a failure?”
“Because I’m gay?”
Jesus, I’d uttered those two syllables as though they were merely words and didn’t define my past, present and future all at once. I’d come a long way in the space of a few hours. Or had I? I’d been moving toward tonight for a long time.
Dalton splayed his hand in the center of my chest, his middle finger gently tapping the flat disk of my nipple.
“I’ve failed at a lot of things, but never at being me,” I said.
His face underwent a curious change, morphing from earnestly curious, to surprise, to something akin to pleasure, before turning sad.
“You’re one of the lucky ones then.” He trailed his hand down my torso to my belly button. I nipped his shoulder.
“Go lower, Dalton. Just a few inches lower.”
He pinned me to the bed with a quick, controlled roll, the move of a street fighter. A frisson of excitement, mixed with trepidation, swept me. Those large, calloused hands cupped my face.
“Reed, you have to be sure. If you’re not, we’ll call it a night.”
That notion scared me worse than anything he would physically do to me. If he backed off now, I’d never get this close to him again. The demons we both danced with would see to it.
Before I could answer, his mouth claimed mine, searing my lips as his fused to mine. My world reeled as his kiss stole my breath. His body covered mine, tense with the urgency of his desire and his demand. His intention was clear. He meant to have me before I could change my mind. I cupped his ass and pulled him closer.
A low moan rumbled in his chest as his arms held me still. My cock filled to bursting. He guided my hands to the headboard and I grasped the rail and held on as he licked his way down my chest.
Surrendered Victory
more info at
KC Kendricks
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
MSS#102 - Between the Moon and the Deep Blue Sea by KC Kendricks
Ocracoke Island. The Outer Banks. Pirate lore. The lighthouse. Sixteen miles of clean beach.
One house. Two men. Three months.
Starting over.

More about Between the Moon & the Deep Blue Sea:
Available at Amazon and other online book sellers
Welcome to the 102nd My Sexy Saturday blog hop! My Sexy Saturday gives you seven sexy sentences or seven paragraphs from some of the best romance available today. Use the list below to check out My Sexy Saturday participating authors.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Friday, July 24, 2015
A Conversation Between Writers (ACBW) - Penny Pinchers
Friday, July 17, 2015
Catching Fireflies and two 5-star reviews
Sometimes I feel like a bit of misfit. I don't go out and woo reviewers. Honestly, it's not because I get bad reviews - just the opposite. Reviewers generally say kind things about my work. My reticence is due to the fact I've read some scathing reviews that were not at all about the book but were instead about the author herself/himself or the publishing company handling the book.
Personal attacks on an author just because you don't like a particular book are unwarranted, not to mention unkind. I think they reflect poorly on the reviewer and call into question everything that reviewer ever said about every book they ever reviewed.

I wanted to create a little Twitter promo pic on Catching Fireflies and found I had no reviews in the file. So I went searching to see if there was any reader comments I could use. I googled and Barnes & Noble popped up two 5-star ratings. So that's two out of two at five stars from readers. Huh.
Here comes the promo:
Catching Fireflies is available at
Amazon, iTunes/Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo,
and other online booksellers.
How's that for working promo on the backlist this Friday? Considering how few readers actually comment on books, I'll take these two and be happy.
KC Kendricks
My home on the web- Between the Keys:
My country life at Holly
Tree Manor
A Conversation Between Writers - Cover Obsessions
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Highway Nights by KC Kendricks
** My Sexy Saturday was a weekly blog by a group of writing joining together for promotion. It ended in 2017.***
Welcome to the My Sexy Saturday blog hop. Today is the actual one-hundredth Saturday. Congrats to everyone who participates! This week MSS is all about sexy men and right away I thought about Oliver. Why is he sexy? He has a bit of maturity, knows himself, knows what he wants, and he won't step on anyone to get it. Just an all-around good guy who made some mistakes and learned from them. I think that sort of smart in a man is very appealing.
Here are seven sexy paragraphs from Highway Nights.
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Available now at Amazon
About Highway Nights:
Available at:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon CA:
Barnes and Noble/NOOK:
Universal link to additional booksellers:
Highway Nights webpage:
Friday, July 10, 2015
ACBW - Tread Lightly
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Bored, Stroked and Blueprinted - celebrating American muscle
Happy Independence Day! July 4th means different things to folks but most Americans do stop and remember the significance of the day. I've been known to have a thing or two to say about it here.
Being Saturday, it's also time to celebrate all things romance with the My Sexy Saturday blog hop. This is MSS #99 - quite an accomplishment. Kudos to organizer Lynn Crain for her dedication to all of us who participate.
Few things speak to me the way the American Muscle Car does. Yes, I put that in caps. It's a breed all it's own. So for Independence Day I'm throwing in a classic American - a 1969 Camaro - along with two sexy guys. Here are seven sexy paragraphs from Bored, Stroked and Blueprinted.
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About Bored, Stroked and Blueprinted:
KC Kendricks
Friday, July 3, 2015
A Fine Foggy Morning
It's a fine foggy morning in my corner of the world. Being the start of a four-day weekend, I'm not surprised. To make the best use of the weather, we're setting fire to a brush pile later this morning. Mother Nature provides no shortage of tree limbs for our little fires. It's up to us to burn wisely, that being when the ground is damp and there's no wind to speak of.
The ground here is most certainly damp. This June just past has been quite the rainy season. The annuals in my big pots have loved it, but notice the pool in the background? I've been in the pool exactly THREE times.
Yes, yes, I'm well aware the average temperature in my location for June hovers around 72F. I know this because of local meteorologists keeping records for over a century. ( Anyway, with all the talk of global warming, I expected better pool temps. Apparently I'm not the only one who's wrong on that. Ten years ago the average temperature for June in my neck of the woods was 73.4F. This year, with global warming, it was 72.6F. I should have gotten a pool thirty years ago and saved the planet.
Yes, my sarcasm is showing and that usually happens only at the day job. My apologies.
To remedy the cool-and-not-in-a-good-way pool temps, we've purchased a solar heating mat. Cost about $25 at that big online monster we all have a love/hate relationship with. My plan for the morning was to hop out of bed and install that puppy asap in hopes of the water in the pool warming to a nice 88F by this afternoon.
But it's a fine foggy morning here. I think I've time to take a cup of coffee to the patio and enjoy the quiet first. Fire and water can wait.
A Conversation Between Writers - Let it Roll!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
IWSG: Write the Story You Want to Tell
To the writers of the IWSG - network with me on Twitter at @kckendricks.